2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Joun_Lord »

Flagg wrote:Well, TBF Trump is a special case in that he's not been dogwhistling shit about hating Muslims, etc, he's been bullhorning it. So I get people being scared shitless. But yeah, the hypocrisy is funny.
Trump is a special case, yes and no. He has had the audacity to say some boneheaded racist shit about Muslims but he said what people were thinking, what people are doing. I have no doubt there is already a database of Muslims living in the US compiled by the FBI or NSA. Apparently Trump's talk about it was meaning a continuation of a Bush era program that was a defacto registry of Muslim immigrants.

I sure that quite a few people scared shitless about scury Muslim terrorism already want a hold on Muslim immigration, not even racists or anything just people unreasonably scared about brown people coming to blow them up. People who's fears were stoked by the media and assholes politicians, Trump too but mostly he just jumped on the wagon while it was already rolling.

Bush or Obama might not have came right out and said they dislike Muslims but they damn sure acted like they did. Under Bush two entire countries were wrecked and possibly millions killed in one war that he bungled and another war that should have never happened but Bush had to make his daddy proud. Obama has been using drones to slaughter like anything brown in the Middle East to the point I'm HIV positive UPS has stopped delivering there. Weddings, funerals, funerals for the weddings, birthday parties, and any male old enough to grow pubes are all targets for the drone strikes. Even an American citizen and his 16 year old American citizen son was killed possibly extra-judiciously by a drone strike.

I'm sure Trump will be no better, possibly worse, but he isn't all that special except what spews from his mouth hole. People being scared of him like he's something special is like the NRA morons being scared of Obama coming to take their guns but not being scared of Romney, a guy who had signed into law an assault weapons ban in his home state and supported the national AWB and Bradybunch Bill, because he said he loves guns. Actions speak louder the words and the actions of Bush and Obama sound an awful lot like airstrikes. Kaboom, kablaw, explosions, boom!!!!!!
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Dragon Angel »

Joun_Lord wrote:One thing I will say that liberats are doing different from conservaturds is making goddamn petitions, always with the petitions. I'm so sick and tired of these goddamn petitions on this motherfucking internet. Petitions don't do squat (which don't exist), certainly aren't going to sway the fucking election or get pumpkin Hitler impeached and email harpy put in office to be impeached, goddamn I'm in the mood for some peaches. Seems like every fucking hot button issue these days there is some stupid ass petition. I mean I have little room to talk sitting here behind a computer screen I need to clean bitching into the void, but goddamn you lazy fucks, if you want change get off your asses.
Usually I can barely read what you type, much less do I agree with you on a lot of things, but on this we can at least have an agreement. This is a known problem I and plenty of others have with liberals in this country.

If I had more accessibility outside of my home and had less physical problems, I'd probably think of doing a lot more politically. Unfortunately my current living situation completely precludes that...
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin', while my thoughts were busy hatchin', if I only had a brain!
I would not be just a nothin', my head all full of stuffin', my heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be would be a ding-a-derry, if I only had a brain!"
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Joun_Lord »

Dragon Angel wrote:Usually I can barely read what you type, much less do I agree with you on a lot of things, but on this we can at least have an agreement. This is a known problem I and plenty of others have with liberals in this country.

If I had more accessibility outside of my home and had less physical problems, I'd probably think of doing a lot more politically. Unfortunately my current living situation completely precludes that...
Is my typing really that bad? I mean I knew it was bad, like alphabet soup spilled out on a screen at times, but I thought it was semi-legible. I can atleast read what I type unlike my handwriting. I should have been a doctor considering the fact I literally cannot read half the notes I write for myself.

My dyslexia making communicating a real pain aside, I'm not going to fault someone with physical or mental problems not getting out and marching and shite. Sith Lord knows I'd not be able to much if I was politically active considering my panic attacks in crowds and around people. Online petitions might be bullshit but that might literally be all they can do if they are not mobile or are a shut-in. Same with people "stuck up a holler" or the local equivalent, is physically isolated and unable to easily participate in political bullshit in person.

