Blue_Wolf wrote:Long time lurker, first time poster here. I just want to say "thanks" to Mike and the regular posters here on SDN. I grew up as an ultra-religious, YEC tard, and while I inherently knew how ridiculous some of the Bible was, the church leaders and parental pressure do a marvelous job of keeping your critical thought in check. And when you're younger, you're easier to brainwash. But along with science courses, good high school friends, and lots of reading, in addition to this site, I was able to break out of my utter stupidity and become a more rational person.
I was never as religious as you were, but I too give a lot of the credit for my current atheism and skepticism to a handful of web sites, including this one. The Internet is truly a wonderful, liberating thing. Congratulations, by the way, on getting over your childhood brainwashing. Most people never manage that.
OK, on to the opinions that I think prove stupidity. I would say that belief in the concept of the Holy Trinity makes absolutely no sense at all, yet millions of Christians continue to assert it. My pastor always said, "The father, son and holy spirit are one and the same." As a kid, I always wondered how the hell that would work - if Jesus was supposedly sent to die for the sins of humanity, wouldn't that end the existence of God, as well? And what about Jesus' teachings? He always referenced his "heavenly father," yet if the Trinity elements were one and the same, why wouldn't he just speak directly? I don't know if that really qualifies, and I'm not being as precise as I would like to be with the written word, but I hope I have kind of tried to put forth an argument.
See, I never had any problem with that when I was a Christian. I figured that
of course they were speaking metaphorically, and Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit were three avatars of the same entity, thus neatly resolving the crisis. I imagined Jesus as being like a waldo of God, and the Holy Spirit was the form God took when He talked at you.
Now if you want a real insane religious doctrine, here's one for you:
all sins are equal. Saying "shit" is every bit as bad as being a serial killer. Most of the Christians I've met will actually claim that this is true, "in God's eyes". And since God is the ultimate arbiter of Truth, then it must be so! You're as bad as Hitler and Charles Manson for momentarily doubting that God had a reason for making someone get tied up and raped in a basement. It's all part of God's plan.
I'm always surprised by how many Christians will defend this doctrine. And some of them are otherwise fairly intelligent, so I guess it doesn't work as a predictor of stupidity. It damn well should, though.
The other thing I always thought was bullshit, even as a kid, were the ridiculous arguments made by smokers demanding their "rights." When I was 9 years old, I accidentally inhaled some asshole's second-hand smoke in a family restaurant, and I experienced a long, painful coughing spell. It didn't take me much to figure out that a person's right to health should take precedence over a smoker's right to light up in public enclosed spaces. I even remember asking my Mom why it would be such a burden for them to smoke in private. But I think other posters have probably covered the smoking thing better than I, so I would say the Holy Trinity justifications are an expression of pure idiocy.
DAMN RIGHT. Every time I hear a smoker indignantly going on about his right to foul up the air for everyone around him, I immediately realize that I'm talking to a delusional idiot. This is incredibly selfish, and yet a huge number of people just don't get it. What the hell, asshole smoker?