The Xeelee wrote:I don't think two would be such a cluster fuck for America politically, economically maybe.
Remember China is the only Country North Korea has semi-normal relations with, and even they wouldn't make a fuss as long as the Americans make an agreement, consisting of "don't put troops on our border".
On what do you base the notion that China wouldn't protest an American take-over of North Korea? From what I've seen in the English-translations of Chinese press that idea has certainly be raised but the kicker is that China really doesn't want a US presence of any sort right on their border. They
might accept it as the lessor of two evils. Working out an agreement both parties would be comfortable with would be tricky at best.
Ralin wrote:See, by "humanitarian clusterfuck" I was focusing on the large number of people who would die as a direct result.
But leaving that aside, I think you're still missing the full picture here. Let’s suppose America Fuck Yeah curb stomps North Korea. In addition to the massive economic cost to us of doing so, pretty much everyone agrees that refugees are going to go streaming in every direction unless there’s a wall and soldiers actively gunning down everyone who approaches it in their way. Meaning that China and South Korea, also known as our largest trading partner and a fairly important ally, respectively, will be swamped with said refugees.
Most likely, refugees will flood into China. The minefield on the DMZ isn't going to magically go away. Fording the rivers that make up the northern border is much less hazardous. Although China has already moved troops and hardware to that border. I would hope that “gunning down everyone” doesn't become the reality, but it's not inconceivable.
In all likelihood they’ll end up having to pony up a large chunk of the reconstruction costs, and in South Korea’s case more than likely eventually undergo some sort of political unification with the former DPRK. Ever hear what it did to the West German economy when they reunited with East Germany? This would be like that, only much worse.
I've seen estimates of 2-3 times the impact of German reunification.
I imagine this would all add up to a great deal of ill will towards the United States.
It's not like the Koreans – even the South Koreans – have ever had a lot of warm and fuzzy feelings towards us. The US has been blamed on both sides of the border for splitting the nation. The South Koreans tolerate the US and find its presence useful for defense, they don't necessarily like the US.
Plus I guess it would really suck for the North Koreans.
It's going to suck to one degree or another for them, just as it has for years. The question is how much it's going to suck.
Zaune wrote:And either way, taking on North Korea would break the US as a military force.
Unlikely. The North Koreans have WWII military tech (more or less). The US is much more technologically advanced and, occupying a continent, has access to much more people and resources provided there is a will to see something through. The US would also
not be fighting on home soil, the North Koreans will. While that will probably give the North Koreans greater motivation, it will leave the US's manufacturing and agriculture untouched.
This is the most deeply indoctrinated society in the world; not only did the ruling dynasty stay in power when the food situation got so bad that people were seriously resorting to cannibalism, they didn't even have to put down any riots we've found out about.
Keep in mind, too, they've been indoctrinated specifically against the US, which they have been taught is the Enemy and the source of all ills and suffering. In addition, the propaganda has been predicting a US invasion for 60 years. The US will
not be seen as liberators, rather, more like armageddon.
It's like an entire country has Stockholm Syndrome!
That is probably a good analogy.
Ralin wrote:But on the other hand, bear in mind that was back during the 90s. From what I understand there's a lot more awareness of the outside world in North Korean society, along with black market trade and such.
Well, if you mean by “much better informed” they watch bootleg copies of South Korean soap operas, yeah, but keep in mind getting
caught watching anything like that can get you 10 years of hard labor. The black market trade started primarily in food stuffs and is tolerated when it keeps people from starving or freezing, but the government cracks down unpredictably whenever it feels like it.
North Korea is arguably still the most ignorant nation regarding what's outside its borders, and arguably the nation currently furthest from capitalism or a free market.
So even if they were all super-indoctrinated and convinced Kim Jong-il was God then that may not be true now.
I view that as extremely naïve and optimistic, although I wouldn't be crushed to be proven wrong. From what I've read regarding North Korean defectors up through 2011 the Kim Dynasty is still regarded with the same old awe and reverence.
The Xeelee wrote:Also remember that the regime in the North stayed in power because to their people they are mighty. They may have their minds changed with the American war machine marching through Pyongyang.
Or they'll think the legions of hell have invaded. The winner is not always regarded with love.