I'm sure though despite the old stereotype of everyone on the internet being overweight dudes living in their parents basements most people signing and making these petitions fucking constantly are not disabled or isolated or stuck doing a job that they can't do shit. They have the time to set up these petitions, to do stupid Twitter hashtag campaigns, to fight the good fight on message boards and chatrooms, they have time to make a couple signs and go out and wave them around or any of the other IRL political activism things people can do that is far more effective then spreading around #whinychildrenwhiningabootsomething.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Dragon Angel »

Joun_Lord wrote:Is my typing really that bad? I mean I knew it was bad, like alphabet soup spilled out on a screen at times, but I thought it was semi-legible. I can atleast read what I type unlike my handwriting. I should have been a doctor considering the fact I literally cannot read half the notes I write for myself.
No, no, it's not dyslexia or anything like that but that you write a lot of ... verbiage. I'm exaggerating a little but I guess what I mean is I'd like your posts to be a little more to the point. But, if this is difficult I apologize for my insensitivity.
Joun_Lord wrote:My dyslexia making communicating a real pain aside, I'm not going to fault someone with physical or mental problems not getting out and marching and shite. Sith Lord knows I'd not be able to much if I was politically active considering my panic attacks in crowds and around people. Online petitions might be bullshit but that might literally be all they can do if they are not mobile or are a shut-in. Same with people "stuck up a holler" or the local equivalent, is physically isolated and unable to easily participate in political bullshit in person.

I'm sure though despite the old stereotype of everyone on the internet being overweight dudes living in their parents basements most people signing and making these petitions fucking constantly are not disabled or isolated or stuck doing a job that they can't do shit. They have the time to set up these petitions, to do stupid Twitter hashtag campaigns, to fight the good fight on message boards and chatrooms, they have time to make a couple signs and go out and wave them around or any of the other IRL political activism things people can do that is far more effective then spreading around #whinychildrenwhiningabootsomething.
Petitions I'd say are a good way to gauge opinion, but there needs to be a layer of people acting on those petitions too. Contact your local governments and representatives to make sure they act on the petitions, show up to them physically and make it clear. Preferably in huge groups. Sure, we have organizations such as the ACLU, but there are a great many unorganized people who are more than able, but never want to get their hands dirty.

Then, there are the people who say all we should do is write "strongly-worded" letters and create petitions. Which is of course rather foolish, because that's talk with no action. However, some of these people have the gall to say anything more than that is too much and we should remain low-key and not disrupt the peaceful flow of government. These people defang themselves and their entire movements for absolutely no reason.
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin', while my thoughts were busy hatchin', if I only had a brain!
I would not be just a nothin', my head all full of stuffin', my heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be would be a ding-a-derry, if I only had a brain!"
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Joun_Lord »

Dragon Angel wrote:No, no, it's not dyslexia or anything like that but that you write a lot of ... verbiage. I'm exaggerating a little but I guess what I mean is I'd like your posts to be a little more to the point. But, if this is difficult I apologize for my insensitivity.
No apologies necessary. I do add a bit of fluff to my posts, useless drivel and the like, to try to liven them up. IRL I am the most boring ass person ever. Even the food I eat is boring, I go to a restaurant or sandwich store and the people working comment how they love me as a customer because my sammich or sub or whatever is so darn easy to make because I don't add anything like condiments or toppings, just meat, cheese and bread.

Plus while this place is great at times things get wayyyyyy too serious round here and I try, and no doubt fail as my understanding of humor is all and all pretty limited, to inject a bit of humor. Don't know if I'm getting any chuckles but nobody has tossed any rotten tomatoes through my screen yet so theres that.
Dragon Angel wrote:Petitions I'd say are a good way to gauge opinion, but there needs to be a layer of people acting on those petitions too. Contact your local governments and representatives to make sure they act on the petitions, show up to them physically and make it clear. Preferably in huge groups. Sure, we have organizations such as the ACLU, but there are a great many unorganized people who are more than able, but never want to get their hands dirty.

Then, there are the people who say all we should do is write "strongly-worded" letters and create petitions. Which is of course rather foolish, because that's talk with no action. However, some of these people have the gall to say anything more than that is too much and we should remain low-key and not disrupt the peaceful flow of government. These people defang themselves and their entire movements for absolutely no reason.
Actual physical door to door petitions are maybe good gauges but even then its a bit of a crapshoot. Some stupid people will sign anything, badly worded or misleading petitions can get people to sign something that they might no otherwise or not sign something they normally probably would, fake signatures, signatures from outside the petition area, and petition taking done in an annoying or confrontational manner could destroy support for a petition quite easily. Thats just the problems of the IRL petitions, online petitions have most of those problems plus electronic hacketry and anonymity allowing people to easily inflate a petition with signatures.

