Lord MJ wrote:While I am blisteringly mad that this amendment passed. I'm not buying any of the arguments saying that this nullifies straight marriages as well.
From what I understand, California has an equal protection clause in it's constitution. That same constitution was amended to indicate that only a man and a woman can marry. This goes against the equal protection clause, but since this new amendment was added later, it supercedes the equal protection clause. Now whether it completely repeals the equals protection clause, or it overrides it only in the instance of homosexual marriage, is an interesting issue for the courts to decide. But the fact that the new amendment bans straight marriage because it doesn't explicitly mention the equal protection clause doesn't hold water. It's a bullshit legal argument.
That said, while it's a bullshit legal argument, if a court actually manages to agree with that logic, it could lead to this amendment being repealed, thus in the end, the BS would actually be a good thing. More likely though is that if a court agrees with that reasoning, another vote will take place legalizing straight marriage and banning gay marriage.
The best course of action of thwarting this IMO is to either challenge it on Federal constitutional grounds, or challenge it based on the fact that the amendment didn't satisfy the 2/3rds majority requirements to pass it. I don't think playing legal tricks by saying straight marriage is banned also will do anything good for the cause of defeating Proposition 8.
SEC. 7. (a) A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or
property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the
laws; provided, that nothing contained herein or elsewhere in this
Constitution imposes upon the State of California or any public
entity, board, or official any obligations or responsibilities which
exceed those imposed by the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th
Amendment to the United States Constitution with respect to the use
of pupil school assignment or pupil transportation.