Based on the ear-splitting levels of hysteria deployed by American networks, mighty superpower Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is about to bomb the poor, undefended United States of America into the Stone Age.
While I have to agree the US media is sounding a bit hysterical they sound that way over
everything. Consider this, however, as an alternate explanation: if one of the grievances of the DPRK is that their words are not heard/broadcast, and that their military and threats are not taken seriously, and that that is part of the reason they're ratcheting up the rhetoric could the daily reporting on by the US networks be an attempt to defuse the situation by demonstrating that yes, they are heard and they are taken seriously? Seriously enough for anti-missile units to be deployed in neighboring nations. They are not being dismissed.
Is that likely? I don't know, I'm just tossing it out there. While I'd be the first to agree the US media is often stupid and obsessed with trivia if this was the case it wouldn't be the first time the press/media worked on behalf of the US government.
Oops, sorry, that was the mighty superpower itself shocking and awing Baghdad 10 years ago.
Just to get this out of the way: we in this thread are all agreed the Iraq war was started on forged evidence and those responsible should be held accountable (even if that is extremely unlikely to ever happen), correct?
And still, with the DPRK holding eight nuclear warheads against Iran's zero, I repeat, zero; and with the DPRK even threatening to nuke the US (which they can't) as opposed to no such threats from Iran, the usual Washington armchair warriors have their chattering ballistic missiles all pointed towards… Iran.
Er... really? I haven't read/heard much about Iran lately. There's also the small detail that Iran has natural resources like petroleum the US has long been known to take a great deal of interest in acquiring.
Without defending the issue, the fact is that the ONLY interest the US had in North Korea for the most recent decades, up until they acquired nukes, was the fact the US was pledged to defend South Korea and Japan. Since nukes, well, yes, there is the nuke issue but even the Hysterical US Media is saying that the DPRK can NOT reach the US mainland, Guam at
most. The concern is more about the future potential to develop long-range missiles, not immediate bombing of the CONUS or even Hawaii and Alaska. The region around the DPRK is mostly interested in business and trade, not in fighting each other even if centuries-old animosities remain. Aside from the DPRK the region is pretty stable.
Iran, however, in addition to its potential to harm another ally (Israel) has Valuable Resources and is also located in a part of the world which is arguably unstable. While the DPRK can't really touch the US if Iran does something to disrupt the petroleum flow that will have an immediate impact on the US. So even without nukes Iran could be seen as more threatening. Which is not a position I'm going to defend to the death, just a possible reason why the US government spends a lot more time and energy on the “Iran problem” rather than the “DPRK problem” most of the time.
Essentially we just need this
Wall Street Journal piece(paywall), where the proverbial, unnamed White House "officials" leaked to a Rupert Murdoch-owned operation that this whole thing was about provoking Pyongyang.
Huh. You know what the problem with using anonymous sources is? No one can verify they're actually who they say they are and/or have the credentials they claim. While I am willing to consider the possibility that the US government might leak in this manner (it wouldn't be the first time) not every claim of this sort is factual.
Just take a look at this abridged timeline. This is South Korea already telegraphing its own provocations, way back on March 6.
One side of a never-officially-ended-war declares the armistice null and void and the other side says that if attacked they'll respond.... and the latter is the provocateur? I'm not sure I follow that logic.
This, on March 19, is South Korea and the US in their joint naval drills, parading a nuclear attack submarine right at the DPRK's door - your typical "mine is bigger than yours".
This, on March 20, is the Pacific Command flying B-52 bombers out of Guam to show off its "continuous bomber presence".
The US has done annual war games with South Korea for 60 years. Hell, the B-52's were in the Korean war back in the 1950's. They're freakin' 60-70 years old themselves. The way this AJE piece is written it's like any of this is new but it isn't, it happens every damn year just like the Lunar New Year or Buddha's Birthday. It's no secret that the US and ROK have an agreement and that military exercises are part of it. This is as “provocative” the DPRK's regular occurring military exercises.
This, on March 26, is a leak about the Unified Quest war game at the Army War College; it was all based on a collapsing North Korea where the leadership "lost control over their nukes". This is as appalling as a script as Hollywood's ghastly Olympus Has Fallen.
