What do you identify yourself politically as?
Meh, I don't really put too much stock into labels. I am pretty steadfastly moderate. Vaguely liberal on social issues, and vaguely conservative on economic issues. But I am very willing to change my mind based on facts and evidence, so I have a hard time putting myself in one camp or the other. I have some anarchist tendencies, but that's just a holdover from my punk days.
What political party in the United States do you identify with the most?
On the national level, Democrats. Not that I particularly like them, but the GOP can be pretty awful. On the local level, it changes a lot. Here in Rhode Island, the Republican politicians are actually pragmatic and intelligent, so I tend to side with them.
What political party in the United Kingdom do you identify with the most?
I guess the Liberal Democrats. My knowledge of UK politics is fairly basic, and I would say I agree with all of the parties about one thing or another.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being "He should be impeached" and 10 being "One of the best Presidents" how would you rate President Barack Obama of the USA so far?
6 or 7. He has been exactly what I expected, anyway.
What country other then your home country do you favour the most?
What past politicians and political thinkers have influenced you the most?
Thomas Paine, John Locke, Montesquieu, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, LBJ (I am thinking about his domestic policies, like the Great Society, not Vietnam), Voltaire, Aquinas, Marx (I am not a proponent of Marxism, but his political philosophy is extremely important and influential), John Rawles, Bakunin, Proudhon, Strauss ... I'm kind of all over the place, I know, but I feel it is important to read about philosophies you don't necessarily agree 100% with.
Do you support the US and Coalition Military Operations in Iraq?
I didn't support the invasion, and I support withdrawal.
Do you support the US/NATO Military Operation in Afghanistan?
In principle? Yes. In practice? We bungled the whole fucking thing.
Do you support any sort of intervention in Darfur (Military, humanitaritan, etc,)?
Yes. Humanitarian.
What should be done with North Korea on the current nuclear crisis and the Cheonham sinking?
What the fuck can be done? Call the bluff and see what happens.
What is your opinion of the Dokdo dispute between the Republic of Korea and the Empire of Japan?
I don't particularly care, to be honest. It's a pretty minor territorial dispute. Why is this question on here? There are far more controversial/hostile border disputes.
What is your opinion of NATO and should it expand across Europe?
Don't particularly care.
What should be done about Zimbabwe?
South Africa and the AU need to stop pussyfooting around and apply some pressure. Zimbabwe doesn't give a fuck about the U.S. or Europe, but they do care about their neighbors.
What should be done about the Mexican Drug Wars and should the US and other countries intervene?
If the U.S. intervenes, it will get worse. We need to change our entire outlook towards policing drugs.
Do you support the military actions against pirates in Somalia and do you think more action should be taken?
Yes. The action being taken seems to be fairly succesful.
What should the solution to Israel/Palestine be?
If I had a solution for this, why the fuck would I be wasting my time posting here and not working with the U.N. or something?
Should there be Universal Health Care or if there is in your nation do you support it ?
Of course there should.
How should taxes be organized?
Progressive, not regressive. And less byzantine.
How should the recession be ended?
Tax reform and tighter regulations.
Do you support the US Government's Economic Stimulus Plan?
In principle. Not the way it was handled. Not enough spending on infrastructure development.
Should the automobile companies be bailed out by the US government?
Yes. But there need to be some serious strings attached.
Is the minimum wage sufficent or not?
I think so.
Do you support abortion and what restrictions should be placed on it?
I support the women's right to have abortion. Nobody supports abortion in and of itself, they just recognize that it is sometimes necessary.
Do you support gay marriage or civil unions or domestic partnerships?
Everyone should be able to marry anything. Hell, if Hunter Thompson can be an ordained reverend (he was ... gotta love the Universal Life Church), gay people should be able to marry.
Do you think Creationism or Intelligent Design should or should not be taught in school?
Nope. The only mention should be on how to disprove them.
Do you think broadcasting, publishing etc. should be regulated for violence, profantity, sexuality etc.?
To a certain extent. It is currently regulated in extremely idiotic ways.
How do you think birth control should be regulated?
Uh ... this one kind of confuses me, to be honest. Do you mean education-wise or actual regulation of condom sales or what?
Do you support prayer in schools and if so how much (voluntary or required?)
Voluntary or not at all.
What is your opinion of capital punishment and which crimes should it be applied to?
I do support capital punishment, but recognize many of the arguments against it. My main problem is the high cost accrued to tax payers by lengthy terms on Death Row, waiting for execution, which tend to cost more than life inprisonment would have in the first place.
How much should firearms and other weapons be regulated?
A little tighter than it is in the U.S. currently (I am fine with people having weapons, but stuff like assault rifles ... nobody needs that).
Was the United States right in going to war against the secessionist Confederate States in the Civil War?
Fuck yes.
Was the United States justified on dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima?
Was colonialism or at least parts of it justified?
No. That doesn't mean it didn't lead to some good things, but it wasn't justified, per se.
Was the American Revolution justified?
Fuck yes it was, revisionists be damned.