I am not convinced. If you have several people checking it then they will be better off. Assuming a neutral judiciary there should not be a blatant favor for one side built in the system. The only reason the US has it is because it is a flawed system from the start, based upon the general assumption that lay juries will do a better job than professionals, something which is not accepted for any other field. There is no reason to favor the defence in a neutral system.
Yes. There is. Even if we discount everything about the full weight and might of the state etc.
If a guilty person is set free, here are the harms. We will assume exactly identical crimes.
1. Justice for their victims is not done.
2. They may go on to commit other crimes.
If an innocent person is convicted, here are the harms. Again, exact same crime
1. Justice is not done for the victim (equal to 1, above)
2. The real guilty party may go on to commit other crimes (marginally greater than 2 above, because presumably in the case of a guilty party being set free they would at least be held prior to trial and prevented for some time from committing other crimes. Here, they are not)
3. A second victim is created by way of an innocent person having their lives destroyed (a HUGE harm in and of itself)
That alone is reason enough to bias proceedings in favor of the defense. Unless you believe procedural fairness outweighs the actual outcome of trials in terms of their consequences with respect to justice and protecting society from criminals. In which case, you are insane.
BS. The prosecutor has professional investigators at his disposal in every inquisitorial system, the defence has not. That is no argument against the system being any less fair.
PS: The defence can always hire their own detectives and get reimbursed later on if they can show the expenses to be necessary in inquisitorial systems. The same is AFAIK true for Italy.
Prosecution Investigators: Armed men who have the authority of law to detain and question witnesses, obtain authorization to enter homes and other private spaces, engage in broad scale surveillance including wiretapping, and have the facilities and in-house expertise (such as it in Italy, apparently) to collect and process forensic evidence.
Defense: Can be reimbursed if they hire a private investigator, who has none of the aforementioned legal powers.
If you think those two things are equivalent, you need a reality check.
No it does not because unless you want to argue that every European system is inherently unfair then you got no case.
That depends on your definition of fairness. But more on that momentarily.
You would have a case if the prosecutors were out to get people (untrue because they get nothing out of that, no advancement etc. unless you want to argue that there is some nebulous caped crusader inhabiting every prosecutor).
Neither needs to be true. No one is ever really dispassionate. There could be any number of things that could induce a prosecutor to become erroneously convinced of someone's guilt. One of the good things about european courts compared to US courts is that they do not create an actual incentive to do so, but it can still happen.
Mistakes made by the defence have the same weight as mistakes made by the prosecution. It is hilarious that one wants to gloss over one side but completely put the focus on the other.
See above with respect to harm comparisons. An innocent person being convicted is qualitatively and quantitatively worse than a guilty person going free. That is why. It is not something that is glossed over, one is factually worse than the other.
More to the point, the only way to convict a higher proportion of guilty people is to either
A) Only ever bring very strong cases (so, way the hell stronger cases than the three hypothetical cases I presented above. This has the benefit of increasing the probability that the person actually IS guilty)
B) Increase the probability of convicting innocent people.
So according to you Germany and every country in Europe is monstrous. Got you.
Every judicial system on the planet is dysfunctional in its own special way. That is how yours is. A high probability of convicting innocent people due to court procedures. It may be the case that the way trials are decided might be better (because professional juries and judges are better than lay juries), but the mere fact that the prosecution can appeal a not-guilty verdict ADDS the probability of false accusation per iteration, rather than multiplying it (and remember, adding fractions results in bigger numbers than multiplying fractions. Just in case you forgot)
Do you realize how arrogant and uninformed you sound?
I did just prove my case with math. If we control for all other factors (such as the jury system vs impaneled judges), the mere fact that the prosecution can appeal a Not Guilty verdict increases the probability of convicting an innocent person compared to common law counterparts, particularly in the most likely instances where an innocent person would be brought to trial. Cases where circumstantial evidence is all the prosecution has (modeled by case 3 in my original post). This is made worse by only requiring a majority vote to convict.
Yes Thanas. In a circumstantial evidence case with only slight evidence of guilt, a probability of falsely convicting an innocent person of 60% is pretty damn monstrous.
Which segues into the next bit.
The fact that in the sane european countries, you use panels of nothing but judges who presumably are better trained than the 6 citizens who can override the better judgement of the two judges in an italian court?
Here. I will illustrate the principle by comparing three judicial systems in a murder trial. Italy, the US, and Germany (German Schwurgericht, I believe), modeled after Case 3 in my original post. Lay judges and Jurors are here considered to be identical. Professional judges are also considered identical to eachother. Remember, the person really is innocent.
Probability of a Lay Judge/Juror voting to convict: 66%. These are lay people. Lay people are stupid.
Probability of a judge voting to convict: 10%, the evidence is weak, but there is some room for assholes and morons who make it onto the bench somehow, or people becoming convinced of guilt for reasons only present in their own heads.
