Dragon Angel wrote: ↑2018-04-18 04:11pm
ray245 wrote: ↑2018-04-18 12:29pmI think what I'm really trying to say is UPC's type of post are becoming more common. I don't think this is just a one-off case, and it's part of a wider cultural trend.
You ... have to realize what you are doing now.
UPC posted a series of posts where he misused an argument of morality to paint an entire subsection of American people in a blatantly fallacious and inflammatory binary manner. That much is a given.
Then later, you post that leftists are overusing arguments based on morality, and in each successive response you backtrack and make your position more and more vague. You point to a "wider cultural trend", but the more we point out to you that you're not thinking of this situation the right way, you repeat this vague assertion as if we're all being assimilated into such a formless blob.
This is kind of how people start to think of
all progressives and
all leftists as "SJWs". The word is completely meaningless precisely
because its users end up using it in contexts that are either wildly different, or point to vague blobs of activists and assume
every actor within them acts in such a cartoonishly-depicted way.
In other words, don't fall into that trap.
If I'm not allowed to think that because it would be falling into the "SJW panic" trap...
Purely hypothetically, what would I do if a truly problematic movement
did arise within the heart of, and under the banner of, progressivism? History is full of treacherous radical movements that would cheerfully betray their own ideological allies so as to secure more control of the movement, or of the nation at large.
I can imagine some hypothetical Russian mirror of me getting more and more worried about Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the 1910s, and being confidently reassured that they're all comrades and No Enemies To The Left... until it all goes to hell, the Bolsheviks overthrow the social-democratic government, and I end up dying in a proto-Stalinist purge some time in the '20s. And the last thought that passes through my brain before the Chekist's bullet might well be something like "crap, we'd have been better off sticking with the czars..."
I can imagine some hypothetical left/right ideological mirror image of me, right here in the US, getting more and more uncomfortable from 2010 to 2020. And feeling like he's not allowed to acknowledge that there's this
really creepy "alt-right" emerging, because if you start using the word "alt-right" or "neo-Nazi" to describe active participants in the mainstream political process,
the communists will win! (gasp shock horror) I don't have to tell you how that could go wrong, because it's in the process of going wrong as we speak.
I can't shake the feeling that saying "don't even let yourself
think a dangerous splinter movement is growing as a parasite within the body of Our Righteous Cause" is a very risky strategy for making sure that the Cause keeps its ranks closed and its strength united. It's the equivalent of taking immuno-suppressing drugs, or
tying down the pressure release valve on a steam engine.