I'm not posting the entire article. But I find it "hilarious" that the concerned caller's kid was involved in this "violent shoot-out" and dodged any punishment.A seventh-grade student was suspended from his Virginia middle school for shooting an airsoft gun — yet the 13-year-old boy was not using the "zombie hunter" on school property or even at the local bus stop, he claims.
A three-member disciplinary panel unanimously voted to suspend Larkspur Middle School student Khalid Caraballo for one year, a Virginia Beach city public schools official told the Daily News on Tuesday. However, the panel voted to hold the suspension in abeyance to allow Khalid to attend an alternative education program at Renaissance Academy Middle School.
Unrelated, but it reminded me when a bunch of kids thought it would be funny to moon one of the APs at our high school when they noticed his car behind the bus. He followed them to the school, stormed the bus yelling about suspensions and charges, then noticed his own son was the instigator, and left in an embarrassed huff.
Don't bother. We're talking about a class of people who equate Nerf Guns with the real thing.aerius wrote:Even in gun happy America, that would be unlawful discharge of a firearm, illegal use of a firearm, and reckless discharge of a firearm, which are all felony charges. Plus attempted murder which is also a felony. That would be 4 felony counts. Definitely a crime. Unless your name is Dick Cheney, you are going straight to jail.
It's an old quip, but it will always hold true: "No Tolerance should be called for what it is: No Thinking." I remember our AP Physics teacher had a "potato cannon" she would let us fire off (with foam balls, mind you) if we did exceptionally well on an assignment. These days, foam darts may as well be 9mm Black Talon Cop Killer Super-Specials FMJ Hollow-point Explosive tips. Damn, I brought one of my old NES Zappers (along with R.O.B.) with the cord cut off (it broke) to elementary school for show and tell. I never knew how much of a killer-in-training I was till now. It's a good thing society has evolved to the point where kids should understand complex social problems, even though we won't bother with education in that department.Several students at a Washington state elementary school were suspended after shooting guns at school, except the weapons were only harmless Nerf guns and the kids say it was their teacher who permitted them to bring them to class.
Regardless of the weapons being toys, the children violated the school's "zero tolerance" policy on guns of any kind when they were caught shooting off the foam darts Friday before class, administrators said.
But seriously guys, please think of the children because if we don't punish them for being ignorant by withholding education, how will they ever learn?
NOTE: apologies, my sarcasm center broke just now.