At most a petition is good for getting people to notice something as petitions can make noise. An IRL petition might inform some people of a problem and both IRL and online can be picked up by news outlets to spread the word farther.

I can understand the want for some to not to disrupt the groove man. They know there is something that needs done or something they think needs to be done but don't want to rock the boat, don't want to mess things up, create a wrong trying to fix a wrong. I understand it even if I might not agree with it. Some people don't want to take the risk inherent with starting a movement, with going out and looking for active change. It can disrupt their lives and even fundamentally change it, do the same to others depending on what the cause is. Their heart is in the right place just their priorities override their heart.

Being too actiony can fuck things up for themselves and others. Not even talking about "2nd Amendment solutions" but things like overly confrontational protests, blocking the flow of traffic, and shutting down things can negatively effect a cause. Nobody wants to have some angry protestor screaming in their face, aren't even going to care what they are screaming about. Very few are going to appreciate having their work or lives compromised by a bunch of people blocking off bridges or camping out at their place of work. People and jobs are effected and hurt financially and possibly even physically when things are shut down.

Look at a some of the protests that have taken too much action and the results. Occupy Wall Street protested on public property in already crowded urban areas, blocked the Brooklyn bridges, were extremely confrontational, placed a long term drain on public resources, and were pretty reviled by some for it (didn't help the media smear job agaisnt them). Their counterparts the Tea Party were less reviled, only really getting shit from many for the racists assclowns that they welcomed with open arms and the stupidity of a bunch of conservatives protesting a Dem president over government spending when their own people drove the spending up in the first place. The TPers won't so in peoples faces, any protest was temporary and usually in rural areas, they didn't disrupt things, and weren't picking fights with people.

Black Lives Matter has a good message, should have alot of support, black people by their population percent are killed more then white people even if they are killed less by numbers alone. However some don't support them because some in their ranks go out of their way to antagonize people, even allies like Bernie Sanders, to disrupt other things like political functions, and to inject their politics into others peoples business like their thing with cops at gay pride parades. Some are anti-cop (though possibly with good reason, maybe), they defend everyone under their purview regardless of guilt or innocence, and have led protests that turned into riots. This stuff along with others have turned people off to BLM even if they might agree with some of their rhetoric.

The two Bundy protests were VERY actiony, didn't give a shit about disrupting the flow of government (was actually the point of the second and the first was started to stop the lawful actions of the other BLM), and were willing to fight for the protest, even die. But they threatened people (allegedly), turned some peoples workplace and other people vacation destination and still other peoples cultural heritage site in their own little shitfilled clubhouse. They were willing to do whatever, disregard whatever laws, to protest for their right to have free stuff because they are too stupid to realize how they are pretty much fitting to a T the stereotype of the welfare queen. Rightfully (in my opinion) many saw them for the morons shitbags they were, people who even agree with their sentiment about government controlling too much land in the west weren't willing to saddle themselves with the fuckers (especially once daddy Bundy started talking about the "negros" who were better as slaves, maybe Trumpo the Clown should hire this fucking ancient cow fucking bastard asshole to be in charge of minority outreach). They pissed off people so bad that some wanted the cops to go in with guns blazing and fuck them up (I can't take the high road on this, I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't want the same thing, Bundy realllllllllly pisses me off).

There has to be some sort of equilibrium between action and doing nothing. Doing nothing gets nothing done, obviously, but too much action can get a negative amount done.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

As regards 2020, I nearby withdraw everything I ever said in support of Tulsi Gabbard, with my apologies.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... rick-perry
Donald Trump’s unorthodox US presidential transition continued on Monday when he held talks with one of the most prominent supporters of leftwing Democrat Bernie Sanders.

The president-elect’s first meeting of the day at Trump Tower in New York was with Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic maverick who endorsed the socialist Sanders during his unsuccessful primary battle with Hillary Clinton.

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Over the past few days Trump has also held talks with Mitt Romney, who once branded him a “phony” but is now under consideration for possible secretary of state, Ted Cruz, whom he labelled “Lyin’ Ted” during the Republican primary campaign, and Democrat Michelle Rhee, the former schools chief of Washington, who is mooted as a possible education secretary.

