US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

Can Kamala Harris' campaign become a movement? The Obamas are trying to make it happen
The Democratic jamboree in Chicago has heard from the great and the good of the party this week, but no voice carries more weight than Barack Obama.

He remains their biggest star and best communicator. Last night he strode onto the stage to hear the adulation of the gathered delegates and delivered a message which sought to galvanise Kamala Harris’ reputation.

Rather than focusing on her service under Joe Biden as Vice President, he recounted her earlier life and career - a deliberate strategy to carve out an identity distinct from the 46th President. He talked about her "not being born into privilege" and praised her work to help child victims of sexual abuse as a prosecutor.

“Kamala Harris won’t be focused on her problems - she’ll be focused on yours…She’ll work on behalf of every American. That’s who Kamala is,” he said.

Obama is seeking to elevate her campaign into a broader movement, just as he managed to do with his in 2008. Recapturing his coalition of ethnic minorities, young people and women could push her into an unassailable position against Donald Trump, but for now that remains a lofty aspiration.

First come the hard-yards of campaigning in the swing states. As if to prove that point, last night Kamala Harris wasn’t in Chicago, but instead in the critical swing state of Wisconsin. She, together with her running mate Tim Walz, commandeered the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, the same venue where Trump and the Republicans held their National Convention a month ago.

While Barack Obama was the headline last night, his support act was arguably even more stirring. His wife, Michelle, was fired up and pitch perfect in her message, imploring party members not to complain about the state of the country, but to "do something" - a refrain echoed back to her as a new slogan by the end of her speech.

Kamala Harris is no doubt riding a wave of enthusiasm, but sustaining it will be critical to winning in November. Her path started last night with a ceremonial roll-call of delegates pledging their support to her, even though she already had officially secured the nomination in a virtual vote two weeks ago.

So the party transformed this process from a dry number tally, to a showbiz spectacular. Rapper Lil’ Jon turned his home state of Georgia’s affirmation of Harris into one of the highlights of the night, as he sang his state’s support for Kamala.

Despite the anti-war protesters who had a few minor skirmishes with police, leading to some arrests outside the venue, the auditorium was brimming with unity and positivity.

This Convention could have been a contested, messy affair, but so far it has been a show-case for the renewed energy Democrats are feeling, even if that is couched with words of caution from the likes of Barack Obama who warned this will be a tight race and closed his speech with a firm and grave exhortation: "let's go to work."
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by bilateralrope »

Robert F Kennedy Jr suspends campaign and backs Trump

1 day ago

Ana Faguy
BBC News, Washington

Independent White House candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has joined the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, on stage at a rally in Arizona after dropping out of the race and endorsing the former US president.
Mr Kennedy, 70, a Democrat for most of his life and the scion of the Kennedy dynasty, said the principles that had led him to leave the party had now compelled him "to throw my support to President Trump".
He said in a press conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday that he would seek to remove his name from the ballot in 10 battleground states.
Before welcoming RFK Jr to the stage on Friday, Trump promised, if elected, to release all remaining documents relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F Kennedy.
Trump praised Mr Kennedy as "phenomenal" and "brilliant" at the rally later in Glendale. Democratic rival Kamala Harris said she would try to "earn" the support of Kennedy voters.
With November's election looming, Mr Kennedy's polling has slumped from a high of double figures as funds and national coverage dried up.
The son of US Senator Robert F Kennedy and nephew of President John F Kennedy, he is from the most famed family in Democratic politics.
Mr Kennedy's decision to back a Republican for the White House has outraged his relatives, who previously condemned his invocation of the family name in a Super Bowl ad back in February.
Kerry Kennedy, his sister, said his support for Trump was a "betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story."
“This decision is agonising for me because of the difficulties it causes my wife and my children and my friends,” Mr Kennedy said on Friday.
“But I have the certainty that this is what I’m meant to do. And that certainty gives me internal peace, even in storms.”
He is married to Cheryl Hines, the star of HBO comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm. She posted on X, formerly Twitter, that she deeply respected her husband’s decision to suspend his campaign. She did not comment on his endorsement of Trump.

Mr Kennedy told reporters on Friday that Trump's insistence he could end the war in Ukraine by negotiating with Russia "alone would justify my support for his campaign".
"There are still many issues and approaches on which we continue to have very serious differences. But we are aligned on other key issues."
He said he would remove his name from 10 states where his presence would be a "spoiler" to Trump's effort. He has already withdrawn from the battleground states of Arizona and Pennsylvania.
But it is too late for him to pull out from the swing states of Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, election officials told AP news agency.
Mr Kennedy said he had launched his campaign in April 2023 "as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle... the champions of the Constitution".
But he left because "it had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money".
He blamed his decision to suspend his campaign on "media control" and his former party's efforts to thwart his run, adding: "In my heart I no longer believe I have a realistic path to victory in the face of relentless and systematic censorship."

