Ziggy Stardust wrote:TheHammer wrote:
Ziggy, there you go trying to "boil down" arguments again. How many times have I told you that you can't do that?
To my memory you have never done so. And why does succinctness bother you so, anyway? While I agree in principle that oversimplification of an argument can be bad in that some issues have a degree of nuance that is important to capture, you can't arbitrarily decide that any and all simplifications are bad. You have to demonstrate why my simplification is violating the essential premise of your argument, or why it is oversimplified, you can't just rule by fiat that it isn't true because it took fewer words to say.
Your statement was a blatant mischaracterization of my argument. You can't "boil down" an argument removing all context and have anything left but a strawman which is exactly what was left.
TheHammer wrote:
The point, since that wasn't clear to you, is that just because you may have a legal and or moral justification for taking action doesn't mean that it is wise to do so because there are always consequences.
Which has absolutely fuck all to do with the debate, or anything else in the thread? Forgive me for assuming that you were attempting to make a reasoned and coherent argument, as opposed to just spewing out whatever random crap pops into your head. This entire thing is just a huge red herring.
You're right, it WAS a huge red herring for it to even have been brought up. I need to learn to stop entertaining these irrelevent points because it distracts from the discussion at hand...
Review the context of the discussion here:
Oh, so NOW you're concerned about context.
1) You made the statement that the American government was justified in its killing of Al-Awlaki, as he was a legitimate target
Yes I did, and specifically Awlaki has been debated many times on this board during which time the case was made pretty clear. Only but the most pig headed and delusional people still feel like they need to make him their champion, and poster child against the idea of using drones.
2) Straha brought up several examples demonstrating how loose the definition of a "legitimate target" can be. The obvious implication here is that even if Al-Awlaki was legitimate as is legally defined, that in and of itself is not proof that he was legitimate in a moral/ethical sense. To put it another way: Straha asked you why the definition of a "legitimate target" is appropriate.
Obviously the centerpiece of this entire debate pertains to the legal definition. Moral/Ethical questions have even greater shades of grey weightng "lessers of two evils" against ones own moral code.
But as to the moreal/ethetical aspect: If these men would be legitimate military targets if they were of any nationality other than American, then why should their status as American citizens convey upon them special protections?
3) Your response to this is to say that Straha's examples are invalid because Al-Awlaki was qualitatively different. And you repeat your claim that he was a legitimate target.
Awlaki was brought up as the example of this drone policy in actual use and is central to the issue at hand. You are wanting to know "well who would this policy be used against?" Since Awlaki is the example we are using, and the prime example that always gets brought up during debates over this policy, a qualitative comparison is completely justified.
I don't entertain these "well under the loose definitions used, you or I could be targeted by drones" because the idea is fucking asinine. There are plenty of powers a President has that could theoretically be abused, but in practice they aren't abused because of the ultimate consequences.
Theoretically, since the President has the power to pardon crimes, all he would have to do would be to make a vague inference (legally protected speech) that he wished someone were dead, and then subsequently pardon anyone who carried out his wishes.
4) Straha then explains why his examples are valid. Since he already stated it beautifully, I will quote him directly:
You are making the case that someone who helps to create conditions that are vital to an organization's continuing operation are legitimate targets for drone strikes, specifically through recruitment in the case of Anwar Al-Aulaqi. That's really amorphous because beyond and I'm trying to force you to give a specific bright line.
I already answered this point.
Part of this post is the example about Chief Bill John Baker of the Cherokee Nation. It is obvious that the point of the hypothetical is to get you to apply the logic you are using to justify the killing of Al-Awlaki to a different context to see if it continues to hold water.
5) Your response to this hypothetical, the purpose of which I just outlined, is to remark that it would be a bad idea because America is so powerful. You then clarify that abstract legal and moral concerns are irrelevant next to real consequences.
Could the Cherokee nation be "legally and morally justified" in taking military action against the US? Absolutely. As could dozens of nations around the world and vice versa. My second point was to give a reason as to why they wouldn't choose to do so, not because they weren't justified, but because of the consequences. Again as previously mentioned, this is a red herring to the discussion at hand and I'm not going to entertain it any further.
Do you honestly not see how utterly out of context that is? What you should be doing is pointing out why the hypothetical is not analogous to reality, or how the internal logic of the hypothetical could be used to bolster your argument, or conceding the point.
You are correct. The whole thing is way out of context. Moving on.
So explain: what does the potency of consequences for your actions have to do with the underlying question of what criterion could be used to classify a target as legitimate? If Al-Awlaki represented a nation more powerful than the United States, would you then argue that he should not have been killed out of fear for the consequences?
The answer: it had nothing to do with legitimacy. I was simply making a statement that they would need both the right
and ability to act.