TheHammer wrote:The key difference is that many of the men you talk about needed those pyrimad of skulls to maintain power and position. A U.S. President has at most 8 years and then back to relative obscurity. Thus a President's goal isn't perpetual re-election which bogs down our congress, or maintaining your power like the dictators and tyrants you refer to. A president's main goal when it is all said and done is to be looked upon as a "good President". A hundred years from now we will all be dead, but a President's legacy will live on in the history books.
So, your argument is that we don't actually need to keep an eye on abuse of presidential power... because of your psychoanalysis of all future presidents.
way would a president be motivated by revenge against foreign or domestic enemies. Or by the idea that some idea or "enemy" ethnicity is so bad that it needs to be annihilated no matter the cost, and that "history will vindicate" him?
I mean seriously, the... OK, skip the Godwin's Law thing I don't even need it.
The Soviet Union was run by Marxist-Leninists who
literally believed (or claimed to believe) that the world was inevitably moving towards a true communist order and that anything which hastened the day of that change was good. They didn't just think history would vindicate them, they thought it was a matter of inevitable universal law that history would vindicate them.
And yet they did many terrible things the world would have been better off if they hadn't done them. Their desire to be judged by history did not deter them, because they thought they
understood history, well enough that they didn't need petty morality to tell them what to do when historic forces were in play.
What stops an American president from thinking the same way, only in the context of laissez-faire capitalism and American hegemony? If you think Fukuyama was right and "history" ended with "Western" triumph in 1991, so that all holdovers of socialism or Islam or whatever are just people who aren't getting with the program and need to be bulldozed under... how are you going to let a fear of being judged by "history" stop you from doing horrible things with that bulldozer?
I never said anything about History "punishing" presidents, merely judging them. I happen to believe that every President's ultimate goal is to be fondly remembered by history. Washington, FDR, Reagan, Lincoln... they want to be mentioned in that breath. Conversely, You don't want to be rememembered as another Nixon/Carter etc.
So? There is no rule that says a president will
accurately predict what the future will think of them. Many people throughout history have thought the best way to secure a good future and be remembered for it was to do terrible things.
You wouldn't have to look very hard to find neocons from 2005 or so saying things that can be paraphrased as:
"The West is in a unique historical moment, standing for democratic capitalist civilization against the hate-maddened mobs of radical Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. We must defend ourselves, by any means necessary, no matter the cost, and history will justify us as it justified [insert World War II analogy here]"
A lot of people believed it- still believe it.
A desire for good reputation is not a substitute for a conscience. They are simply not the same thing. Any psychopath can want a good reputation. Conscience is more difficult. And unless you can force
conscience on national leaders, you damn well need a way to watch them and rein them in if they get out of line.
The terrorist attacks and the ensuing decisions that followed have left GWB with a tainted legacy. So much so that when his second term ended his entire party wanted to distance themselves from him. His VP is regarded as a darth vader esque villain. And he's still despised in many parts of the world. So when you say he "made out like a bandit" I'd have to disagree.
Without 9/11, it is very doubtful that Bush would have
gotten a second term. Being the kind of president he was, he was inevitably going to be unpopular. 9/11 provided him with a massive artificial boost in his popularity, and means that he gets painted by at least
some as a brave terrorism-fighter instead of a champion of crony capitalism.
Without 9/11, Cheney would still have been unpopular and Bush would have been, in all probability, a one term president. He nearly lost to Kerry as it was; what would his chances have been without the national security issue?