Borgholio wrote:Well guess what, asshole, I am not talking about general religious power. I am talking specifically about the religious ideology that drives people to commit mass murder and about how without that ideology, the mass murder is not as likely to happen. Get that through your thick fucking skull. All your tangents about general religious philosophy are irrelevant because Islam can NOT be compared to other contemporary religions.I'm talking about general religious power you moron. Murder, repressing homosexuals, it's all about power. The religious people that have the power to do it do.All I meant.

And what do you think drives that ideology? The weakness of secular powers in the country no? This is what I'm trying to get across to you: religious power==weaker secularization==less rationalization to fit in with the norms we expect from secular societies. It is simple.
In societies where religious dominance unacceptable you quickly see religious people rationalize themselves into secular believers. This happens to Muslims in the West and, iirc, it happened to the Mormons: they quickly discovered that God wanted them to like black people, just as God wants all liberal Christians to respect everyone else's wishes when he tells them he'll burn people who have the wrong ones. This is clearly irreconcilable.
What separates Islam from other contemporary religions is that a significant portion of Muslims are in places without this secularization. At least, when we're talking about Christianity. For other religions with a less martial history or absolutist dogma there is a much deeper gap.
Absolutism and damnation. An absolute justification for any action. This of course is tied to abuse of power: you have to have it or you rationalize your way into peacefulness like the Western Christians have.That line of discussion was one of the ones that you decided to give a mental blowjob because you totally missed the fucking original point. I never said that all religious behavior was wrong, I said the mass-murdering kind was wrong. And religious or not, the numbers make all the fucking difference.I've also not failed to notice how that line of discussion is completely missing now.
What basis? That people who have power often abuse that power? That's nothing new and nothing special. What's special is that you have never seen Christians go around blowing themselves up or flying planes into fucking buildings. Muslim fanatics have taken religious terror to a whole new fucking level, which no other religion has ever done.The difference is just that: secularization. When Christians or Muslims have power they are justified in acting how they please.It is built into the very nature of hell and damnation. I notice that you don't actually challenge the basis for this.
Read above: Christians can no longer blow or burn up people not because it is irrational if you believe in damnation. They have simply been socialised out of it by secularization.
As for the degree of religious terror: I don't particularly care to be honest. The violence is commensurate with the technology the fundamentalists have access to. It's just the Middle East's bad luck that they didn't get rid of their fundamentalists in the time of the muskets. You've stated multiple times that killing someone for religion is worse in and of itself, not because more people die. If it's just more people die then who cares? That's a vacuous truth.Jesus H Christ, you are fucking stupid.1- Religious violence provides an unlimited justification for violence and death
2-Religious violence is thus a greater crime
3-Then if a religious man kills one person only, as he intended to, he committed a greater crime or sin than if a murderer killed that same one person.
Is that not your claim? Right, I thought so.
1. Religious violence provides "justification" for committing more murders and acts of terror than other potential reasons.
2. If more people are killed as a result of religion, then by simple NUMBERS it becomes a greater crime.
3. Bull-fucking-shit. The crime is greater only if he kills more people than a more "typical" murderer such as a burgler or drug dealer. The religious aspect when dealing with a single murder is likely to only have an impact when he is sentenced for his crime, as an honor killing is not a legal justification for homicide.
But hey, if you just mean that religion is a greater cause of crime in total (as opposed to a greater crime which is what you said which makes no fucking sense) then fuck it, I see your point. I have no interest in trying to actually quantify such a statement.
You said that murder in the name of god was worse than otherwise,(when called on it you specifically separated the practical harm caused by more deaths and the evil of religious murder) then you went onto some weird tangent about mathematical/objective evil which was like a bad season of a TV show no one wants to talk about, now you try to slant the discussion by comparing murder/mass murder. Smart. But no thank you.Oh I'd very much like for you to explain how claiming that mass murder in the name of God is worse than a single murder for other reasons is bullshit. Furthermore, I would like you to explain how, if the whole fucking reason for the murder is Islam, the murder will still take place if Islam was taken out of the picture?What I did say is that the sort of moralizing and thinking that follows from some of your claims smelt like bullshit to me.
I honestly wasn't serious but it really does depend. while it was a glib statement everything is contingent.Holy shit, see what I mean? You can't even agree to a simple statement like that! How the living fuck can it be a good thing to have more children die? What good can POSSIBLY come of a greater loss of life? Just GIVE IT UP man. You've proven that you really don't have a point to make, you just like arguing. Christ, this is getting to be right out of a Monty Python sketch.Depends.
If you mean if I think it is better to kill less kids than more...sure.Is it objectively/mathematically better? I dunno. Is it better for the Taliban? By what measure? Politically? Probably. Morally? Depends.
As for me being a comedy sketch: the simple solution is to just disengage if it bothers you that much. Because it might be fun to attempt to both undermine me and argue me into the ground-having your cake and eat it- but if you truly believe as you do then you either a fool for continuing to engage me. So you are either a fool or a person that is insincerely using mockery as a cudgel to score cheap points in an argument that annoys him like a high schooler.