US conviction probability: 0.0077 (.77%)
If the defendant appeals the conviction, I managed to find the
dispositions of criminal appeals in the federal courts. So I will go with those probabilities. When I consider appeals by the prosecution, I will consider all probabilities to be identical. So, basically, I assume the federal courts will Affirm or Reverse prior court decisions/verdicts at the same rate, no matter which side brings an appeal.
Further assumptions: Dismissals I am lumping in with affirmations. As I understand it, this is when the appeal is dismissed, so it is extensionally equivalent. I am also lumping partial affirmations in with affirmations. I shall also be using Sentence and Conviction appeals.
Reversal: .152
Remand: .121
Affirm: .727
The probability of convicting an innocent person with only Defendant appeals is equal to
Initial Probability of Conviction*(Affirm+(Remand*Initial)
Or .56%
If both the prosecution AND defense can appeal (assuming an appellate court was ever given the power to overturn a not-guilty verdict), here is the equation
Defense Appeal+(Reversal+(remand*initial))
Here they are, added together
or 15.85%
Holy Fuck.
German Conviction Probability:
This calculation is a bit more complicated. My understanding is that you need a simple majority from 3 judges, and 2 lay judges. I cannot do this with just a binomial distribution, so here are the possibilities
3PJ+ x≥0LJ=.001
2PJ+≥1 LJ=.024
Add these, Probability of Conviction is .1455
That is pretty fucking bad, considering you are convicting an innocent person. The only thing that saves the German judiciary from blatant injustice is that the Bundesgerichtshof is made up of 5 judges. I would use numbers from US criminal appeals courts like I did above, but the function of judges in the Bundesgerichtshof is completely different, and they are, as far as I am aware (please correct me if I am wrong, and I will revise the calculations, or if you have the statistics on the disposition of appeals cases, please link me. I looked. Did not find them.), permitted to acquit in total, remand to retrial, or simply reconvict on their own.
Assume that irrespective of verdict, it gets appealed to the Bundesgerichtshof
10% chance to vote in favor of convicting the defendant
30% chance to vote to remand for a second trial
60% chance to vote in favor of releasing defendant
Notice, I am not trying to sandbag your judge panels. I suspect these values are heavily biased toward releasing defendants, relative to your actual court system.
To convict completely there are several possibilities
3 Guilty +1 Remand +1 Acquittal=.0036
3 Guilty +2 Remand +0 Acquittal=.0009
3 Guilty+ 0 Remand +2 Acquittal=.0036
4 Guilty+ 1 Remand +0 Acquittal=.00015
4 Guilty+ 0 Remand +1 Acquittal=.00030
5 Guilty+ 0 Remand +0 Acquittal=.00001
Summed probability: .00896
To completely acquit the defendant:
1 Guilty + 1 Remand + 3 Acquittal=.12960
2 Guilty + 0 Remand + 3 Acquittal=.02160
0 Guilty + 2 Remand + 3 Acquittal=.19440
1 Guilty + 0 Remand + 4 Acquittal=.06480
0 Guilty + 1 Remand + 4 Acquittal=.19440
0 Guilty + 0 Remand + 5 Acquittal=.07776
Summed Probability:=.68256
To remand for new trial
3 Remand +1 Guilty +1 Acquittal=.03240
3 Remand +2 Guilty +0 Acquittal=.00270
3 Remand+ 0 Guilty +2 Acquittal=.09720
4 Remand+ 1 Guilty +0 Acquittal=.00405
4 Remand+ 0 Guilty +1 Acquittal=.02430
5 Remand+ 0 Guilty +0 Acquittal=.00243
Summed Probability .16308
If remand for new trial, assume the original probability of conviction applies.
So, if both sides can appeal a guilty verdict, then the end probability of convicting an innocent person is
Defense Appeal + Prosecution Appeal
(Initial Trial*(Convict+(Remand*Initial)))+(Convict +(Remand*Initial))
If only the defense can ever appeal, you get this:.0047
So, lets compare.
US Chance of False Conviction: .38%
US Chance of False Conviction if Prosecution May Appeal: 15.85%
German Chance of False Conviction: 3.74%
German Chance of False Conviction if Only Defense May Appeal: .47%
In both of these cases, the chance of getting a false conviction is increased by permitting the prosecution to appeal. Note, the German system in this case is an estimation, as are initial verdict probabilities. However, irrespective of what those numbers are, the pattern remains the same. In fact, they must. The rules of multiplication and addition of percents do not permit any differently.
However, assuming my estimates for German appeals are reasonable (which I have no data for), the fact that you use a 5 judge panel allows you to mitigate the consequences significantly better than the US would if we permitted prosecutorial appeals. Also, this does not take into account differences in other aspects of our respective court systems (like jury racism in the US, differences in rules of evidence etc etc etc) that may lead to higher baseline false conviction rates (which I suspect due to the review of death row inmates done in Illinois a few years ago).
OK. Now for Italy. There is a reason I said they would be so very much worse. And, while the US and Germany might not be directly comparable, Germany and Italy should be better in that respect.
