energiewende wrote:
I'm not defending "the Western media" (whatever that means - you might have noticed there isn't just one here), I'm trying to bring home to you the fact you are crowing over a supposed victory in a war where you have sided with the bad guy.
My crowing was that the Western media made a mistake. Do you dispute that? If not then I did win this "war" (your words not mine). Oh wait, instead you make an irrelevant point and then not so subtly start having a totally different conversation. Thanks for wasting my time.
energiewende wrote:
Instead of being strapped to the bed by policemen which is of course totally illegal (at least, in the sense that the policemen could have arrested themselves) you are instead meant to be sufficiently afraid of the crippling fines and other formal sanctions, and abort yourself.
So you did let those facts that forced abortions are illegal and officials have been punished for them get in the way. Now perhaps you might explain why all fines are wrong, since this is the same principle the PRC is using. Economic means to affect certain behaviours.
energiewende wrote:
Answered directly there. "Overpopulation" is only relative to resources. The PRC economy was about 50x less labour efficient than that of the US. That is why it could not produce enough food. There was no birth restriction in Hong Kong, which had much higher population density, yet not only was there no starvation but consumption of all resources was vastly higher.
HA HA HA HA HA. ROTFL. Hong Kong can only produce 20% of its food and relies on imports from the mainland moron. Are you trolling? Good god you are embarrassing yourself aren't you?
I bet you are going to shift the goalposts and say well I was referring to ability to buy food rather than ability to "produce enough food."
But lets revisit your earlier statement (I had to break up the quote so its easier to follow, but reproduce it below)
energiewende wrote:PRC had a "shit" standard of living (your words, not mine) because it was run by socialists, not because it had too many children. If PRC had been run by people with a less broken ideology ("freedom" is a good start) it would have been able to produce enough food without mass slaughter of unborn children. As in fact it is able to do now, after free market reforms.
Again ignoring the fact that standard of living was low before the CCP came to power, ergo blaming socialists for something occurring before they came to power is a bit much. Don't worry, as we see you believe in using time travel to solve solutions.
Again, where is the numbers to support this? Do you even care about the fact that China has less arable land than a similar size country like the US? Do you even care that more efficient crops eg modern day hybrid rice weren't available then? You are just a libertard who just assumes what works in one country will automatically work in another country with different environmental conditions.
You anti abortion rhetoric is still funny. I bet you are one of those fuckwits who say abortion is murder, right?
energiewende wrote:
Here's something for you. Even after Mao's shitty mistakes the standard of living was still higher than when he came into power. * I know things like cause and effect are inconvenient for a dumbfuck like you, but try and think this one through. If the standard of living was poorer before the PRC was formed, therefore it wasn't because it was run by socialists. It was poor in the first place (or had been for the last few decades prior to their formation). Remember what I said about facts. Yeah those things.
In this time PRC per capita GDP grew 90%, while Japanese per capita GDP grew 1,450%.
Doesn't refute my point that the PRC was poor even before the socialists came to power (especially when you talk about bad governance before the CCP was even formed), so blaming them for being poor is a bit rich. Are you even trying to argue the point, or just sprouting talking points, ala Sarah Palin style.
energiewende wrote:
PRC won't match the US in military power for 20-30 years after it matches in total GDP, which it has not yet done. In that time India will overtake total population, with still strong growth trend. It's possible there will be some 5-10 year window in which PRC is the notionally most powerful country, with the most optimistic assumptions, but the long term trend is pretty clear: there isn't going to be a "Chinese Century" unless India implodes in a spectacular fashion. More like Chinese Decade.
Now I know you are just sprouting talking points.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with my claim that you're wrong when you say China's population has decreased, which your own graph refutes your claim. Do you know how stupid that makes you look?
You - China's population is decreasing.
Me - er, no its not
You - see this graph, it proves it
Me - it shows the population still increasing.
You - (changes topic to talk about Chinese century not occurring)
If you want to start a thread on whether there will be a Chinese century or not, no one is stopping you, but you are literally just sprouting talking points like a moron. Or how about you create a thread in SLAM where you explain why abortion is murder. That should be funny.
energiewende wrote:
Data-mining; creating a huge population of desperately poor people then counting only the short period of time you adopt less absurdly terrible policies to calculate your rate of escape from poverty is dishonest. If China had been run by the same people who were running Japan it would have been developed already in the 1970s and most of those people would've never been in poverty. If by those running Britain or US, well, China would rule the whole world for some time now.
So still waiting for that great plan of yours. Oh wait, it involves time travel and going back in time and making market adjustments then. Good idea, as soon as I find a funny white guy with a sonic screwdriver, I will just hi jack his TARDIS and .. oh fuck it, you are a dishonest twat aren't you? Now why don't you start with the same limitations China's leaders had when they introduced their family planning policy in 1979 and see how you will manage without restricting population. Your answer is to change the question and say if I had even more time than Chinese leaders then I would have made a difference.
In other words, you can't actually do the challenge without changing the conditions. Not only are you stupid, but dishonest as well.
energiewende wrote:
me wrote:Clearly your talents are wasted here. Why don't you show your brilliant ideas to some poor developing nation and do a better job than China's leaders. In fact, why aren't you offering your services to the US since China continues to catch up with them in GDP since that worries you so much. <snip>
I have. US is at the technological pinnacle, so it can't make convergence gains (ie. copying ideas and processes from more developed economies), it instead has the harder task of creating new ideas and processes, which is what I do in my job. Although I don't work for the US, what I develop is shared with them.
1. So what's stopping you offering your services to a developing nation, since its so great.
2. I love how when you refer to China, you talk about poor economic management, and then when I ask why aren't you giving you great advice to the US, you change to technological development. You do see the disconnect here don't you? You don't actually have an economic plan do you? Well other than the equivalent of a writer saying he will improve his stories by writing better, without explaining how he will write better.
energiewende wrote:
If I had run China throughout the 20th century it would be much better off than it is. Not that I'm special, it's just not that hard to do better than the morons who ran China. There's no great secret, just look at what HK was doing, and do that.
You seriously think running a small territory is the same as a big one? God you are fucking stupid. Hey, why aren't you running some developing nation, and make them better than China? The more you do, the more you will have to offset China's rise. Isn't that beneficial to your POV?
energiewende wrote:
That's rather racist - aren't Manchu part of the Chinese nation?
Yeah, in modern times. Two hundred years ago (as per your words) they were the rulers and saw themselves separately from their Han subjects. In those days the concept of identifying yourself by ethnicity was stronger than if you identified yourself by nationality.
energiewende wrote:
They're also looking more to the ultimate prize, rather than just desperately trying to hang on to power as in the past.
I am sure for you next trick you will explain what that has got to do with lifting people out of poverty by restricting population.
In the past they just wanted to maintain order. They saw a swelling mass of humanity as dangerous. Today, they have more control, and want instead to harness their large population to play on the globe's stage.
Good grief, you are batshit insane. Here is one for you.
If freedom improves the economy (according to you), and their current leaders are more competent and have done some reforms (that is their people have more freedom), how is it they have greater control than ever when their people have more freedom?
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.