The celebrity businessman’s aides have characterised him as a deal maker who intends to cast the net wide for diverse talents. Barack Obama has called Trump “pragmatic”, not an “ideologue”, while former secretary of state Henry Kissinger said he would be a unique president because he “has no obligation to any particular group”. He is entertaining both loyalists and rivals, although his three appointments so far – Jeff Sessions for attorney general, Mike Pompeo for CIA chief and Michael Flynn for national security adviser – have been in the former category.

At first glance Gabbard, who is from Hawaii and is the first Hindu member of the US Congress, seems an unlikely counsellor. She resigned from the Democratic National Committee to back Vermont senator Sanders and formally nominated him for president at the party convention in July, crediting him with starting a “movement of love and compassion”, although by then Clinton’s victory was certain.

But the Iraq war veteran has also expressed views that might appeal to Trump, criticising Obama, condemning interventionist wars in Iraq and Libya and taking a hard line on immigration. In 2014, she called for a rollback of the visa waiver programme for Britain and other European countries with what she called “Islamic extremist” populations.

In October last year she tweeted: “Al-Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 and must be defeated. Obama won’t bomb them in Syria. Putin did. #neverforget911.” She was then among 47 Democrats who joined Republicans to pass a bill mandating a stronger screening process for refugees from Iraq and Syria coming to the US.

Media reports have suggested that Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon is an admirer of Gabbard. Last week, when 169 Democrats signed a letter condemning Bannon’s appointment by Trump for encouraging white nationalism, she was not among them.

Trump, the former host of The Apprentice, continues to throw out hints and teases about his cabinet picks reminiscent of a reality TV show. “We really had some great meetings, and you’ll be hearing about them soon,” he said on Sunday.

His other meetings on Monday included talks with Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin, former Texas governor and Republican presidential rival Rick Perry, and executives and anchors from major TV networks.

Former Texas governor Rick Perry exits a meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Tower on Monday.
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Former Texas governor Rick Perry exits a meeting with Donald Trump at Trump Tower on Monday. Photograph: Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters
Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former campaign manager and still a key aide, told Fox News that Perry is a possible contender to lead the defense or energy departments while Fallin is being considered to head the interior department.

Meanwhile there was no sign of an end to the war of words between Trump and the hit Broadway show Hamilton. Actor Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Vice-President Aaron Burr in the award-winning musical, directly addressed Vice-President-elect Mike Pence after Friday’s performance, expressing fears that his administration would not protect America’s diversity.

Trump used Twitter to demand an apology. But Dixon told CBS’s breakfast show This Morning that he was delivering the message on behalf of the producers, creators and the cast. “We recognise Hamilton is an inherently American story, it’s told by the definition of the American community,” he said.

“We are men and women of different colours, creeds and orientations and the resonant nature of the show throughout the world demands we make statements when there are important issues facing us as a community. We wanted to stand up and spread a message of love and unity considering the emotional outpouring since the election.

“Conversation is not harassment and I was appreciative that Vice-President-elect Pence stood there and listened to what we had to say.”

Dixon said Pence was welcome to come backstage to have conversations with the cast about their concerns. He added that the show’s creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, who played Hamilton as a member of the original cast, was involved in writing the message.

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Asked how he felt about Trump’s demand for an apology, Dixon said: “There is nothing to apologise for … We welcome Donald Trump at Hamilton because I think the power of our show and the way we tell it is undeniable.”

Trump tweeted nine times over the weekend. Two tweets were about his transition plans; the other messages complained about Hamilton, a skit on Saturday Night Live, Democratic senator Harry Reid and his recently settled fraud case over Trump University.

The billionaire businessman will spend Thanksgiving at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Jason Miller, a spokesman for the transition team, said Trump would get together with family and take a brief break from transition planning, “hopefully eating some turkey”.

Vice-President elect Mike Pence is travelling for the holiday to Mississippi, where his son, a marine who is training to be a pilot, is stationed.
Their are few things more loathsome in this world than a turncoat, or a collaborator. :evil:
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Gandalf »

Wait, what did Gabbard do aside from meet with the incoming PoTUS?
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by K. A. Pital »

Meanwhile it seems that Trump is actually on track to deliver on most of his promises in the campaign, which include banning refugees, tracking entering persons from Muslim countries, deporting illegal immigrants and making the US exit from TTP and similar agreements unilaterally.

I guess those waiting for "moderation" of PT's views will be hard pressed to find any.

The Wall (TM) might be just partially an improved fence, but it will be done, as will many other things Trump mentioned.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Gandalf wrote:Wait, what did Gabbard do aside from meet with the incoming PoTUS?
Didn't you read the article?