Mr Kennedy hovered around 14% - 16% in polls at his most popular. However, his ratings have slumped to single digits since Ms Harris became the Democratic nominee.
He said in his press conference that he had offered to work with Ms Harris and her bid for the White House.
Democrats sounded unfazed by his announcement.
"Donald Trump isn't earning an endorsement that's going to help build support, he's inheriting the baggage of a failed fringe candidate. Good riddance," Democratic National Committee senior adviser Mary Beth Cahill said in a statement.
Mr Kennedy's campaign became synonymous with the anti-vaccine movement as he frequently touted his leadership of the Children's Health Defense organisation, formerly known as the World Mercury Project.
In recent weeks, Mr Kennedy recounted how he dumped a dead bear cub that had been hit by a car in New York's Central Park in 2014 as a joke.
Earlier in his campaign, it was revealed that he had suffered from a brain parasite over a decade ago which caused severe memory loss and brain fog.
His announcement capped days of rumour that Mr Kennedy offered to endorse Trump to secure a role in his next administration.
Trump told CNN earlier this week he would "certainly be open" to Mr Kennedy playing a role, while Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr, said he would be suited to "blow up" a federal department.
Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the conservative Institute for Policy Innovation, told the BBC that Mr Kennedy's decision highlighted the two-party system in the US and "how difficult it is to get new ideas and fresh people into the process".
Dropping out when it's too late to pull his name off the ballot in some swing states. So we might still get to see Trump supporters complaining about him being a spoiler candidate.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Zaune »


Even they're getting tired of his shit now.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Solauren »

Well, to be fair, the Kennedy's do seem to be bullet magnets....
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by His Divine Shadow »

I was thinking it's gotta sting for Trump that he got fucking shot and hit in the ear, such a perfect damn moment it was for him. He was gonna win like fuck.

Then biden pulled the rug out from under him and put Harris in the spotlight instead and all his glory from that vanished like fog in the sun.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Alferd Packer »

Also, this is the America Republicans wanted: there are so many mass shootings that they don't even make the news anymore. As a country, we no longer care when someone is shot. Even if Biden hadn't dropped out, there would have been no political gain to be had from the shooting.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Elfdart »

Solauren wrote: 2024-08-27 04:46pm Well, to be fair, the Kennedy's do seem to be bullet magnets....
Only when they have a good chance to get elected. RFK Jr should deflect bullets like Superman.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by bilateralrope »

Trump says Musk could head 'government efficiency' force
15 hours ago

Kayla Epstein and Natalie Sherman
BBC News

Donald Trump said he would enlist Elon Musk to run a “government efficiency commission” if he wins a second term as US president.
Speaking to the Economic Club of New York on Thursday, Trump said the X owner had agreed to head a task force to conduct a “complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” and make “recommendations for drastic reforms.”
The two men have alluded to the idea for several weeks, but Thursday's comments were Trump’s most direct indication yet that he might want Mr Musk to play a role in his potential second administration.
“I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” Mr Musk posted on X on Thursday morning. “No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”
Asked by the BBC if Trump and Mr Musk had formally agreed on a role on such a commission, campaign senior advisor Brian Hughes said that "It is premature to discuss any prospective personnel in the next administration, but we welcome the enthusiasm and support of Elon Musk.”
The two have not always seen eye-to-eye, but Mr Musk and Trump have recently forged a friendlier public relationship during the 2024 US presidential election.
The controversial tech billionaire endorsed the former president in July, after Trump was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania, and has said he is contributing money to a fundraising group that supports the Republican's campaign.
“I think we need a government efficiency commission to say like, ‘Hey, where are we spending money that’s sensible. Where is it not sensible?’” Mr Musk said during an online conversation with Trump on 13 August, which he hosted on X. “We need to live within our means.”
A few days later, on 19 August, Mr Musk posted an apparently AI-generated image of himself at a podium labelled "Department of Government Efficiency” and declared in the caption, "I am willing to serve".
Some internet users appreciated the hypothetical agency name as a joke, as the initials for the proposed task force spell "doge" – a long-running meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog which also inspired the name of a cryptocurrency.

