Ender wrote:B5B7 wrote:
Learn to read, and quote people accurately.
Said the fool who can't even use proper BB code? You don't use the quote function properly, and chide me for it? Are you trying to play up the ignorant, arrogant, no accountability stereotype of your generation here?
What on Earth are you blithering about here (re: not using proper BB code)? Provide evidence.
Ah, I just noticed something: when I referred to quoting people accurately I was referencing what the actual words were, not criticizing you in regard to technical quote code function. So, a bit of a misunderstanding there.
I genuinely don't know what BB code use error you think I have made.
You are really going overboard on this inter-generational hatred.
The rest of your post is stuff I disagree with.
One point - if I seem to be blaming Gen X & Y, then I have expressed myself poorly, and again I think we are having some problems in communication. I am saying that it is foolish to blame any generation, as the generational issue is a diversion from the real factors of fault. Also, a particular statement I made was of a "if...then" form in regard to Gen X & Y as compared with BBs, so it was a hypothetical sentence.
Ender - I don't want to be in a war with you, and perhaps both of us should express our ideas more clearly.
Here's some new stuff I want to mention:
wikipedia wrote:Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (born 1957[1]) is the international business editor of the Daily Telegraph.[2] A long-time opponent of the EU's constitution and monetary union, he was the Telegraph's Europe correspondent in Brussels from 1999 to 2004.
This is the guy who wrote the article - look at his birthdate - he's a baby boomer himself! Does he include himself, or exclude himself from blame (& idiocy)?
What blame do baby boomers who live in Africa or Asia (ie non-Americans in general) have for US economic collapse? [note to Ender: no doubt you will consider this query another "shifting the goalposts", but it directly relates to original claim that implied "all BBs were idiots", and also that you are not simply blaming just American BBs. In the specific example of USA, any voting age American is more responsible than anyone of any age in another nation (including me)].
Here is a scenario:
A selection panel for an important postion has a 70 year old, a 50 year old, and a 30 year old on it. Two candidates, A & B, both 50 years old, for an important position are interviewed. The 70 yo & the 30 yo, by a majority decision select A for the job. He turns out to be a bad choice, and analysis shows that B would have been a better choice.
Who is responsible in this situation for the errors made whilst A was in charge?
This will be my last post for a while as it is getting late here where I am [12:50 AM].
Edi - thanks for your worthless contribution, and inability to read my
precise words -
B5B7 wrote:20 or 30 or 40 years later
Before you criticize someone for innumeracy, how about attaining some literacy? You are adding a re-interpretation of your original statement to try to cover your ass.