Vympel wrote:
Your point? I know you have a hard time getting past this, but the reason people have a hard time taking this ludicrous plot seriously is because it is obviously a ludicrous story.
As predicted, it's the hands-in-ears defense. You ignore the evidence without addressing it. Since there is no interpretation of Arbabsiar's behavior that makes sense from a "lone wolf" terrorist perspective, much less being entrapped in a conspiracy actively created by the FBI, you just declare the whole thing ludicrous. In essence you are accusing the FBI of lying about the case and evidence, without having the slightest grounds to beyond that you do not
want to believe it. How does that differ in the slightest from what you accuse the "right-wing reactionary hawks" from doing? How is your post any better reasoned than anything Chochula says?
Were you saw caught up in trying to appear like Mr Golden Mean that you forgot to finish your sentence? In any event, nothing you've said here has any substance at all, dumbfuck. I think its hilarious that you think some massive loser former used car salesman, whom everyone has described as one of the biggest idiots to ever walk the Earth in recent history (apart from you, that is), could not credibly create in the mind of a rational observer that this asinine, unserious "plot" of which you are so terrified has all the hallmarks of a "wag the dog" moment - i.e. a ludicrous manufactured crisis, being taken advantage of for political ends.
A complete idiot who made contact with someone in the cartels (since, you know, informants are kind of worthless without some connection to actual criminal conspiracy), was verifiably working with at least one accomplice in Iran, provided a large down payment on a plot to murder a foreign ambassador... Where did he get his motive? Where did he get his pre-existing objective? Where did he get his resources?
But the plot is
stupid, therefore it can't exist! Just like it would be really stupid to have a hired gunman burst into a restaurant and mow down a bunch of Kurdish activists right in the middle of goddamned Berlin... oh wait the Iranians have done that before too.
Who says, dumbass? I like it how you effortlessly shift gears from "but $100,000! Iran!" to "someone paid $100,000 to a Mexican cartel to murder an ambassador in the capital!" too.
We have Arbabsiar discussing paying "more" money to the cartels with Shakuri, who promises to take it up with his superiors. So who the fuck do you expect paid the $100,000 down payment, the assassination fairy? We have Shakuri indirectly admitting to having paid the earlier installment, Shakuri is in Iran, and though you haughtily dismiss the possibility the FBI obviously has some reason to believe Shakuri is a member of the IRGC.
And there's no reason to believe thats the case, just like there's no reason to believe the Quds Force would entrust such a highly sensitive mission of obviously huge political consequences to a complete fucking imbecile used car salesman from Corpus Christi, who we know from the DOJ Complaint told preposterous falsehoods about him.
Which is again, "the Americans are lying." This will come to trial and the FBI will be obliged to present their evidence linking Shakuri to the IRGC, assuming it's not as simple as Shakuri demonstrably acting in other capacities as a public member of the IRGC via Iranian media or something equally mundane. At the worst he may have lied to Arbabsiar about being a member, since Arbabsiar boasted of the connection to the informant and repeated it in his confession, and the link was again made in the recorded telephone call. Of course, who else in Iran would have access to hundreds of thousands of dollars and a desire to kill the Saudi Ambassador?
But waaah, the plot isn't real! It's all manufactured bullshit! Entrapment! Shakuri can't even be demonstrated to exist!
Translation: "well you just hate America and love Iran!" Pahlease.
No, you're just a knee-jerk, reactionary hypocrite who refuses to engage or believe evidence if it points to a conclusion you don't want it to. You stepped into this lengthy thread without even bothering to read it, posting up an inflammatory opinion piece you endorsed with your own dismissive rhetoric, and expected everyone to fall in line supporting it.
Only if you're a chronic bed wetter. I wonder, will you ever get tired of diving under the bed everytime a comical non-plot by some incompetent idiot is trotted out to scare you? And if Iran were behind this Monty Python plot, well, thats the most effective refutation of Iran-as-the-new-Nazi-Germany I've ever heard.
Because nations other than the US never do stupid stuff? Of course if they are willing to try once they are very likely to be willing to try again, and may get smarter or luckier. Perhaps if Arbabsiar had gotten in contact with a real cartel member his torso would have turned up in Tijuana six months later, but then again... maybe not. Maybe "Al Qaeda" would have gunned down the Saudi Ambassador next month.
But yeah this is incoherent. You've spent all of your posts claiming the plot effectively doesn't exist, being manufactured by the FBI with no evidence of connections to Iran. Now you want to claim that even if it did, it doesn't matter. Because, of course, you will stubbornly resist implications you don't like regardless of circumstances or context.
On the contrary, the reasons why the FBI's claims are simply not credible are a bit more complicated than "the US government has a history of outright dishonesty" - as numerous observers have noted by reference to the actual facts of the case. Noting the US government has a history of said dishonesty merely serves as a ready made retort to idiots like yourself who think "but the government says" is an automatic response to any criticism.
See the difference?
Those "references to the actual facts of the case" would be where? Certainly not in your postings, where you just call the entire plot "ludicrous" and dismiss it outright. Certainly not in the overblown rhetoric of the editorials you posted, which just insist that Arbabsiar had to be stupid, that the plot was never in danger of killing anyone, and therefore was probably invented by the FBI with Arbabsiar entrapped within it to further a nefarious political agenda. There is nothing Greenwald, Cole, Raimundo, or you say that does not boil down to "the government has to be lying about the case;" and your "retort" is all that has been offered to further that claim.
Your substance free "oh both sides are as bad as each other and here I am in the snug Golden Mean!" crock of shit is as stupid as it is predictable. Go cry about it someplace else.
No, you just refuse to address my argument because you don't like the implications. The sequence of events in the case make it clear that Arbabsiar initiated the plot on this end, that he had support from someone in Iran with considerable resources, and that he quite honestly believed that his confederate was a member of the Quds Force and would pay the cartels off at the end of the assassination so much he volunteered to be a hostage to people who do
this kind of shit. You could argue that Shakuri was the liar, though I expect that will be clarified further. You can certainly argue that the plot was stupid and stood no chance of success, which is certainly the case.
You, on the other hand, have chosen to argue that the plot
didn't exist in any meaningful sense and refuse to engage the evidence presented by the FBI, which of course is the only source of details. You dismiss it with a blanket categorization as "ludicrous" without providing any particular reasoning behind it, and if confronted by the logical implications of what the FBI say it has you go "LOLO NO YANKS LIE." There is no point to even discussing the matter if you refuse to admit any grounds for argument exist.
As for the predictable "golden mean fallacy" bullshit, news flash jackass. Being on the left doesn't make you immune to common flaws of reasoning. You are particularly demonstrating the tendency to seek out a comforting narrative over objective perspective, the emotional rewards of rejecting points inconvenient to your own preconceived narrative, and the difference between "reason" and "rationalization." The assumptions that
only people you disagree with can be mistaken, that the truth must
self-evidently lie in your own side, and that
anyone who dares to contradict you must be a vile, retarded specimen holding to the viewpoint you identify with your enemies- yeah, those can get pretty universal and are just as poisonous regardless of who is holding them. Which again, you are providing a wonderful example of.