The extent to which people get worked up about drugs has very little to do with how many deaths they cause.Or could it be that alcohol "only" causes 1/6 the number of deaths each year compared to tobacco products and thus isn't as big of a danger?
And again, so what? Tobacco companies and breweries are both knowingly selling toxic products that result in a huge number of deaths each year, which people willingly consume despite having no excuse for not being aware of the risks. What it so special about the idiots who smoke themselves to death instead of drinking (or eating or [insert self-destructive behavior here]) that makes the producers liable? Don't just repeat that cigarettes are really bad for you. I know that. I want to know why one highly toxic and addictive substance that people voluntarily consume is sufficiently special and different from another highly toxic and addictive substance that people voluntarily consume as to merit damages. What is the qualitative difference that makes them incomparable?
Even more confusing: nicotine addicts have a number of relatively harmless (and cheaper) alternatives to smoking should they wish to stop killing themselves.
In all honesty, there's nothing preventing a larger tobacco company from doing the same thing, but it would probably make more sense to go through that legal hassle if you're a small niche shop and not a major corporation.
In what world does it make more sense for Mom and Pop's boutique to pay a lawyer jump through a few legal hoops for a paltry profit than for a industry giant to do the same in order to rake in billions?