Broomstick wrote:Block wrote:Serafina wrote:You do realize that homosexual students kill themselves due to being bullied quite regularly, do you?
Also "X is worse than Y, so your analogy is not true" is simply false.
Turns out teenagers in general kill themselves quite regularly, being bullied for being homosexual is just the newest one
No, actually it's a really old reason for a kid offing him/herself.
If you say so. It's pretty new as far as being recognized as the reason why, as opposed to general bullying or depression.
Yeah? You do understand that, as horrible as rape is, it actually isn't a "fate worse than death"? It's not as bad as being subjected to such mental and verbal abuse on a daily basis that death seems preferable than enduring such a life one more day.
Really? Cause I was subjected to abuse like that for being weird and a nerd, pretty much every day from 6th grade on, and it got physical about once a year when they forgot that I could kick the shit out of them and pushed it too far. Never once did I consider suicide. Two of my exes were raped, one before I met her, one after we'd been broken up for a couple years, both tried to kill themselves afterwards. Do you understand that a single traumatic event is usually more damaging than being bullied? Note I am not claiming that bullying isn't damaging, but admitting online to a felony, raping small boys, isn't the same.
That would need to be investigated, wouldn't it? And given the vitriol demonstrated in her post it SHOULD be investigated.
and who said it shouldn't be? I just think that investigation should happen before she's instantly terminated.
I don't have to hide the fact I'm heterosexual, why should someone need to hide their homosexuality or transsexuality?
Ok so you'd openly talk about being heterosexual to your high school teacher if you're a high school student? That's a really weird relationship to have with a teacher, sorry. I'm not talking about hiding, I'm talking about simply not talking about it, just like I wouldn't talk about being straight, it's no one's business but mine, unless I'm asking them out on a date.