If given a multimillion-dollar payday and/or free entry onto U.S. soil, the threat is not as inconsequential as you believe.Metahive wrote:Yep, all those people who've been mistreated for 7-8 years will surely pose a formidable threat to the security of US citizens. Have you noticed that since 9/11 Al-Quaedas efforts at terrorizing the US have been less than impressive? What additional threat could a bunch of physically, mentally broken and impoverished individuals possibly pose?ShadowDragon8685 wrote:The worry isn't the 99% who don't go out and seek vengeance, the worry is the 1% who will.
Sure, we could just drop them off with $200 in some random third-world hellhole and they probably won't be any more damaging than the propaganda damage that Gitmo is already generating...
But if, as Thanas says, they get a huge compensation (and not that I'm saying that someone falsely imprisoned for a decade doesn't deserve something, because they do,) or free entry into the country as you suggest, they could pose a lot of threat if one of them is fanatical enough to have kept the faith (or developed the fanatical faith) while in prison, or just vengeance-minded enough.
All it takes is one guy having the fortitude and wherewithal to see it through to the word "boom" and the shit hits the fan.
More like terrified.Woa woa woa, hysterical much? Calm down, bub!
I didn't say it did, but the consequences in this case are potentially dire.I'm sorry but "my livid fantasies draw a horror scenario of total republican dominance" doesn't quite justify punishing people for things they haven't done. Appeal to Consequences and all that.
No, it isn't their fault, but you have to bear in mind that there's at least some people in there who are almost certainly guilty who will have to walk or nearly walk because the alternative is admitting evidence which was gathered through torture. It never should have been gathered that way.It's not those people's fault if your populace is so stupid and sheepish that they might go totalitarian police state in a fit of irrational hysteria at the merest of provocations. Despite experiencing several disappointments, I also still have a bit more trust in the mental clarity of US Americans.
And never, ever, place any faith in the mental stability, clarity, or intellectual prowess of the "average American," let alone the American who actually makes it to the polls.
Not quite. These circumstances are exceptional, faced with letting sworn enemies of the country go free, quite possibly those who have actually acted against the country before. Not only letting them go free, but letting them go free inside the country, and possibly with a huge payday to boot!That argument can be used argue against releasing anyone from prison ever too.
It would be akin to letting a serial murderer walk free because the cops roughed him up, and handing him back his gun and ammunition on the way out of the court-house because the seizure that found it was improper.
Just keeping them locked up without trial until they all expire of old age is untenable, and criminal in its own right. But I don't see a way to make this right that isn't tantamount to being enablers if one of them does successfully pull off an attack.