Trump's New York speech

But Trump has indicated he is serious about working with the outspoken SpaceX and Tesla boss should he retake the White House in November.
“When Elon started the conversation with the president, I think the president was very excited that somebody like Elon Musk is so dedicated to America’s future that he would be willing to be a part of something to help the government work more efficiently,” Mr Hughes told reporters on Thursday, according to CNBC.
The former president made his announcement in New York before a high-profile, members-only group of business leaders.
Founded in 1907, the Economics Club of New York has hosted speeches from figures such as US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Trump last addressed the group in 2019, where he received a warm reception.
The former president mostly focused on the economy.
He repeated calls to cut taxes and regulation, open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling and said he would raise tariffs to promote US manufacturing – at one point promising to restore auto industry employment to its peak decades ago.
He also proposed an especially low tax rate of 15% for companies that make products in the US, in contrast to the 20% general rate he proposed for companies. His opponent Kamala Harris has suggested a 28% rate.
Trump brushed off concerns that tax cuts might worsen the US budget deficit, saying the US would “make our money back on growth” and proposed creating a national investment fund with money collected from tariffs.
The audience was largely quiet, though many attendees clapped when Trump discussed Mr Musk’s endorsement.
During a question-and-answer session, Trump was asked if he would roll back sanctions to Russia, which he did not specifically address.
He did say, however, that he believes the Biden administration has used the tool too widely in general.
Trump said he prefers to use sanctions for short periods and “as little as possible”, so that countries are not encouraged to seek out international alternatives to the US financial system and the dollar.
Musk can never be president because he was born elsewhere. But Trump might let him have all the power he wants.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Ralin »

I have come to believe that Trump was telling the truth when he said Musk begged like a dog when they met in private.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by bilateralrope »

I wonder kind of bribe Musk offered.

And how upset Trump will be when guy who tried to back out of a contract to buy Twitter refuses to pay the promised bribe.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Raw Shark »

I've been told by multiple sources that turnabout is fair play...

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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Solauren »

I'm picturing how the US would look if Musk did that, and made his recommendations to Trump.

For some reason Rifts Earth comes to mind.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Crazedwraith »

Trump's criminal sentencing delayed until after election
The BBC wrote: Donald Trump's sentencing in his Manhattan hush money criminal trial has been postponed until after the November election.

Justice Juan Merchan on Friday delayed the sentencing to 26 November, citing "the unique time frame this matter currently finds itself in" among his reasons.

Lawyers for Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, have used several legal manoeuvres to delay the sentencing, which was scheduled for 18 September.

A New York jury convicted Trump in May on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, the first time a sitting or former president has been convicted of a crime.

In his decision, Judge Merchan wrote that the case demands "a sentencing hearing that is entirely focused on the verdict of the jury".

"Their verdict must be respected and addressed in a manner that is not diluted by the enormity of the upcoming presidential election," he said, setting sentencing to exactly three weeks after the 5 November election.

Trump could face a sentence of up to four years in prison, but Justice Merchan also has the discretion to impose a punishment of a fine, probation, or a short jail term.

Trump has maintained that he did nothing wrong. He told Fox News after the ruling that the "case should be dead", while his campaign said it was a "witch hunt".

Prosecutors in the case accused the former president of concealing a payment to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels, a former adult-film star, in the final days of his 2016 election campaign.

Ms Daniels testified that she and Trump had sex, and that she accepted $130,000 (£99,000) from his former lawyer before the 2016 election in exchange to keep quiet about the encounter.

Prosecutors argued that, by approving a scheme to disguise the money as legal expenses, Trump broke election law.

Trump's original sentencing date was July. His lawyers delayed that after a US Supreme Court ruling that granted presidents some immunity from criminal prosecution for "official acts".

Justice Merchan granted a delay so that the parties could prepare arguments on the effects of the Supreme Court ruling on his case.

A decision on the implications will come on 12 November.

Justice Merchan dismissed some arguments made by Trump's lawyers to delay as "unsubstantiated grievances ... that do not merit this Court's attention".

But he wrote that sentencing hearings are routinely delayed in other cases for reasons like personal circumstances to scheduling conflicts.

"Given the unique facts and circumstances of this case, there is no reason why this Defendant should be treated differently than any other," Justice Merchan said.

He added that his decision to delay "should dispel any suggestion" that the court would have made a decision that would be seen in support of "any political party or any candidate for any office".

A spokesperson for Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney whose office brought the case, said his team was "ready for sentencing on the new date set by the court", according to Reuters.
What a shit show.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Solauren »

"Not in support of any...."


Trump has a running mate. If he's in jail, or otherwise unable to campaign, etc, his running mate takes over the ticket to become POTUS. Simple as that. (Just like Biden/Harris...)

