As always, you think you can insta-win with "LUDDITE!!! QUICK, KILL GENERAL LUDD! They're smashing the LOOMS!"
Crawl back into your filthy pit, you slime. I just understand that if one industrial country could drain the Aral Sea, several industrial countries could destroy the world. Preindustrial civilizations had no such ability. Their collapse and rise was perhaps dramatic, but always had a limited footprint and impact.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 05:25pmWell that decides it. A single Guardian article from 2013 that you just googled. What more do we need. Hey did you know that some humans commit suicide? I guess self preservation also cannot be called human nature right.
It's all capitalism fault!
That's true, I've dealt with this fact before, actually. Under a society with full caloric intake, adequate nutrition, etc. it happens that Foxconn workers are killing themselves. Are they tortured? Is it Dachau? No, doesn't seem like it. In fact people in Dachau seemed to be willing to survive at all costs, many of them. But in the atomized society, people often just kill themselves, end their life, although from a purely material standpoint it is fine. I mean, we've had people jump off the roof because they've lost a million $ out of, say, three. So like I said, human nature's pretty flexible and society gets to decide what's going to be good and what not. Gonna have Yudkowski's baby eaters if baby eating actually is good, lol. That's how it works. Language & ideology is programming, you're the biocomputer.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 05:25pmAnd if I decide that those people need water much more than I need Coca Cola I can stop buying Coca Cola. Or the government can't ban water exploitation in a sensitive area. What does that have to do with the capitalist system?
Because the capitalist system of distribution is a market; there is no needs-based distribution, but only purchasing power decides who gets what. That's why runaway production of Coca Cola can coexist with thirst. Someone doesn't have enough purch power to allow clean water, because the water's gone to the highest bidder. Another can drink Coke like water, even pour it out into the drain if he had enough.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 05:25pmTransportation is an example. There are many others not the least being agriculture where mechanization drastically increased yields. Or are you going to say there was no demand for increased agricultural production. CAPITALISM inveneded it.
Capitalism allowed to industrialize agriculture and thereby increase human population beyond the previously-possible capacity of prior formations, to crazy numbers. But we are not in a strategy game, and we don't win by numbers, mass-produced people aren't a tickbox achievement.
Also you fail to understand that there are consequences of each decision, and they compound. If today you decide to start working on wired electricity, for example, and not on wireless, then tomorrow the world will be full of wires. If you made a different decision at the starting point, another technology would have been developed and the world could have looked completely different. You act as if people, environment, etc. are just fixed things, set in stone, and there are things which are created because it couldn't be otherwise. That's childish.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 05:25pmCapitalism enabled cost effective production and distribution of the substance X. It is up to human beings to have a moral compass and decide what they should produce and consume. I will not become fat because I take care that my food has no more than 10 calories per gram of protein. Not everyone needs a dipshit commie ideologue to protect them from the world
Chemical addiction is not dependent on "moral compass", dumbass, just like disease isn't asking you if you're a highly moral person or a shitbag. Go tell the addicts they need to check their
moral compass and that the cartels did nuthin' wrong. You're such a total fuckface.
I'm honoured that you think I am an ideologue who can protect the vulnerable from the world. Lofty goal. Seems like parenthood or teaching. Perhaps one day.
Uhh.... well, well, genetics can be a bitch, y'know.
Kane Starkiller wrote: ↑2018-01-24 05:25pmBeats me I don't buy it. Many people do apparently. Capitalist system provides the supply and quite effectively. That you don't like it means you have a problem with human habits not with the system.
Like I thought, you are a total fuckface devoid of any shred of empathy. In your world, people are fundamentally and originally, by nature, stupid, evil and deserve to suffer; capitalist system provides them with that suffering and quite effectively, but remains blameless, because it's always the riffraff, they're at fault for their peril, always the people. Such individualism! Such ruggedness!