General Zod wrote:
Of course you could have always, y'know, posted it yourself?
Now would be a good time for you to man up and admit that you didn't read my posts.
Did you know about
Paul Ryan having a 71 year old man at a public meeting arrested for speaking against him? No? OMG YOU HYPOCRITE1!!1!!!
As a matter of fact, I did.
But like I said just a few posts up(that you obviously chose not to read):
Sometimes it's laziness and an expectation that someone else had already posted it. I also haven't posted anything about that DDG that collided with a tanker, I had assumed it would have gotten posted by someone eventually, but it's been a couple of days now and usually I don't post "news" if it's been out there for awhile and uncommented on. Believe it or not, sometimes days go by where I don't visit the board except for maybe the Mess while on my cellphone in line or something.
I suppose I could amend that to "or testing, because it's a lazy way to kill time on cellphone".
Hell, the only reason I wandered over into this thread is because my Grandmother in Texas mentioned the shooting to me.
Now, this is me. One person. There are many
people who post in N&P, which is why I have expectations that some stories will get posted. Not just the Chinese knife rampage, but the DDG banging the tanker, for example. I was surprised that the DDG story wasn't posted. I
wasn't surprised when I went off to confirm Skimmers statement, but a tad disappointed. It's a heckuva a confirmation bias about my perception of N&P Groupthink towards firearms.
Heck, Flagg is one post up going SHOW IT'S A CIRCLE JERK OR GET OUT, after accusing me of being a rabid gun advocate who suffers from penis compensation, when you could probably count the number of gun threads where I took any stance in the past 9 years on one hand. He's doing a pretty good job of cultivating the image me and Skimmer alluded to.