Apparently she has a history of positions and rhetoric that suggest anti-Muslim and anti-refugee views (and supported Putin's bombing campaign in Syria), and more recently did not join other Democrats in condemning the appointment of White nationalist conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon. The last in particular I find inexcusable.

Its also been reported that she is being considered for a Cabinet post by Trump of all things, though it is only indirectly alluded to in this article. I'll see if I can find another source for that.

Frankly, I suspect Trump is using her to appear more moderate than he really is, and try to drive a wedge among progressive opposition to him.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Soontir C'boath »

Let's get some information about what was discussed during the meeting between Gabbard and Trump, before making any conclusions.
Politico wrote:Gabbard said she urged Trump to ignore the neocons during meeting
By BRENT GRIFFITHS 11/21/16 03:20 PM EST Updated 11/21/16 04:31 PM EST
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) said she and President-elect Donald Trump had a frank conversation at Trump Tower on Monday about American policy abroad and the need to avoid any escalations that could lead the nation into war.

“I felt it is important to take the opportunity to meet the President-elect now before the drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government,” Gabbard said in a statement.

A former top official at the Democratic National Committee who resigned to campaign for Bernie Sanders, Gabbard, an Iraq war veteran, said she would not let her differences with Trump undermine America’s national security.

During his presidential campaign, Trump expressed skepticism about the neoconservative and interventionist line of thinking. However, then-candidate Trump’s claims that he opposed the Iraq war are simply not true.

After the meeting, Trump's former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway offered praise for the Hawaii congresswoman, and those like her, who are pushing the Democratic Party to expand their base.

"Rep. Gabbard went against her party, quite boldly, early on, and I think you are hearing people like Rep. Tim Ryan also raising concerns," Conway said. "Bernie Sanders today was also quoted as saying that they should stop identity politics in the Democratic Party. Whoa. He can call and we'll tell him how to do that and win. So I think there's a recognition that there's a big country, a massive amount of voters that feel disaffected from their party, the Democrats."
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

K. A. Pital wrote:Meanwhile it seems that Trump is actually on track to deliver on most of his promises in the campaign, which include banning refugees, tracking entering persons from Muslim countries, deporting illegal immigrants and making the US exit from TTP and similar agreements unilaterally.

I guess those waiting for "moderation" of PT's views will be hard pressed to find any.

The Wall (TM) might be just partially an improved fence, but it will be done, as will many other things Trump mentioned.
He's going back on his promise not to fuck over Medicare and Social Security though, it looks like.

And of the promises you listed, all but maybe exiting the Trade Deals are horrible, horrible things, so I rather wish he would break more promises.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Gandalf »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Wait, what did Gabbard do aside from meet with the incoming PoTUS?
Didn't you read the article?

Apparently she has a history of positions and rhetoric that suggest anti-Muslim and anti-refugee views (and supported Putin's bombing campaign in Syria), and more recently did not join other Democrats in condemning the appointment of White nationalist conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon. The last in particular I find inexcusable.
Fair enough. I assumed you knew that about her history.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Some of it, though certain things I was not fully aware of have been getting a lot more coverage recently in light of this meeting.

Edit: Its like... one or two of these things could maybe be hand-waved away. But when you add them all up... it paints a pretty ugly picture.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
K. A. Pital wrote:Meanwhile it seems that Trump is actually on track to deliver on most of his promises in the campaign, which include banning refugees, tracking entering persons from Muslim countries, deporting illegal immigrants and making the US exit from TTP and similar agreements unilaterally.

I guess those waiting for "moderation" of PT's views will be hard pressed to find any.

The Wall (TM) might be just partially an improved fence, but it will be done, as will many other things Trump mentioned.
He's going back on his promise not to fuck over Medicare and Social Security though, it looks like.

And of the promises you listed, all but maybe exiting the Trade Deals are horrible, horrible things, so I rather wish he would break more promises.
Combined with the fact that none of his actual campaign promises will actually help the rust belters who coronated him, the fact that he's going to gut Medicare and social security (thereby turning the AARP against him, and ironically possibly giving Democrats a mandate for expanded single payer down the road) will be the end of him. I really consider this to be the Randroid Icarus moment. They believe they're ascendant, and that voters have entrusted them to deliver on Conservative Values. People talk about Democrats learning all the wrong lessons from defeat, but it seems like Republicans learn the wrong lessons from victory.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

The Romulan Republic wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Wait, what did Gabbard do aside from meet with the incoming PoTUS?
Didn't you read the article?

