Flagg wrote:Because I don't see any whining and mewling when people want to wipe out ISIS or the Taliban when they blow up thousands of years old archeological finds and monuments because it supposedly makes Allah's asshole itch.
And cops and soldiers know their jobs could cost them their lives when they volunteer.
How are the Bundy fuckers any different than ISIS anyway, really? Other than not being strong enough to kill the people they don't like in new (or old) horrifying ways?
You stop the bud before it blooms, because the type of shit the Taliban's, ISIS's, and Bundy's preach catches fast. And when their acts of lawlessness go unchecked but the acts within the law of others diametrically opposed to them get smashed, which is what was happening, shit gets real bad, real fast.
So excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to live in civilization instead of a lawless hellscape where one day I live because the people in control of the territory I live on have no problem with people like me, but I get crucified the next because the warlord next door has the strength to kick the old regime out and maybe doesn't like Atheists who don't like hate groups who refuse to do what civilization is founded on: Paying taxes.
Plenty of people were whining and complaining about ISIS when they blew up the monuments, sometimes to ridiculous degrees, but plenty of other people were complaining about the fact ISIS was murdering scores of innocent people, enslaving, torturing, and raping so goddamn many people. Because some people, rightfully or wrongly, found it worse when ISIS was killing people then blowing up shit because Allah said make it so.
Thats exactly how they are different too. The Bundy bunch might be a Klan of repellent criminal jackasses but they haven't killed anyone, though in LaVoy's case not for lack of trying. Its the difference between a career thief who threatens people and a murderer. Both are bad but very few people would argue for the death penalty for the former. Law tends to practice proportionate response usually. They were strong enough to kill people, they had the guns and numbers to charge the police lines with guns blazing. They chose not to. They, with the exception of Finicum, chose not to take lives. They might have in the future and they did verbally threaten lives but the fact they did not despite means and motives and mooses is a definite differences between they and ISIS. That and ISIS has a fancy name and to my knowledge the Malheur Occupiers did not really.
They might be saying shit and doing some terribad shit but certainly not to the extent of ISIS. And furthermore them saying shit is not illegal. We don't "stop the bud" of people saying horribly, horribly terrible shit just because we don't like it. At most you can stop them when they are making threats but thats about it, as well it should be. We shouldn't sacrifice our rights over people we don't like, especially then really. Imagine if the people that are designated as people we don't like we Atheists or people who liked the Mass Effect 3 ending or whomever else. If they people in charge could stop the bud of Bundy saying stupid shit, came down like a bag of hammers on him, then certainly some Atheist who says something shitty about Christians could come under the hammers next.
Bundy and his stupid fuck followers have the right to say their insane drivel, to speak ill of the US government, to say they love fucking cows over the trampled remains of desert tortoises, and them there Native Injuns have no rights to the land or artifacts because the white ranchers have claim to that stuff because they were there first apparently or something. Just as I have the right as an Atheist to say that Christianity is terribl........y misused by some adherents and you have the right as a Havoc American to say Bundy as his group are a bunch of fucktards who needs smacked with the swinging dick of Johnny Law.
And as demonstrated by Bundy, his cum splatters, and the shit stains they call followers all getting arrested their lawlessness didn't go unchecked. Its just the gubmint waited until it was the right time to take them in, when they were the least danger to themselves or others.
And and while cops and soldiers know they expend their lives in the line of Dooty that certainly doesn't mean they should be sent into a situation sure to get them killed especially when there is a non-violent alternative. No offense and if I am misinterpreting your statement I apologize but frankly my dear wanting to send in the police just because they know they might get killed and because you are too impatient to wait for a situation to be resolved in fraking frelling fucking stupid yo.
Yes the cops could die while on the job but in this case as demonstrated by the outcome they did not have to. There was no reason to send in the Federal jackboot stormtroopers to liberate the shit out of the Malheur reserve, they was no reason to risk their lives or the lives of the idiot ass motherfuckers creating this situation beyond misplaced bloodlust and impatience.
The situation was resolved with a raid, without even a full New York legal magazine of ammo expended, and with only one death that was the result of suicide by cop.
Thats a damn good outcome.
But think of what the outcome would have been if they had done what you are wanting? If they had sent in the troops? If they had cut off supplies and made the idiots desperate? If they had cut off the internet so the idiots couldn't broadcast how fucked in the head they are and how the cops were the good guys?
I'm sure alot more then some idiot who hates the government but loves the money they give him to run his foster farm would have died. I'm sure damage to the artifacts and the reserve would have been much greater. I'm hypothesize possibly you but certainly other would have been bitching about how the cops killed a bunch of people who didn't do much more then squat and say stupid shit and bitch how a raid destroyed thousands of artifacts.
Dude, this was the best outcome for the lives involved, for the artifacts, for the chirpin' birds and the nation as a whole.
Well beyond Bundy and his fellow asscunts not doing this shit in the first place.