The last time the "coloreds" armed themselves, the right-wing, pro-gun governor of an open carry state signed one of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, and the FBI conducted a wave of assassinations nationwide. To this day, the mere mention of the Black Panther Party causes many a cracker to wet the bed at night. But you don't need to go back to the days of COINTELPRO to find cases of black people being killed when they broke no gun laws.
For example, the police handed Rittenhouse a water bottle and sent him on his merry way after the crowd told them he had just shot two people -and he was still brandishing the gun. They didn't even stop him to see if his gun had been fired. On the hand, seven years ago today, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was gunned him down like an animal by the police in another open carry state for holding a TOY gun. As usual, the cops were never charged and the city, in an act of some of the purest sadism in recent memory, sent a $500 bill to the kid's family to cover the costs of removing his bullet-riddled corpse.
These proposed black militias are going to have their work cut out for them, because the first time they hinder a white vigilante or a trigger-happy racist cop, the shit's going to hit the fan at the speed of sound.
Oh, and the people who bought Shooter's bullshit self-defense claim must have watched Shane and assumed Jack Wilson was the hero: