Illuminatus Primus wrote:Obnoxious nationalism is always wrong, but being both an obnoxious chauvenist and a bellicose wannabe is worse.
"Support the Troops". How many of those bumper stickers have been sold in the US, again?
But the examples you gave are less frightening to me than nuclear missiles, tanks, and goosesteppers in the Mall.
That's the whole point I'm making, you goddamned idiot. They are less frightening TO YOU because you're used to them. You're totally conditioned, which means you've actually conceded my point but you don't realize it.
You want to put this to a poll of non-Americans?
I love the way you just assume that you would win such a poll, even though the non-Americans on this very thread do not seem to share your opinion.
Are the odds of pigs flying nearly 1 in 10?
Is Illuminatus Primus a moronic pedant?
Of course illegal immigrants are undercounted due to their by-definition undocumented nature. And the children of immigrants, while citizens, are rarely made to feel welcome.
Funny ... nothing in the psychological conditioning theory requires that people be made to "feel welcome" before it works. Please, enlighten us on how YOU think psychological conditioning works.
Of course if I were to assert your anti-Americanism as just a single example of all Canadians' projection of their universal inferiority complex directed at America because they're saturated with American goods, media, news, and culture and its presence their whole lives, I would be ridiculed.
And rightly so, because that is simply a wild assumption on your part, whereas psychological conditioning is a well-known phenomenon. As I said, you're just digging the hole deeper. Moron.
I suppose all blacks - in the mold of "God Damn America" Rev. Wright, also fit your on-size fits-all model of American brainwashing?
Why yes he does, since he is probably just as accustomed to everyday American nationalist displays are you are. Your reliance on red-herrings is endless, and it never gets any less stupid because you so gloriously miss the whole point in your idiotic determination to fight the Evil Anti-American. The fact that Reverend Wright says there are problems with America does not mean he is any less accustomed to everyday American displays of nationalism, fucktard. It does not mean that the psychological conditioning effect of seeing the same imagery every goddamned day of his life is any weaker. It does not mean that he finds the ubiquitous and garish displays of the flag any more unusual or "creepy" (a word you chose which sums up the instinctive conditioned nature of your response
perfectly) than anyone else. His objections take place on a conscious level; conditioning of this nature takes place on a subconscious level.