energiewende wrote:
If you believe that states are just computer programs playing a huge game of Risk then there are two (at least, but the most important ones) moves that it is hard to explain BritainBot not making:
Well since I don't believe states behave just like computer programs playing the world wide equivalent of Risk... I guess I win then. Thanks for playing.
energiewende wrote:
- Declaring war on the USA in 1862. There was political will to do it and the French wanted to come along. The US could have been strangled in the cot.
Repeat after me. Harry Turtledove writes highly speculative fiction.
energiewende wrote:
- Declaring war on either the USA or the USSR in 1918. Britain possessed the world's most powerful army and the world's most powerful navy. Japan would've joined against the USA and probably the French against the USSR. There is a real possibility here, with ruthless diplomacy and total commitment, to simply conquer the entire world. It was also known that the window of opportunity would close in a few years (as in fact it did) and probably never re-open.
1. The USSR was not formed until 1922.
Bit hard to attack a country that doesn't exist.
2. The British had already lost some of their appetite for Imperialistic wars by then. Witness the public response in London to the British invasion of Tibet a bit more than a decade ago. Also note they had just fought WW I.
3. I am going to ask you to provide evidence of your claims about Japan wanting to attack the US in 1918 rather than just you stating it. If I took you at your word I would be forced to believe the USSR was around four years before it formed.
The fact is that British society has never been inclined to unpromptedly launch epic wars whose result is either world conquest or total destruction. Sometimes it joined and prosecuted them, but only if it felt there was something more at stake than its score in some game. Hence Britain was wlling to bankrupt itself fighting against Germany's Wagnerian conquer-or-die bids for greatness, but in the face of US's peaceful rise Britain was much more willing to slide into a quiet but comfortable retirement.
I love you handwave away Britain's involvement in such "epic wars" by the word "unpromptedly," at the same time admitting they have participated in such wars. This is just rhetorical bullshit on the highest order.
energiewende wrote:
With PRC, US won't be willing to do that. PRC's ideology is subjection to the universal state, and only that. Nuclear weapons probably save us; otherwise, the US should have declared war on the PRC about 5-10 years ago.
Seriously PRC's ideology is subjection? What does that mean? Oh you meant subjugation. In which case you get another
I would ask you to prove that, but for you authorial fiat clearly outweighs evidence, so I am most probably wasting my time.
Your entire spiel makes no attempts to refute the point - that geopolitical interests outweigh cultural factors in deciding a conflict. Oh wait. You just assumed that its automatically it is a nation's number one interest to be top dog and must always try to maintain that status irregardless to the consequences. Thus when they don't conflict, its because of "cultural factors". I guess that urge to be top dog drives the other 100 + countries which aren't the top dog, right?
energiewende wrote:
Of course neither of them were guaranteed wins, but the alternative is guaranteed eventual (relative) decline. mr friendly guy is arguing that states always try to preserve their relative positions. .
Now I know you didn't read what I wrote. Since I kind of argued that for all we know, China's rise (ie becomes the bigger economy vs the US) could be similar to the US own rise (have a bigger economy than the British Empire); that is with no conflict as one state attempts to preserve its relative position. In which case it blatantly contradicts the supposed claim I made about states always trying to preserve their relative position.
Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.
Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.