And?ryacko wrote:There is less unemployment in Detroit then in Greece which has 26%.
What relevancy does Detroit have 1) to Greece 2) to any comparison with any european city/nation 3) to any context of civil riots, etc
And?ryacko wrote:Greece has an economic contraction rate of -7%. Somehow they still manage to have inflation of 1%.
Is your point that the situation is not getting better right now? If so don't you think that actual Greeks already have that information?
Why?ryacko wrote:I doubt conditions are as tenable as you presume.
How do you assume just how tenable Boeing thinks the condistions are?
Yes?ryacko wrote:You also presume that the opinions of a majority of the population actually matter. In times of uncertainty and violence, they can be cowed into accepting the desires of others.
The majority of power factions or political trends do matter. If there are no factions with power that would gain from civil war or which are in a position to take power in a civil upheaval. Then there is really no chance that such an upheaval will take place. This since the current factions and the power behind them are actively avoiding such confrontation since they can only lose from it.
Why do you think that the powers that are gaining ground, like Golden Dawn, would have anything to gain from changing the current status quo?
Who do you think the Greek military is backing?
ryacko wrote:How is EUFOR any different then NORTHCOM providing support in the wake of riots?
Instead of asking the board, don't you think it would be prudent to simply wiki the different organisations? If you did you'd see that their role and organisation is completely different.
Comparing them in any way to each other or to even contemplate that EUFOR would get such a mandate on similar terms as NORTHCOM is completely alien.
Why did you specifically chose NORTHCOM to compare EUFOR with? In which way if any do you think they compare?
What standing troops do you think that EUFOR have that could be deployed in a rapidly detiriorating situation?
How long do you think it normally takes for a EUFOR deployment to take place between decision to actual troops on the ground?
Really?ryacko wrote: I doubt there are as many factors as you would suggest.
You mean that you think that there are less factors involved than what has been mentioned in 3-4 posts in a web forum? And not that the situation is absurdly complex beyond the understanding of even experts in the field?
Why?ryacko wrote: I bet that if civil order breaks down to such an extent that the Greek government declares a state of emergency and is incapable of collecting taxes (a natural result of an area mired in rioting), EUFOR will be called on to respond.
1) Why do you think that such a breakdown is likely when NATO, EU, Greece and other security experts simply don't?
2) Why do you think a state of emergency is the end of anything?
3) Greece has had trouble collecting taxes for decades why would now be different when the trend is the opposite?
4) Do you have any knowledge about european countries interrivalry or politics?
5) Do you know anything about the relationship between Greece and Turkey and what a civil war would signify for that relationship?
6) Why would the EU use EUFOR deployment at all before all the other options of intervention?
7) Why would Greece itself ask for EUFOR instead of for instance a NATO deployment?