Thanas wrote:Stas Bush wrote:Because the people of Greece are not happy with the way their government handled the "bailout"?

Sure, popular unrest and those pesky unions marching in Athens may sound like no big deal (
Glory to Sarkozy the Mob Crusher, everyone should do the same), but maybe it's bigger than it seems.
Screw them. They have one of the cushiest lifestyles in all the Eurozone, the comfiest retirement plans etc. on one of the smallest economie there is. I know you want to frame everything as a kind of class warfare, but this is not a thing like that. It is time the greeks start living according to their means, not hope for handouts from Germany.
Or are you actually arguing their livestyles are in any way justified by their economic performance?

I'm not seeing Greece being significantly out-of-order here. As for Greece having "the smallest economy", that's fucking bullshit that mindless talkheads on news channels repeat over and over, and their shit has tired me, oh it has. Greece has the economy about as large as Denmark, that staple of goodness, and a larger economy than Portugal (and the same population as Portugal, before you even start looking).
So no:
1) Greece doesn't have the "lowest" retirement age, neither the "cushiest" retirement plans in Europe.
2) Greece doesn't have the smallest economy in Europe, smallest economy in the EU or whatever, neither by per capita indicators nor by bulk size.
Once we got this out of the way, we can continue the discussion.
J wrote:Somehow, I doubt the rest of Europe will happy with that arrangement for too long.
As if the rest of Europe wasn't living "beyond their means", as if the "rest of Europe" wasn't making their hungry banks give cheap loans to South and East Europe and now that the South and East are fucking defaulting after trying to magically save capitalism by taking on private company debts, as if the rest of Europe wasn't complicit in the whole affair.
Oh no. They were, and there was a $37 billion bank bailout by the Greek government, for a nation whose GDP is $318 billion - a good 12% of GDP bailout. Germany and Greece were in a typical ricardian deadlock as well (except on a higher level): Germany was selling advanced machinery to Greece in exchange for agricultural goods. Everyone knows that this sort of situation can't be good for a long time.
However, it wasn't Germany who financed Greece with
cheap pre-crisis loans and thus was greatly complicit in the debacle. Those were France and Switzerland, these staples of goodness. Maybe Germany should direct their anger at the idiots (oh, wait they were doing profitable legal business before the crisis!) who gave out cheap loans to Greece, tanking their economy when loans stopped being cheap and serviceable with small payments.
Northern and Western Europe's holier-than-thou attitude needs some reminders just WHOSE banks were complicit in the debacle. And don't even get me started on the bailouts. The G8 made everyone eat the fucking bailouts in the name of the fucking G8. Yes, that includes Greece, whose government were idiots and made a 12% of GDP bailout of their fucking banks, and by extension of their fucking "industrialists" who were, indeed,
borrowing beyond their means because the West provided cheap credit.
Let me remind everyone in this fucking thread that before the crisis the European Union collectively
shat on their own debt criteria, turning a blind eye to excessive debt, whether private or government, in the name of "new economic growth", following America's lead. The debt criteria were not strictly enforced, and government bailouts - including the Greek one! - were cheered.
So nobody in Europe gets out scot free. Fuck that, fuck the whole system of lies that has been built to obscure the fact that everyone was fucking responsible for this mess. I can't believe I'm the only fucking person who thinks that the reasons are in events that happened before 2008, and the last two years are just Europe and the USA
reaping what they sow.