Apparently she has a history of positions and rhetoric that suggest anti-Muslim and anti-refugee views (and supported Putin's bombing campaign in Syria), and more recently did not join other Democrats in condemning the appointment of White nationalist conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon. The last in particular I find inexcusable.

Its also been reported that she is being considered for a Cabinet post by Trump of all things, though it is only indirectly alluded to in this article. I'll see if I can find another source for that.

Frankly, I suspect Trump is using her to appear more moderate than he really is, and try to drive a wedge among progressive opposition to him.
Lol. Appology accepted. The fact that Tulsi Gabbard was willing to dump her DNC seat in support of Bernie Sanders, in light of this, probably indicates that she was on the outs anyway. That, or the remaining establishment power brokers (maybe Sanders himself) made sure to inform her that quitting to be an asshole is for keeps, and this is her only shot at relevance in the future. Lord knows I'd never entrust her with authority again, even if I was the guy she tried to support.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Dragon Angel »

Joun_Lord wrote:Being too actiony can fuck things up for themselves and others. Not even talking about "2nd Amendment solutions" but things like overly confrontational protests, blocking the flow of traffic, and shutting down things can negatively effect a cause. Nobody wants to have some angry protestor screaming in their face, aren't even going to care what they are screaming about. Very few are going to appreciate having their work or lives compromised by a bunch of people blocking off bridges or camping out at their place of work. People and jobs are effected and hurt financially and possibly even physically when things are shut down.
However on the flipside, attempting to stay away from any confrontation will not achieve anything. By definition, a protest is when your interests and the interests of the people you are protesting against collide. Both sides are going to defend their interests, and often the only way to get the side in power to buckle is to get in their faces. If you don't do that, then you will only be as annoying as a single mosquito bite to them.

Sure, in the process, some people in the middle, such as minor workers doing the jobs of the people in power, people unrelated to both sides trying to go about their daily lives, are going to be inconvenienced. But if the protesters are neatly sectioned away like in "free speech zones", they will never be noticed. Hell, the media doesn't take kindly many times to people protesting the powerful. Look at their almost nonexistent coverage of the Standing Rock protests. And those people are getting right in the faces of the corporate giant in front of them!

This is one situation where idealism is nice, but it is not likely to effectually work, and one needs to accept that in order to make real change.
Joun_Lord wrote:Look at a some of the protests that have taken too much action and the results. Occupy Wall Street protested on public property in already crowded urban areas, blocked the Brooklyn bridges, were extremely confrontational, placed a long term drain on public resources, and were pretty reviled by some for it (didn't help the media smear job agaisnt them). Their counterparts the Tea Party were less reviled, only really getting shit from many for the racists assclowns that they welcomed with open arms and the stupidity of a bunch of conservatives protesting a Dem president over government spending when their own people drove the spending up in the first place. The TPers won't so in peoples faces, any protest was temporary and usually in rural areas, they didn't disrupt things, and weren't picking fights with people.
"Fortune favors the bold." --Benjamin Sisko

Anyway, I can't really comment because I don't remember a lot of Occupy's activities or the Tea Party's genesis, but I can guess the Tea Party did not need to be up close and personal as much because their interests already aligned with the interests of many conservatives in Congress. We'd been seeing calls for "less government oversight, regulation, and spending" for longer than them.
Joun_Lord wrote:Black Lives Matter has a good message, should have alot of support, black people by their population percent are killed more then white people even if they are killed less by numbers alone. However some don't support them because some in their ranks go out of their way to antagonize people, even allies like Bernie Sanders, to disrupt other things like political functions, and to inject their politics into others peoples business like their thing with cops at gay pride parades. Some are anti-cop (though possibly with good reason, maybe), they defend everyone under their purview regardless of guilt or innocence, and have led protests that turned into riots. This stuff along with others have turned people off to BLM even if they might agree with some of their rhetoric.
"some in their ranks" being an insignificant minority though. With a movement as gigantic as BLM, you're of course not going to get full cohesion. The Civil Rights Movement never had that either; it's an impossible standard to hold them to. Accusations against BLM in today's times can also be found back during the CRM, if perhaps even moreso in those days.

