Stormbringer wrote:right. So a 20 yr old sleeping with someone who will turn 20 in a few weeks would go to prison. Brilliant.
You have to draw a line some where. You can argue the merits of where you draw it but sooner or later there has to be a line or you get people like that peice of human garbage PatKelly.
You can have laws that have the age difference between them limited to a set amount of years (say, 4 years) (for people under 20). That would make more sense than a specific age limit, and will stop the ridiculous statuatory rape cases, yet punish the pedophiles.[/quote]
I don't really disagree that such clauses make sense. But the fact is though that the laws aren't uniform and that the kid still commited a crime under the law. One for which they justifiably punished him.
[quote] You can have laws that have the age difference between them limited to a set amount of years (say, 4 years) (for people under 20). That would make more sense than a specific age limit, and will stop the ridiculous statuatory rape cases, yet punish the pedophiles. [quote]