How did i overlook this.
Anyway, proceeding with Cleansing Routine Delta - High Levels of Bullshit detected! Eredication necessary!
PhatMaus wrote:Sigh, perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough.
Oh, you did. Unfortuntely for you, your oppinion shows that you are a bigoted moron.
I'm not saying that it's BAD for a woman to be highly sexually active, just that the fact shouldn't be banned as a factor in determining the credibility of testimony
And how makes being highly sexually active one less credible?
Because that's what you are implying - and that implication says that it IS bad to be sexually active.
If it can be shown that the accuser has a demonstrable record of getting drunk and jumping into bed with anyone who came her way, it can put a real crimp in the claim that this one time she said no and she didn't just decide that she didn't like it the next morning,
"She is sleeping around, so it's unlikely that she said no".
Bravo - you truly are a bigot.
or didn't want her boyfriend to think she's a slut(Please note that it's telling that in this case the accused were thrown straight into jail on mere accusation and the cops wasted no time in telling the press all the lurid details of the fictional encounter. Does anyone seriously believe that if one of them hadn't filmed it, they'd be doing their 25 years in jail. On the strength of a mere accusation)
Statistics, asshole. They are different from single cases.
Here is what i want to see you procure:
-That sexual activity increases the odds of lying about being raped
-The mistrial rate for rape cases
Both should be easy to find, if they exist. Do so. Now.
I could likewise procure single cases for nearly every crime imaginable where mistrials were conducted. Can i therefore conclude that this is true for a significant percentage of these crimes?
About the case in the thread's OP, I can't find any evidence other than that of the accuser. There is a newspaper article where accuser's family says that she was too drunk to give consent, but the Senator's open letter says that that's just what they told the media and didn't mention it in court. Has anyone been able to find out anything more concrete? I'm genuinely curious.
If she was too drunk to give consent (which likely means that she was unconscious), then YES, it WAS rape.
If you have sex with someone without their consent, it IS RAPE.
A rather interesting bit of the story that no one seems to have noticed is that the "victim" in question is also the sister of the supposed rapists wife. What I think happened is that the guy cheated on his wife with her hot 16yr old sister. Immoral, but not illegal. Then, after it was found out, in order not to shame herself in front of her sister by admitting that she cheated with her husband, she claimed that she was raped. She then told a good enough sob story in court and convinced the jury to convict with no corroborating evidence whatsoever.
Juries ARE a problem - but not one that is to be blamed on rape victims, you hatfucker.
Furthermore - what if she did not want to sleep with him (due to him being married to her sister) and he therefore raped her?
That explanation is just as likely, at least until further evidence can be obtained.
P.S. I don't think Cro-Magon is a good insult, I doesn't quite roll off the tongue.
Indeed it isn't - a Cro-Magnong would likely be more open-minded than you.
Rather, you are an rape-apologistic mysognistic prick - a RAMP.
Oh, and another thing:
I actually agree with you! Yes, really - accusations of rape CAN be abused. However, this is mostly limited to public relations, not to the court system - at least in Germany. If it's different in the USA, then it is most likely a problem with your court system.
However, that does NOT excuse or explain your obviously bigoted statements. Which are, to summarize:
-that sexually active woman are more likely to lie (about being raped).
-that sexually active woman can be assumed to be more likely to give consent.
-that a significant majority of rape cases are fraudulent
-that rape victims are to be blamed for the actions of the media
This is simply horrendously bigoted. Which makes you a bigoted retard.