People turned off to BLM, if not being outright racists themselves, generally do not really understand the gravity of the situation people of color in this country face that leads them to rise up like this. The anger, the frustration, the resentment that boiled over to lead to BLM's inception has been a force building up for decades. It would be "easier" for them to stay at home and try to live their lives as best as they can in this horrible society, but society came to a point where enough was enough. Their calls for fair treatment, for black people's lives not to be treated as fodder, fell on deaf ears for so long that the only way now for them to be noticed is to get in the faces of the people in power.

What we should examine is not their willingness now to rise up, but the very real conditions that led them to believe rising up is the only viable course of action.
Joun_Lord wrote:The two Bundy protests were VERY actiony, didn't give a shit about disrupting the flow of government (was actually the point of the second and the first was started to stop the lawful actions of the other BLM), and were willing to fight for the protest, even die. But they threatened people (allegedly), turned some peoples workplace and other people vacation destination and still other peoples cultural heritage site in their own little shitfilled clubhouse. They were willing to do whatever, disregard whatever laws, to protest for their right to have free stuff because they are too stupid to realize how they are pretty much fitting to a T the stereotype of the welfare queen. Rightfully (in my opinion) many saw them for the morons shitbags they were, people who even agree with their sentiment about government controlling too much land in the west weren't willing to saddle themselves with the fuckers (especially once daddy Bundy started talking about the "negros" who were better as slaves, maybe Trumpo the Clown should hire this fucking ancient cow fucking bastard asshole to be in charge of minority outreach). They pissed off people so bad that some wanted the cops to go in with guns blazing and fuck them up (I can't take the high road on this, I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't want the same thing, Bundy realllllllllly pisses me off).

There has to be some sort of equilibrium between action and doing nothing. Doing nothing gets nothing done, obviously, but too much action can get a negative amount done.
I mean, yeah, on the extreme other end of the scale you have the wannabe revolutioneers like the Bundies who organized literal armed militias. You definitely don't want that happening, although at the road the justice system seems to be walking, they are probably going to end up giving tacit support to violent revolutions eventually thanks to things like pardoning Ammon Bundy.

They shouldn't be treated as the norm at all, but rather an extreme that is unfortunately being excused by the law and may well likely become the norm sooner than we think. Or, actually let me correct myself, being excused by the law for white folks primarily. Have a bit of color in your skin and you won't be in for a good time.
"I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers, consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin', while my thoughts were busy hatchin', if I only had a brain!
I would not be just a nothin', my head all full of stuffin', my heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be would be a ding-a-derry, if I only had a brain!"
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

With Trump's conflicts of interest now, The GOP congress will likely impeach him the second he goes too low in favorability among the Republican base. Or whenever he fights back too hard against something Ryan really wants done. I don't think Trump makes it four years.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Gandalf »

FireNexus wrote:With Trump's conflicts of interest now, The GOP congress will likely impeach him the second he goes too low in favorability among the Republican base. Or whenever he fights back too hard against something Ryan really wants done. I don't think Trump makes it four years.
I think that Trump is too popular with the party base to be pushed out like that. More likely is that he somehow decides that one term is enough, so that he leaves on his own terms and the party machinery keeps the favour of the (not necessarily Republican) Trump voter.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

FireNexus wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Wait, what did Gabbard do aside from meet with the incoming PoTUS?
Didn't you read the article?

Apparently she has a history of positions and rhetoric that suggest anti-Muslim and anti-refugee views (and supported Putin's bombing campaign in Syria), and more recently did not join other Democrats in condemning the appointment of White nationalist conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon. The last in particular I find inexcusable.

Its also been reported that she is being considered for a Cabinet post by Trump of all things, though it is only indirectly alluded to in this article. I'll see if I can find another source for that.

Frankly, I suspect Trump is using her to appear more moderate than he really is, and try to drive a wedge among progressive opposition to him.
Lol. Appology accepted. The fact that Tulsi Gabbard was willing to dump her DNC seat in support of Bernie Sanders, in light of this, probably indicates that she was on the outs anyway. That, or the remaining establishment power brokers (maybe Sanders himself) made sure to inform her that quitting to be an asshole is for keeps, and this is her only shot at relevance in the future. Lord knows I'd never entrust her with authority again, even if I was the guy she tried to support.
The thing is, while I obviously can't say for sure, I don't think she's doing this for purely self-serving/ambitious reasons. It turns out she's held views that suggest an anti-Muslim/anti-refugee stance for some time, so I think this is probably her genuinely supporting at least a watered-down version of Trump's bigotry. Not that that's a defence, of course. On the other stuff, the points where they differ, she's probably deluding herself (like many others before her) that she can influence and moderate him.

