AniThyng wrote:You declared it to be sick and are surprised it's considered a mental illness and crime? What else could it be? Did you think this through? Is it now clearer why sone people may also on top of this disapprove of children( teenagers, not literal children) having sex with each other? Or are they still Neanderthal monsters?
Actually, at the time I made that statement I hadn't thought it through. I actually didn't get much sleep last night because I kept running this over and over again in my head. Before I go through my thought process and offer it up for critique I do want to ask you to clarify something and then address your latter questions to make it perfectly clear as to what my position is.
What is this "it" that you are claiming I said to be "sick"? Pedophilia? Or A 28 y.o. having sex with a 16 y.o.? I cannot find where I've said anything was "sick". I've been calling a spade a spade for several posts now.
I've been consistent with regards to the OP that these two adolescents (girl was a teenager the boy was not) were NOT wrong (morally or legally) for having sex with each other. I adhere to the notion that they should've been better taught as to the reprocussions of these actions as well as taught safety and responsibility. So no, I do not criminalize them; nor do I consider them Neatherthal monsters for it.
I have consistantly maintained that a 19 y.o. having sex with a 15 y.o is pedophelia (by definition and with regards to the legal considerations for age of majority and age of consent). I have not seen this refuted.
I have also maintained that I disagree with bringing criminal charges to minors having sex with their peers.
My thoughts with regards to the "mental illness" aspect:
From a strict biological aspect
Biologically speaking, an animal or organism (thus a human also) is considered an adult when it reaches puberty (sexual maturity or reproductive stage). Since we are, as a species, decedents from a common ancestor with chimpanzees (and share a ~94% DNA match) then I can only think to look at their mating behaviour as a basis for comparison with regards to human mating. Remember too that I hinted at this in an earlier post wherein the ages for sexual contact was justified based on this principle. I may personally find this distastefull (due to my upbringing - more on that a little later) but, taking an outside scientific observation of nature may shed light on this.
Here is where I began questioning the mental illness aspect of an older male being sexually attracted to a younger female, or vice versa, all things being considered equal here. IIRC, it has been noted that ages ago the human life expectancy was substantially lower (
20 during Neolithic times); so in order to perpetuate and guarantee our (homo) survival, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary to assume that females and males had sexual relationships soon after puberty.
In looking to our most common biologically linked cousin (is that the right term here?), the Chimpanzee, I found this:
Females reached menarche at about 11 years of age but this was followed by a period of adolescent sterility of median length 26 months.
If I'm reading this correctly, the first signs of menstration at 11 years, reproductive viability at ~13-14. According to
this, human females in the US reach menarche at an average of 12.5 y.o.
So, from a strict biological aspect, it isn't a mental deficiency for someone to be sexually attracted to a male or female of reproductive age.
I DO see how it could be a mental defect for someone to be sexually attracted to a male or female NOT of reproductive age.
From a legal/moral aspect
I am conflicted now, in light of the varying age of consent laws in the US as to the "rightness" of having sex with someone under the age of 18. I have always been taught that it is inappropriate to be sexually attracted to anyone that is considered a minor (not age of majority). So, it's been beat in my head pretty hard.
I may get flamed for this, but I will admit that there were times I was initially attracted to a minor (17 & under) female. But, when I found out their age, I immediately made a mental check to note that it was inappropriate to feel that way and modified my thoughts about them accordingly. Or at least supress them, If I want to be completely honest about it.
I also realize that I must look at things more equally. I have found that I do have a double standard when it comes to adult males having sex with minor females vs the other way around. Again, I believe this to be from upbringing and the fact that I find myself mostly attracted to older females. So I admit to bias here.
Dominus Atheos wrote:You think that's crazy, let me propose the following scenario:
Girl, say... 15, gets naked on a webcam and the person on the other end records, saves, and later uploads it to Limewire. 28 year old Joe anomalously downloads and watches it. He doesn't pay for it, doesn't chat with the person who uploaded it, or in any way encourage the production of any other underage pornography. Since he's still using Limewire, which is a P2P program, other people can download it from him, although Joe doesn't encourage it and barely even knows it happens.
What should Joe's punishment be, and why?
If Joe knowingly downloads pornographic material of a child nature then he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
If Joe is using Limewire and enables his hard drive or "share folder" for access across the users then I can hardly see agreeing with "he didn't encourage or barely know about it". That to me would be a bullshit excuse. You full know what Limewire is for, unless you are really that ignorant.
If Joe doesn't know it is a 15 y.o. and he gets caught with child pornography, then I'm sorry but he is still under the laws and rammifications for his actions. Do I agree with this, no I don't. If there was no way of knowing that this girl was 15 the current laws should take this into consideration. At worst, I think he should be court ordered to remove illegal videos and Limewire, and he should be instructed to only surf for legal porn (i.e. those that post age verification for their actors).
If Limewire is a conduit for passing child porn, they should be shut down.