It was explained to you.
No, it wasn't. It was said to be irrelevant. That is not an explanation. What you give here by contrast is actually an explanation, as it explains why it is considered irrelevant.
In the course of doing so, you just copied the arguments of others that were talking about various similar, related, and/or unrelated issues, without discrimination.
So if I copy other complete arguments they can be dismissed as irrelevant. If I copy part of them, they can be dismissed as quote mining.
However you declare that since it has some irrelevant stuff you can dismiss all of it. The majority of the posts deal with the legality of the issue but this is irrelevant- you can dismiss arguments because of nitpicky details.
Here, I'll explain (relevance is if a part of the paragraph has relevant information. Several of the paragraphs repeat themselves though, but that isn't count)
post 2
paragraph 1 legal rationale-relevant
paragraph 2 "assassination"-partially relevant, explains necessary conditions
post 3
paragraph 1 evidence combatant- relevant
paragraph 2 evidence war zone- relevant
paragrpah 3 fitting the requirements- relevant
paragraph 4 fitting the requirements- relevant
paragraph 5 "assassination"-partially relevant, explains necessary conditions
paragraph 6 "assassination"-partially relevant, explains necessary conditions
paragraph 7 sarcasm- irrelevant
post 4
paragrpah 1- legal right to war- irrelevant (although Bakustra later brings it up)
paragrpah 2- evidence-relevant
paragrpah 3- lack of capture- relevant
paragraph 4- evidence-relevant
paragrpah 5- operational authority-relevant
post 5
paragraph 1- legal rationale- relevant
paragraph 2- citizenship-irelevant
paragraph 3- hypotheticals- quasi-relevant
paragraph 4- summary
I'd remind you of the "horrors of wading through" that this was posted earlier in the thread and so you should bother to read it. Unless you are declaring that any post that covers both issues (and since Thanas covers both issues that means him and everyone he talked to) is something you can ignore.
And your completely non-responsive quoting of Purnell again when Alyrium was talking about the extremely ugly ramifications of this completely secret, no-right-of-review death list which Awlaki was put on.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:He mentions some of the problems, yes. And the response from Marshal was to ignore the core issue, granted, we have talked over IM.
The person I was
actually talking to had an entirely different view. But you know what the say- there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.