Samuel wrote:Phantasee wrote:RedImperator wrote:Seeing as we're still mopping up some of Woodrow Wilson's messes, I'll nominate that prissy old racist dickbiter.
Could you expand on that a little (well, a lot)?
Oh boy. He was a racist asshole who purged the civil service of blacks, the only president who presided over what was essentially a police state and he helped draw the borders of interwar Europe and the treaty of Versailles.
Oh, even more than that. Thomas Woodrow Wilson, in pursuit of some messianic vision of himself as world peacemaker, essentially did everything in his power —including the aggrandisement of police-state powers Chimpus Caesar could only
dream of having so as to quash popular opposition— to ram this country into a war it really had no stake in, which resulted in the fucked up peace of Versailles and laid the groundwork for the next and far more horrific war to follow, and for which 117,762 Americans died for nothing. His anti-German (later transformed into anti-Boshevik) zeal in exercising those police-state powers through every executive department also effectively destroyed progressive politics in the United States and removed every threat to the business power and their designs, which gave us the Roaring 20s and, very soon after, the Great Depression. The downfall of progressivism was so complete that it took comparatively little effort decades later by politicians like Reagan and Gingrich to start the dismantling of the New Deal and the Great Society because there was no effective Left in the American political spectrum to oppose it. The McCarthy witchunts of the 50s? A pale imitation of the Red Scare which was vigorously stoked and pursued by Wilson's attorney-general, A. Mitchell Palmer, his Justice Dept. bully-boy, J. Edgar Hoover, and even his postmaster general, Albert S. Burleson, who simply took it upon himself to repeal the First Amendment and suppressed wholesale the circulation of socialist, progressive, and even any dissenting, literature and publications —and of course dutifully turning over the lists of all the mailing addresses to Palmer.
And on the other hand... Wilson's zeal against blacks really helped to solidify Jim Crow racism for a good five decades and helped create the conditions which a reptile like Nixon was able to use to bring to the GOP it's Southern Strategy —the race-card they used in every election from 1968 up to 2008.
Wilson damaged the politics of this country for a solid century and the scope of that damage is still going to be felt in America for a few decades yet.