Uh, neither the letter nor the spirit of the law historically allowed homosexuality. In certain places such as Britain, you could get forcibly sterilized for being homosexual. In America, the fact that law enforcement targeted homosexuals was the reason Stonewall happened. Sodomy laws were and still are a thing.Joun_Lord wrote: ↑2017-07-14 07:14amI think that certainly the argument can be made that tolerance should extend both ways if for nothing else then to protect everyone. Do I like people like Milo spewing hate speech or idiot Rebuplicans saying whatever lame brained sexist nonsense? Of course not. But I also like being able to say shit like "I'm the bald of religion" or "I want to marry a dude if I so felt like it". Because there was a time not so long ago saying that was considered socially unacceptable by many, some place still are. But the law protected (atleast the letter even if not those charging with enforcing it).
There is a clear defined line between intolerance of homosexuals and intolerance of those who do not tolerate homosexuality. Read up on the paradox of tolerance sometime.
God you should really learn to shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about. This is a real problem with you. Protesting and criticizing a speaker and petitioning a university administration to deplatform them isn't "denying their free speech". That is not how the First Amendment works. This is high school shit.Joun_Lord wrote: ↑2017-07-14 07:14amI'm not against protests but I am against denying anyone free speech which many times protests are aimed at doing, suppressing the right for someone to speak their peace. I only think someone protesting a bigot becomes as bad as them when they start following their rulebook. A anti-bigot protestor threatening people, denying their rights, even physically assaulting people, well paint my ass silver and call me the Silver Sphincter but that sounds like some pretty shitty shit to do, some almost bigoted shit to do.
And yes, I don't think anyone is entitled to a campus free of fear if they consider some assclown saying words to be reason to be afraid, if they think fellow students or the administration allowing it to take place means they need to be afraid of those lot. You have the right to not be harmed, words even bad ones, even bigoted ones I personally don't think is true harm. Muh privilege.
Also, people are going to be understandably pissed if these speakers expose them to danger, and their surrounding university staff and law authorities refuse to do anything about that. I've gone through this already elsewhere and I'm not going through it here again. And if you think words are not "true harm", oh arbiter of what is truly hurtful, then why don't you tell that to the countless queers who have committed suicide because of relentless bullying.
You fail to realize that goes the other way. Wearing a MAGA hat or preaching Trump gospel in the middle of an office can be interpreted as a supremely political message that can and probably will start fights. It's the office version of bait. That in itself can be considered disruption. It's also mind-numbingly idiotic to compare that with being homosexual because homosexuality is not just a mere belief. This is beyond apples and oranges, not comparable at all.Joun_Lord wrote: ↑2017-07-14 07:14amA, Its a bit more then disliking someones hat, its hating against someone based on their beliefs. Not exactly on the same level as homophobia but still can be a form of discrimination. B, that was pretty much my point that people have to learn to not be disruptive or risk getting shitcanned. C, it depends on the place but I'm sure most place ain't going to mind a peck on the cheek or even a hug. Even a hug can trigger some tiny brained caveman who can't handle the sight of two dudes being intimate at all. However if they want to keep their job they have to learn how to not go shouting "its against gawd" if they want to keep their jerb.
You're stuck so deep in those right wing outlets pal, you might want to go outside and get yourself a little more perspective.Joun_Lord wrote: ↑2017-07-14 07:14amI'm getting that atleast some kids aren't learning those skills because they are not displaying them at skool and sometimes even in the workplace such as that intern who did not learn normal workplace conflict solving skills but instead went with the petition. To steal......uh borrow a line somebody else said, workplaces aren't a democracy, they are at best a benevolent dictatorship. At school that shit goes, they can throw together a petition, they can demand, doesn't work the same usually at a job.
If protests were "respectful", then they would be ineffective. Protests are supposed to be in your face. Protests are supposed to rile your emotions. If they didn't, they would be easily ignored. Why do you think people end up reserving time out of their days to even do these protests? Just for shits and giggles?Joun_Lord wrote: ↑2017-07-14 07:14amI think there is a time and place for protest. And yes, there should be atleast some measure of respect, at the least no unwarranted physical violence, no mob antics designed to harass and intimidate people. One thing the fucking Christians had right (bout the only thing, bitterness thy name is Joun) was do unto others as you want dun onto you. You act like a violent asshole then don't be surprised when someone responds in kind, you act like a rights restricting fuck then don't act like its unexpected when your own rights get restricted.
Also for christ's sake make your points more concise or I'll throw you out of an airlock.