OK. You have a point- but consider this.mr friendly guy wrote:I am still trying to work out how that actually WEAKENS my argument that ethnic cleansing still occurs in the modern era in an attempt to gain an advantage in territorial claims. If anything you have just given me another example to work with. My argument isn't to take sides between the Serbs/ Albanians, Georgians / South Ossetians etc, but to point out your counter claim that "deciding sovereignty by what the current inhabitants want DOESN'T encourage ethnic cleansing anymore because the modern era is different", is a dubious argument at best.Simon_Jester wrote:So might the Albanians in Kosovo.
In theory, deciding that possession is nine tenths of the law does make someone more likely to steal land from another people. In practice, I don't think it's a major factor in the decision. The Albanians did not drive away Serbs because the Albanians wanted to be able to say in 2095 "well, they've all left the area so we can't very well compensate them and besides all the offending parties and victims are dead." They drove out Serbs because then and there they were hostile to Serbs in Kosovo. Would they feel less desire to do anything about that if some very powerful international court decided to (somehow) punish Turkey for the Armenian genocide or something of that nature?
Which ties back into the question of practicality. At least a 'preserve status quo' rule means that we don't restart old wars in an attempt to recompense the victims. It isn't satisfying to groups that are now disadvantaged, but in a lot of cases there is just nothing that can possibly be done in a remotely practical way that would. Nations would refuse to pay, would even violently resist paying on the grounds that in a lot of cases fighting a war would be cheaper and less destructive than having to give up enough land and wealth to make room for the minority in question. And that's not just a "first world oppressor refuses to own up" problem; it also applies to countries like Turkey, and decolonialized nations like Sudan that have a history of discriminating and marginalizing certain ethnic groups.
Because we are talking about large sums of compensation. Could the US government pay reparations to the American Indians? Yes. Large ones? Probably yes, assuming we limit the degree of cosanguinity with the native tribes that applies. Large enough to compensate for the loss of a continent? How do you even measure how much you'd have to pay for something like that?
If we treat this as a crime that needs to be punished, we must consider whether the offender is ever going to be able to pay. The case is even more obvious if, say, we try to charge Britain for what it did to India: we could totally gut the British economy trying to pay reparations, and it would be only a drop in the bucket of solving India's problems. And at least in that case there's no question of having to move huge numbers of Britons off the land they grew up in to make room for Indians who have a superior right to occupy that land.
The Palestinians are in fact numerous and their population is growing faster than that of Israel, so no, it's not going to go away. Personally, I think the only thing the Israelis can be truly sure of is that the "all Israelis move away to somewhere else and it becomes all Palestinian land" card is off the table. Everything else is potentially negotiable as the 21st century rolls on, if you ask me. Even if it looks fixed and certain now.However once those Palestinians who fled during the creation of Israel are dead of natural causes, arguably the policies which led to them fleeing "worked" in the sense the Palestinians remaining are not numerous enough for us to apply self determination arguments against the more numerous Jews.
It does exist- but the alternative is to leave all ethnic-cleansing cases open effectively forever. At what point does it stop making sense to say to someone "hand over the title deed to that office building to that man over there; his grandfather used to own a farm on the land you built it on?" When does this stop being effective compensation and a way to deter people from wronging each other, and start being a pointless exercise that destroys more than it creates?Yeah people do care. However caring is itself not enough to prevent it happening, and once again, if we argue by "after a while all the original people involve are dead, and lets not punish the people currently in that area", then ethnically cleansing does achieve that objective. Sure people may have cared while these guys were alive, but its less of an issue once they are long dead and buried. I am not saying I have the best solution, but it seems silly to pretend this type of weakness in your position doesn't exist, or downplaying it anyway.
Do you see the British paying for the Raj in India? Can we realistically compute damages for what was done to the American Indians, or the Australian aborigines?This is not easy to resolve, and I am with Straha on this in the sense we need to look at the alternatives, openly admit the weaknesses in each idea. I don't have a 100% preferred method, but I am looking at the weaknesses in each. For your dilemma, I did suggest earlier perhaps compensation (say monetary) for the wronged groups. This is on the assumption that the groups still exist. So I don't really see Rome paying the descendants of Carthage for example.