Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmClearly hunter-gatherers don't have the knowhow to build a factory but they sure as hell don't care how many mammoths are left once they manage to catch one.
If they kill all mammuths around, the tribe will die. But it won't wreck the planet in the process.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmThe point is that human instincts and even bodies have been honed by millions of years of evolution when finding food was extremely difficult wheres the era of unprecedented food availability was only around for maybe a century or so. Hence human overindulgence in food.
So why does an overindulgence in food by some humans - not all humans, mind you - deprive the poor and the poorest of water?
Japan is also a rich country, but why aren't they guzzling up on soft drinks, if it is human nature?
Mexico is a poor country but by now they drink more soft drinks than the USA. What is this "human nature" shit you're peddling, wanna know your dealer. Works wonders, kills brain.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmWhat does that have to do with my point that these factories are there simply to meet demand?
But you said there's no reason for them to exist. Now you backtrack - ah, there's "demand".
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmDemand that doesn't come from the "system" but from the consumers. Just like coal mines. Just like oil wells.
Wait, you are seriously that dense? You don't understand temporal development? Like, the fact that for capitalist production to grow, trade has to accelerate; a combustion engine was invented to transport goods faster, which required oil, which in turn gave birth to the pumps; for capitalist production to grow, we need to transition from manufacture to the factory; so we are in search of a compact power source, hence the coal and hence the mines. If you start selling shit to people with a poor understanding of risk, because you can profit (and that you can, it's capitalism!) - you can expand your trade empire. And become Walter White.
It will be a while until the consequences kick in.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmI said "Nothing about capitalist system requires that there be Coca Cola factories.". The demand by the people clearly exists.
This "demand" doesn't exist anywhere but inside the capitalist system.
It's not even a need, you don't need soft drinks or bottled water to live and survive. Hell, you can even organize an industrial society without them. Point is, you failed at step one: evaluate whether the historical development of capitalism
creates demand in society for certain products.
Even then, it fails to completely subjugate the world, because some people aren't idiots and consumption of bottled water and soft drinks in many nations is still low - sometimes despite their wealth.
Inspiring to know that "human nature" doesn't exist!!!
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 02:22pmThat's MY point you idiot. Yes they don't care about their health. I was even too generous with my "impact them personally" bit. Hence they drink the fucking stuff even as it makes them fat and fucks up their liver. But wait a CEO in Atlanta is supposed to care about their health? And even if we did make Coca Cola into a controlled substance how is that in any way a condemnation of the economic system as opposed to the that particular beverage?
Idiot, it is the capitalist system where you can say things like that and lead a MNC, profit, legally, by selling people highly addictive substances that will likely ruin their health, destroy the environment, and in the end ... just be a rich motherfucker.
It's not "your point", or did you wake up now to the fact that in this system, this shit's encouraged?
Even historically, one of capitalism's greatest triumphs were the Opium Wars - the drugging of an entire continent, consequences of which are still felt till that day.
But you say "oh but it's not capitalism waaah mean Pital, little fluffy ball of hate"
You don't even understand that
demand can be created - it's not something that originally exists.
How am I supposed to argue with you, anyway?