The Italian criminal courts utilize a panel of 2 judges and 6 lay judges who I understand are selected in a way similar to German lay judges. Majority vote (I am assuming 5 necessary to convict). Same conviction probabilities (66% for lay people, 10% for actual trained judges)
Conviction probability again, is somewhat complicated by having two groups with different probabilities. Here are the possible combinations.
2 PJ+ x≥3LJ=.01*.90=.009
1PJ+ x≥4LJ=0.18*0.68=.1224
0PJ+ x≥5LJ=.81*.351=.284
Yes. You read that right. Identical evidence. Identical people. Different composition than German courts. At initial trial (not even getting into the preliminary stuff where someone is indicted), the probability of an innocent person being convicted as per Case 3, is 41.5%
Now, to their appeals!
Once a case is appealed
An appeal in Italy is effectively a second trial. Same makeup, they review the same evidence, and then rule.
The equation here will be different.
Defense: Initial conviction*(New Conviction)+(New Conviction)
If they permitted only defendants to appeal, their false conviction chance would drop to a mind-shattering 17.26%
Do you see that Thanas? In the Italian court system, assuming identical conditions, having a second full trial in which both sides are permitted to appeal is identical to having only a single trial. They are that fucked up. You could make the argument that the second trial might be better, but it wont be THAT much better. Hell, I can even model that for you. Assume that the second trial conforms to my original Case 1. 50/50 for Lay Judges, 5% for the actual judges. The prosecution's case has become weaker due to additional fact finding such that it takes an actual judge to be actively incompetent for them to vote to convict. Here are the probabilities.
2 PJ+ x≥3LJ=.0025*.65625=.00164
1PJ+ x≥4LJ=.095*.34375=.03267
0PJ+ x≥5LJ=.9025*.109375=.0987
Sum: .13301
Now, we take that, and plug it into our old friendly equation
An 18.8% chance of convicting an innocent person.
If they ONLY permitted defendants to appeal, the chance of false conviction would drop to a paltry 5.6% under these conditions
So, lets see what happens when the Court of Cassation rears its ugly head. The way it works is similar to the US system (in the sense that it does not rule on the merits of cases, only on procedural and legal mistakes). I have no idea where I might find their statistics. So, I will assume probabilities equivalent to the US appellate courts.
Reversal: .152
Remand: .121
Affirm: .727
After the Court of Cassation gets done (I know this verdict can be appealed, but jesus christ), there is a 26.7% chance that, under the conditions specified, an innocent person would be convicted.
If they only permitted the defendant to appeal, this would drop to
So, in summary
US Chance of False Conviction: .38%
US Chance of False Conviction if Prosecution May Appeal: 15.85%
German Chance of False Conviction: 3.74%
German Chance of False Conviction if Only Defense May Appeal: .47%
Italian Chance of False Conviction: 26.7%
Italian Chance of False Conviction if Only Defense May Appeal: 4.15%
You might be able to argue about some of my inputs. Vote probabilities are arbitrary. However, I kept them constant between all three countries, so the initial conviction probabilities should be fully comparable, controlling for everything but the structure and makeup of the court proceedings.
German appeals, I had to pick something and those numbers seemed reasonable. I can readily recompute with US values so everything is fully comparable if you like. In fact, I will do that. In this case, they Remand to themselves for a main trial (so I compute conviction probabilities based on a panel of 5 judges at a Convict vote probability of 10%)
Reversal: .152
Remand: .121
Affirm: .727
Which is worse than the original trial.
US Chance of False Conviction: .38%
US Chance of False Conviction if Prosecution May Appeal: 15.85%
German Chance of False Conviction: 3.74%
German Chance of False Conviction if Only Defense May Appeal: .47%
German Chance of False Conviction(Revised): 17.3%
Italian Chance of False Conviction(with a better second trial, way worse if it is the same): 26.7%
Italian Chance of False Conviction if Only Defense May Appeal: 4.15%
Allowing the prosecution to appeal makes the chance of false conviction WAY higher for an innocent defendant, no matter what court system you are in. The idea that multiple independent looks at the evidence results in a better, more accurate verdict is mathematically proven false, because probabilities of false conviction are added, not multiplied as they are when only a defendant can appeal.
Additionally, there are differences between systems, and because all inputs into the equations were held constant, these results are comparable, and attributable to differences in the structure and makeup of the court and appeals process.
If you really really want to torment me, I am willing to set probabilities that someone is guilty vs being convicted, and recompute. However, I do hope you understand the point now.
I don't know what happened. What I do however think is that the entire theory of prosecutors having it in for her is pretty unlikely.
It does not need to be personal. This sort of thing happens with police in the US all the time, even though technically they have no incentive to convict any given person. They get fixated early. Confirmation Bias takes over and they begin twisting facts to fit a particular suspect rather than find a suspect that fits the facts. It is completely unconscious, and not malicious. It happens as a byproduct of human psychology.