Okay that’s fine, but it still points to the fact that it took very extensive sanctions to curb Saddam’s power. Softer sanctions would have quickly become meaningless and still have no end.Serafina wrote: Yes, i know that it was massively screwed up, and you have a good point here. Still not a legitimate reason for war.
The guy built a seven thousand tank army out of a one thousand tank army and almost got nuclear weapons in about eleven years, that’s certainly a regional superpower in the making. The 1990s had fairly low oil prices, but Iraq could pump a massive amount of oil and had many new fields which are only now starting to be exploited. So he’d have been rolling in dough.]Into anything even remotely capable of changing the allies of the US-allies, much less with intervention by the USA?
We were already at war though. I know lots of people would rather just ignore it, but well before the US ‘invaded’ Iraq we were carpet bombing Iraqi troops and launching 100+ plane raids on the country. How the fuck is that not war? Any moral system which says that and sanctions are okay, but trying to resolve the conflict decisively is not is just useless as far as I see.
Besides, that just a repetition of the "they could have done something bad, so violence was justified"-argument. Someone being a theoretical future thread is no justification for war.
Germany surrendered unconditionally, was cut into pieces by the allies, and not returned to true nation state status until after ten years of occupation, while still divided, and only and the active state level looting of German industry and property (Saddam was ordered to pay reparations, the check was lost in the mail. The new German state was then only allowed to form in exactly the way the US and western allies wanted. I’d say that’s a pretty big modifier to the situation with regard to the US making future demands. Iraq was subject to a highly conditional surrender with such a short occupation Coalition forces couldn’t always even finish destroying Iraqi war material they had already captured.So by your logic, you would have a right to attack Germany if we don't do what you want?
The UN is based on might makes right and directly stems from a military alliance of primarily western states, so as far as legality goes, that is all that actually exists. The UN Security Council itself is charged with determining what is an aggressive act. So as far as the UN is actually concerned, a crime can’t exist until the council says it does and thus the US didn’t commit a crime. Law is fun hun?This just looks like a "might makes right"-argument to me.
As far as morality goes we differ of opinions. I do not consider it even remotely morally acceptable to more or less starve and plague a nation into submission when you can use any other option. I also think its fucking insane to hand Saddam a license to print money and a ticket to an atomic bomb. No one has presented anything remotely new on dealing with him, you're all pretty clearly fine with the situation just boiling on to whatever end. Fine if you like that and can morally accept that, but its 50,000 bodies a year and Saddam was only 66 years when he was toppled.
We already had active fighting. That’s a major factor in why the invasion in 2003 went over so well, the US has been preparing more and more since the last two years of the Clinton administration as nothing else obviously had any effect on Saddam.Yes, because they had a legitimate reason for the war back then. However, just because you had a casus belli in the past doesn't mean you have one in the present - and "they did not do what we want" is NOT a legitimate casus belli.
No, you’re just blatantly trying to ignore all the fighting before March 20th 2003. Everyone always does when they try to argue this, I guess because as the theme seems to go, everything is okay as long as only Iraqis die. Personally I think people would be singing a different tune if the US had used a proper force and the invasion was actually competent, not that I don't doubt most or all of you opposed it prior to the fact, but we aren't changing any opinions with all this so I wont go on further.Apparently, you don't get this, so let me repeat it: