Dragon Angel wrote:It ends up targeting everyone who is mentally ill anyway because everyone who isn't thinks they're the best (armchair) psychologists capable of diagnosing the reals and the fakers and ignoring all sense of nuance. Even people who currently have a mental illness or have had one can fall into this trap.
Psychology is the one discipline nearly everyone on the planet thinks they are an expert in. It's not even comparable to people who think of themselves as Internet Lawyers or Internet Doctors. It pisses me off to no end because I live with someone who doesn't believe I have a mental illness even though a therapist has explained to her several times that I do. Try not to use the "mental illness" defense unless you can do a damn good job of proving it, because in the end you will harm the mentally ill if you're incompetent.
People already play Armchair Psychologists, people already think because they've seen the mentally ill on tv or because their cousin's uncle's best friend's roommate had PTSD from being in the Coast Guard they know when someone is or isn't mentally ill.
And I do want the mental illness defenses deployed only when its had a damn good job of being proven but I think it should go both ways, prove someone isn't loony in cases like this so heinous. Hence my concerns Roof wasn't given proper testing to see if he was mentally ill.
Dragon Angel wrote:Like, here. Where is the proof of "we don't know for certain"? Citations? Because what you describe can be severe depression, but depression alone does not cause someone to go on a racist rampage. I mean, with the obvious exception of radicalization and racism, this could partially describe me too.
There has to already be a violent streak in a person to enable them to be mentally capable of causing violence. Especially violence on that scale.
Those things show don't know for certain, that was my problem. Roof had signs he might have been mentally ill, indicators, nothing concrete but stuff was there. Was he just depressed, did he have some mental illness, we don't know, he didn't get much testing done.
Like you, like Flagg, with the exception of the racism (though I am a radical dude) and the drugs (One thing I can say proudly I the only thing I abuse my body with is too much sugar, caffeine, and food plus the occasional knife, no drugs) this could pretty much describe me too. Like you I've had a therapist with framed degrees and everything tell me I have mental illness. One of the reasons that maybe I wonder if Roof also had some mental illness. I see entirely too much of myself in Roof, one of the many reasons I hate the guy which hopefully does not speak of my own feelings towards myself, and me playing Armchair Psychologist thinks that maybe the piece of shit might be more then just a normal piece of shit, maybe, just maybe, the fucker had something that caused him to do what he did beyond just being a piece of shit.
I don't know if he does but I think in the interest of justice it should be known. Thats what I've been harping on. Not saying that he is crazy but marely I think it might be possible.