Mayabird wrote:xammer99 wrote:
2. To the guy who said “it works”, given the now MAMMOTH budget shortfalls that Illinois & Chicago are experiencing, we can see now that it only works when the economy is booming. Now that it’s slow, you get even higher taxes (Chicago was already the most heavily taxed city in the country) and less services for it because of that corruption.
It was the Broomstick, who is of the female persuasion and therefore not a guy, and also
everybody has massive budget shortfalls right now. Cities, counties, states, federal but that's practically a given at this point. Is Chicago any worse off proportionally than average?
Yes, Chicago is worse off than others. Thousands of people are getting let go, more are not getting replaced, all city employees are being forced to take unpaid vacation time, but those I imagine are givens. What's not a given is in a Snow City like Chicago, streets aren't getting salted or plowed, that's a real sign that things are really really bad. But to drive it home more, in a panic to make up the shortfall, the city had to sell it's parking meter's to a private company for around a billion or so (Daley already announced that this would result in a huge increase on parking meter fees, I believe his word was "staggering").
Oh, and icing on the cake, they are raising fairs on all public transportation as well as cutting routes quite significantly. The reason this is icing on the cake is last year, the CTA got a huge bail out from the state in addition to a fair hike to stay some what solvent because they were hemoraging so much cash. But in literally, the last hour, Blagojevich threw in a clause that all senior citizens get to ride any public transportation for free just so he could buy some more votes.
This isn't even touching on such waste as Blago's $20,000 in signage proclaiming his beneficence at each and every IPass station (Open road, no top tolling stations) or the other state officers like Jesse White who has his name plasted all over every SecState DMV and other branches. All just to remind ya who brought you these great services! Though admittedly, White has saved the state quite a lotta money, so my hat is off to him for that.