Metahive wrote:Please note the operating words, "as far as I knew."
I repeat, 0.06 seconds of googling.
Forgive me if my first response to recalling something I've had drummed into me forever isn't to immediately doubt it and google it.
For that matter, the federal courts have no actual ability to compel the government to do anything. "The supreme justice has made his decision. Now let him enforce it," anyone?
Wait, what? I didn't vote for him.
No, it isn't. You're telling me that because of something some shitheads did,
I, and every other single three hundred million-some Americans, should consider it justice to let a bunch of hate-filled men have the chance to blow me or them up. That's insanity.
The failures of government are not the failures of the people, and the responsibility for those failures does not include "death by suicide bomber" in the list of appropriate punitive measures in any event.
Putting an incompetent, criminal shithead in office twice very well is a failure of the people. The president is supposed to be acting on behalf of
all US citizens, remember? That's how a representative democracy works. Who knew that being a citizen also came with a number of duties and that there are sometimes consequences to careless actions! You better now prepare to face them and stop with the whining and the lazy attempts to shirk responsiblity. You do have the right to defend yourself against any attempt of ex-detainees seeking vengeance violently, but for sure not
before they actually do so, not if you wish to preserve at least a tiny pretense of justice.
I have a better idea, how about we gave them a shit-load of cash and drop them in
your homeland?
You're out of your fucking mind if you think it's remotely just to give a bunch of people with no ties to any community whatsoever the means to commit heinous crimes and tell them "since some assholes a while back did horrible things to you you, you're free to go, and don't go and commit a terror attack now or we'll lock you up again."
That's not justice, that's heinous negligence. And, as I said, the very first time anything like that actually happens will also be the
last time your idea of justice is seen in this country, as the rest of the ex-detainees are simply assassinated, either by the government or vengeful mobs of vigilantes, and you can kiss goodbye the laws that came to the ridiculous conclusion that handing a man with motive to commit a terror attack a shitload of money and releasing him into the country free as a bird was the just thing to do.
Which would be a gross miscarriage of justice on everyone else down the line. That's no answer whatsoever, and even
I wouldn't tolerate giving people we know to actively hate and want to harm this country a shitload of money and free entry into the country. That's not an acceptable solution, under any definition of justice. Try again.
Thanas wrote:ShadowDragon8685 wrote:Thanas wrote:Continue with civilian trials, compensate the guys who are wrongfully accused/held/tortured (and by compensation I mean the kind of money an american citizen would get), make a formal apology and vigorously prosecute the Bush junta and the CIA/other scum.
Of course, none of that is going to happen.
*snip whining*
WTH? You ask me what would have to happen to make this right and then you proceed to critize this situation because it is an
ideal world? When I even said that there was no chance of it happening? Does the concept of a hypothetical escape you?
Because your "ideal" world doesn't look very ideal to me, if it's in-line with Metahive's idea of an ideal world. In fact, it seems to me that it's only ideal from the perspective of someone who's in the camps.
So, unless you simply don't
care about the potential fallout from handing all the detainees they can't nail on any legitimate charges a huge cash settlement and letting them go free to do what they want, your solution seems very un-ideal. I was
hoping you had something else in the works, some hypothetical means of handling the situation that served justice for everyone, not just the guys in the camps.