This is giving Trump 2 months to campaign, possibly get elected, and then screw around with the court system.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by EnterpriseSovereign »

We all know what Musk's "recommendations for drastic reforms" would be, namely the US Federal Government not paying its bills.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Zaune »

Solauren wrote: 2024-09-06 03:29pmTrump has a running mate. If he's in jail, or otherwise unable to campaign, etc, his running mate takes over the ticket to become POTUS. Simple as that.
Yeah, and he'd be even worse.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by bilateralrope »

Everyone I've heard talking about this case says that Trump getting incarcerated is unlikely. The judge might already be leaning towards a non-custodial sentence. If so, delaying the sentencing might hurt Trump more because it lets people keep mentioning "up to four years in prison" whenever they mention this case.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Zwinmar »

It is just another case of a 'rich' man getting away with his crimes because a judge is too scared to do his job.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Zaune »

Leaving aside the question of whether Trump is even mentally competent to testify in his own defence at this point, I think we do have consider the question of whether jailing him is going to be worth the blowback from his horde of dimwitted but slavishly loyal and very heavily armed minions.

I mean, maybe it'd be worth it in the long run because the militiabros and the Heritage Foundation would never be able to influence US politics again, but that would be pretty cold comfort to anyone whose loved ones got caught in the crossfire.
There are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)

Replace "ginger" with "n*gger," and suddenly it become a lot less funny, doesn't it?
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by muse » ... index.html
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican Donald Trump in the November election, warning that the former president “can never be trusted with power again.”

“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” Cheney said in a statement. “He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” he concluded.

Harris, according to a statement from campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon, was proud to receive Cheney’s support and “deeply respects his courage to put country over party.”

Cheney’s daughter, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, first revealed earlier in the day that her father would be voting for the Democratic ticket during remarks at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas. The former Republican congresswoman previously announced that she would be voting for Harris, citing “the danger that Donald Trump poses.”
My cynical side thinks the claimed reason is a total fabrication; the war mongering criminal knows that Harris & the Dems have a better chance of getting the US tied up in a bunch of forever wars, which means more money for him and the MIC.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Gandalf »

It also helps Liz Cheney possibly get a spot in cabinet, which she might be able to use as a lever to get back into politics as a post-Trump Republican.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Ralin »

Zaune wrote: 2024-09-07 10:03am Leaving aside the question of whether Trump is even mentally competent to testify in his own defence at this point, I think we do have consider the question of whether jailing him is going to be worth the blowback from his horde of dimwitted but slavishly loyal and very heavily armed minions.

I mean, maybe it'd be worth it in the long run because the militiabros and the Heritage Foundation would never be able to influence US politics again, but that would be pretty cold comfort to anyone whose loved ones got caught in the crossfire.
Certainly nowhere near as bad letting them get away with an endlessly increasing string of escalations because everyone's afraid to set them off.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by bilateralrope »

Zaune wrote: 2024-09-07 10:03am Leaving aside the question of whether Trump is even mentally competent to testify in his own defence at this point, I think we do have consider the question of whether jailing him is going to be worth the blowback from his horde of dimwitted but slavishly loyal and very heavily armed minions.

I mean, maybe it'd be worth it in the long run because the militiabros and the Heritage Foundation would never be able to influence US politics again, but that would be pretty cold comfort to anyone whose loved ones got caught in the crossfire.
Trump's secret service protection is going to complicate sticking him into a prison. So it seems more likely that any prison sentence will be served with him locked up at a military base.

So let them try to break him out.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Tsyroc »

Zaune wrote: 2024-09-07 04:19am
Solauren wrote: 2024-09-06 03:29pmTrump has a running mate. If he's in jail, or otherwise unable to campaign, etc, his running mate takes over the ticket to become POTUS. Simple as that.
Yeah, and he'd be even worse.
I've been saying for a little while now that the worst thing to happen if Trump wins is that in 4 years the Republicans will want to run Vance as their candidate.

I guess it could be good if someone would put up a good candidate in opposition to him. It should be an easy thing but both parties always cater to the extreme elements of their base when they'd have an easy win if they went more middle of the road.

Sooner or later you'd think that the shitty candidates the Republicans and Democrats keep throwing out there will finally result in a decent third party candidate having a decent chance at winning.
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Re: US Election 2024: Grumpy Old Men

Post by Ralin »

Tsyroc wrote: 2024-09-08 12:21am

I guess it could be good if someone would put up a good candidate in opposition to him. It should be an easy thing but both parties always cater to the extreme elements of their base when they'd have an easy win if they went more middle of the road.
...Please, tell me about these extreme non-middle of the road candidates the Democrats always cater to.
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