Anyone who would say that the MIDDLE CLASS includes the WORKING CLASS is an imbecile of the highest order. And you made the claim, not Sanders. You said that you somehow can read Sanders' mind and that he considers the working poor (Who you seem to think have savings. I doubt many do since poor people have to spend all of their money to live) to also be in the middle class. And I don't care how long someone has been in the Senate, if they think that, they are a bigger idiot than you are, which is saying something.
Tell me what is the difference between "working" class and "middle" class? Does "working" refer to blue collar and "middle" refer to white collar? If not then there is an undeniable overlap between working and middle. There might be some people in the working class that happen to be poor. If you also recall most of Sanders' statements indicates that the middle class is
shrinking which means that the overlap between who we would refer to as working class and middle class is getting bigger.
Furthermore much of the middle class does not have savings, which is another part of the problem. People having savings is rapidly becoming the exception.
Now in regards to the working
poor, It's not me reading Sanders mind, it's reading and seeing his statements about the issue over the last several years. It's not an issue of how long he has been in the Senate. Furthermore I never said (nor did he) that all the working poor are middle class, I said that his definition when
talking about helping the middle class includes the working poor. The working poor might have
additional issues on top of those of the middle class (such as living wage for starters) but that doesn't make his definition any less correct.
You're the one that started this "working poor" vs "middle class" argument not me.
I said she was the only one with BOTH credible foreign and domestic policy experience.
Which is something that is blatantly false. You implied that Bernie Sanders did not have credible foreign policy experience. Meaning that it is perfectly valid that the only thing that gives Clinton and edge over Sanders is that she happened to have the added advantage of serving as SECSTATE. If you simply said Clinton had
more experience by virtue of being SECSTATE we wouldn't be having this debate right now.
Say if it was someone like John McCain vs Hillary Clinton, and I said that the only thing that gave Hillary the edge over McCain is her years as SECSTATE, would that be "ridiculous" also? I think not.