It is cold, calculated, evil behavior directed at one thing, protecting the bottom-line.
"Oh my hands are tied!" they exclaim, as if they are helpless peons. A wise man once told me to ignore everything that preceeds the word "But" as it holds not relevance. So their justification is:Wal-Mart spokesman John Simley, who called Debbie Shank's case "unbelievably sad," replied in a statement: "Wal-Mart's plan is bound by very specific rules. ... We wish it could be more flexible in Mrs. Shank's case since her circumstances are clearly extraordinary, but this is done out of fairness to all associates who contribute to, and benefit from, the plan."
So I assume this means that they are screwing this poor woman so they don't have to screw everyone else."this is done out of fairness to all associates who contribute to, and benefit from, the plan."
I wonder how much they are going to spend on the next rounds of TV ads to shore up their reputation?