The US has contingency plans for if
space aliens invade. They have similar scenarios for if Pakistan/India/Israel/any other nuclear bomb possessing nation “lost control over their nukes”. The reporter might find it “appalling” but the military's job is to have a plan for such things and yes, they're occasionally war gamed. Maybe he thinks no one should ever think about or consider such a possibility?
And this, on March 28, is the clincher: two "Batman" nuclear-capable stealth B-2 bombers were flown from Missouri to show off in the skies very close to the DPRK, simulating bombing raids on North Korean targets as part of a "defensive" mission - prompting worldwide chatter about a new "Bombers for Peace" programme.
Again, not only do most of us in thread agree that wasn't the best move, it seems the US government might also be thinking the same. So yes, this has a basis in truth.
The so-called Obama administration "playbook" to deal with North Korea leaked to the Wall Street Journal did work to perfection; the DPRK's leadership predictably went ballistic.
So... is this reporting implying Obama is trying to provoke a nuclear war? Or what?
When I was in North Korea three years ago the consensus was overwhelming; the scars of vicious American bombing of their cities during the Korean War have never healed. US B-29 bombers dropped more napalm in Korean cities than in Vietnam; the North was virtually flattened. The Korean War: A History, by Bruce Cumings (Modern Library, 2010), has all the tragic, gruesome details.
Just gloss over the damage done to South Korea in that same war, why don't you? The DPRK has complete control over the resources and labor of North Korea. They chose to build the world's fourth largest military and fund a nuclear program rather than repair the war damage. Also, why not discuss the utility of using long-term scars of that sort as propaganda to keep the populace riled up about The Enemy?
Without understanding this, it is impossible for the rest of the world to contextualise the North's paranoia. When the DPRK's leadership sees nuclear B-2 bombers - capable of dropping 30,000 pound, bunker-busting MOABs (Mother of All Bombs) - simulating raids right at their doorstep, they do take it very seriously; they do fear it could happen all over again.
Just as the residents of Yeonpyeong island fear being shelled again... but somehow people being killed in South Korea doesn't count. This is a wonderful illustration of the double-standard at work. Everything done by Party A is bad, and Party B can do no wrong, even if it does exactly what Party A does, or does something arguably worse.
Just in case, Hagel also called the South Koreans to reassure them "all options remain on the table", as in nuclear umbrella, conventional strike capabilities and missile defence.
… in other words, nothing different than has been the case for 60 years.
So here is how it worked. The "playbook" was a massively orchestrated US provocation. The DPRK, predictably, reacted with anger. But then only the response was branded as a provocation.
Pot. Kettle. This completely ignores that the DPRK has engaged into its own provocations in the past which directly affects present relations with its neighbors.
Washington may have cornered the PR war - because the solipsistic DPRK, lost in translation and virtually isolated, cannot possibly win. But what is the Pentagon really up to? Invasion? Getting into a real war? Accumulating at least 250,000 American body bags? Nuke the whole North? Test the "pivoting" to Asia and provoke China?
This is starting to sound like the DPRK propaganda about the US.
Once again, good news for the US missile defence lobby. The Lords of War always win - especially in the context of Obama's pivoting to Asia; and despite all Armageddon predictions, it is plain obvious the DPRK is not going to attack anyone.
I'm sure the residents of Yeonpyeong island might not feel the same. Fact is, the DPRK is not an innocent victim here. They've done plenty of nasty, dirty stuff themselves. In that respect they are like every other nation in the world. I'd
prefer they not attack anyone but so far as I can see they've been the ones to shoot/kidnap/assassinate far more often than anyone else over the past six decades. How many North Koreans have been kidnapped by the South? How many DPRK islands shelled? How many DPRK ships sunk by the South? How many North Koreans killed by Southern snipers along the DMZ?
While this article does bring to light potential crap on the part of the US/ROK it completely avoids any mention of the DPRK's crap. A balanced article would take a more nuanced approach. This isn't just a little biased it is heavily biased.