Shroom Man 777 wrote:The last time I willingly donated blood, using those big bore needles where you can look into the hole can see through the other side, they actually had to jab me three times because my veins were too hard to get, and each time they jabbed they had to "fish around" with the needle, slide it in deeper or draw it back a bit shallower while "wandering" inside my arm to search for the vein. They did it on my right arm, my left arm, and I told them to go back to the right arm and try again because the bloodflow was kind of insufficient and I really wanted them to get the 500ml needed for the donation. By the third go, the medtechs were actually more reluctant to jab me with the needles than I was.
So, I dunno, lying on bed and getting hooked up to an IV line that'll make me sleepy sleep forever isn't that scary a concept for me.
Getting shot kinda is. Do you even die instantaneously from that? They shoot you in the chest, right? What happens if you don't die instantly, they just wait for you to bleed out? That fucking sucks.
Traditionally, firing squads go like this:
They line up about a dozen guys with rifles. You walk out. You are offered a blindfold (so you don't have to watch). You may be offered a cigarette according to old tradition; that may be out of style these days. Then they go "ready, aim, fire."
The dozen guys with rifles shoot. One of them has a blank cartridge loaded so all of them know they
might not have actually shot you. Assuming the guys with rifles aren't Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy graduates, you thus get hit with about ten or so bullets, mostly in the chest, all at once. This will probably rip you up enough that you bleed out
really fast, and I suspect the shock will often shut down people's awareness quickly too.
If you're still thrashing around or whatever, and did not die instantly,
traditionally the guy who's in charge of the firing squad is supposed to walk up and shoot you in the head with a pistol to put you out of your misery quickly. So no, they don't just leave you there to bleed out slowly, if you are bleeding out slowly, which hopefully you aren't.