K. A. Pital wrote:Is it? Historically the constitution originated as a document that would limit the absolute power of monarchs.
Well, its certainly an argument in favour of constitutional government today, that it places a limit on the so-called "tyranny of the majority".
Why are you pissed? Globalism, as it happens now, is the demolition of nation-states.
"as it happens now"
I wish to contest that status quo.
Stronger, more standardized international regulation could act as a check on corporations that move operations from country to country in order to dodge tax laws and laws that protect the rights of workers.
They lose their borders, their economic power (many have no own currency), their military power (many have no military and thus rely on "master great powers" to uphold their territorial claims, like NATO/US or China and its satellites). If you demolish the nation-state structures, something will come to fill the vacuum. Remove the army, and you have PMCs filling the niche. Remove the nation-state, and you leave the space open for a naked power grab by corporations. International structures, due to their undemocratic, unelectable nature, are even more at risk of being coopted by corporations (and indeed they are). You can be blind to this, but blindness is no excuse.
Beware of false dichotomies.
If you wish to make the assertion that their are only two possible outcomes, nationalism or corporatism, I expect you to prove it.
So far, given the betrayal of the social democrats, it seems like the nationalists are filling a vacuum again. Social democrats or "democratic socialists" betrayed the working class, sold them out to corporations, laughed as neoliberal vultures destroyed the welfare state and enriched themselves in the process. Major facts of corruption and collusion of social democratic candidates with megacorporations have been established over the last several decades. Traitors cannot be trusted, so the working class mistakenly turns to the nationalists. Of course, these are dozen for a dime and will certainly betray again and again, so nothing is improving, essentially.
Actually, something rather different seems to have been happening to an extent in the current US election.
Their was a strong anti-establishment push in the primaries, and it basically went two ways.
On the one hand, Donald Trump, a raving, incompetent, bigoted narcissistic demagogue.
On the other hand, Bernie Sanders, a social democrat/democratic socialist.
While most of Bernie Sanders' supporters have gotten behind Clinton (if only to stop Trump, in some cases), some have gone third party/independent/write-in, or even switched to Trump. Clinton has a lot to recommend her as a candidate, but it is nonetheless arguable that the Democrats missed a real chance to steal the anti-corporate establishment thunder away from the Republicans.
I would also argue that you are making an overgeneralization about social democrats.
Or maybe you just think anyone to the right of Marx is colluding with megacorporations, I don't know.
If you don't understand the concerns of the population, in the end, "nationalist bigotry" will prevail. Stop shoving the neoliberal globalist mantra where uber oligarchs wield enough power to buy up whole countries down the worker class throat, and you may find that many more ordinary people in the First World agree with you.
Where have I ever advocated for a neoliberal agenda, or for rule by unaccountable oligarchs?
Oh yeah. Nowhere.
I'm coming at this from a different viewpoint than the neoliberal establishment, the communist, or the Right wing nationalist. That being, essentially, that I would like to see a greater cooperation between states (democratic states in particular), in part to provide a check on the abuses of multi-national corporations, with the ultimate end goal being a global government along democratic socialist lines.
My reasoning, in brief, is that their are some problems which are global in nature and therefore require a global response, particularly in an age of mass transit and mass communication on a global scale; that globalization is a reality and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future, barring an apocalyptic collapse of modern civilization; that it is simply not possible to even pretend to isolate oneself from the world without embracing bigotry and despotism on a North Korean scale; and that therefore, greater involvement in the affairs of other nations is obligatory, and our best option is not to fight globalism, but to promote a form of globalism which better protects the interests of the people.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.