In other words, I still think (as I did when she resigned to support Sanders) that she's someone who can put principle over self-interest (especially because, unless she outright switches parties and goes full-Alt. Right, this ought to be the final nail in the coffin of her career, since it means she'll have no credibility with either establishment Democrats or progressives). Its just that the principles she supports have turned out to include some rather unfortunate views, and that as a result she has sided with the wrong side.

I don't get why you seem to think resigning to back Sanders is such an unforgivable sin that it ought to have ended her career, though. Whatever you may think of Sanders, he had every right to run, and Democrats had every right to choose to support him if they wanted to. And Gabbard, in that case, did the right thing by resigning from the DNC (which is supposed to remain neutral) to back him.

So the only way to read your position seems to be that you think the DNC, or Democrats generally, owed their loyalty to Clinton from the start of the primary, that their should not have been a primary challenge.

Which is exactly the sort of favouritism and arrogance which pissed off so many Sanders supporters.

Just because I think Gabbard is wrong on Muslims and refugees, and that she is betraying the party now by aligning herself more closely with Trump, does not mean I'm going to agree with that.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

Gandalf wrote:
FireNexus wrote:With Trump's conflicts of interest now, The GOP congress will likely impeach him the second he goes too low in favorability among the Republican base. Or whenever he fights back too hard against something Ryan really wants done. I don't think Trump makes it four years.
I think that Trump is too popular with the party base to be pushed out like that. More likely is that he somehow decides that one term is enough, so that he leaves on his own terms and the party machinery keeps the favour of the (not necessarily Republican) Trump voter.
I don't see his "popularity" lasting. This idea that's trump is somehow Republican Jesus is more branding than fact. This is a guy who was never particularly popular with most of the base. The bulk of the GOP doesn't like him. They fell in line behind him, but he got a plurality of sven their voters. And if his job approval goes below 20% or some really nasty scandal hits that sticks among his personal base, he goes.

He won the election by just barely appealing to a desperate and shrinking demographic in a few key states. People who considered him unqualified but gave him a go because they believed they had nothing to lose. To keep them, he'll need to deliver results that are physically impossible. Their lives might not get too much worse (hard to make coal country any worse at this point) but they are not going to get better, or even convincingly appear close to that.

Dumping Trump would be bad for them if he were to remain at "high" popularity, but that honeymoon won't last.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by jwl »

Erm, why are we talking about impeachment again? My understanding is impeachment is done in response to crimes committed whilst in office. Trump isn't in office yet, so he couldn't possibly have committed any crimes whilst in it.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

The Romulan Republic wrote:I don't get why you seem to think resigning to back Sanders is such an unforgivable sin that it ought to have ended her career, though. Whatever you may think of Sanders, he had every right to run, and Democrats had every right to choose to support him if they wanted to. And Gabbard, in that case, did the right thing by resigning from the DNC (which is supposed to remain neutral) to back him.
The resignation to back a losing candidate shows poor judgement, and is something you don't want in a leadership post. Sanders winning was not in the cards, period. Regardless of what you think about Clinton, Gabbard for some reason decided to toilet her chances with the standard bearer of the party to put it all on black. It came up red. But that's not really why I think she should be frozen out.

She should be frozen out because in addition to resigning and endorsing Sanders, she decided to shit all over the party due to their handling of the primaries. Givin Sanders a seat at the table has some benefit to the party. Gabbard not only won't benefit them at all, but she's proven she'll abandon them and air their dirty laundry if she has a dispute with them. She's untrustworthy. Whether it was out of principle or an idiotic form of careerism, what she did was disloyal to the party. If she'd resigned and just supported Sanders, not very bright, but no reason to freeze her out. Doing what she did, she shouldn't be given any kind of internal information about the party workings.
So the only way to read your position seems to be that you think the DNC, or Democrats generally, owed their loyalty to Clinton from the start of the primary, that their should not have been a primary challenge.
Not at all. My position is that ranking Democrats owe their loyalty to the party. And that if she wanted to resign to support Sanders, that's fine. But resigning to shame he Party publicly, even if they were wrong, means that she cannot be trusted to act in the best interests of the party.
Which is exactly the sort of favouritism and arrogance which pissed off so many Sanders supporters.
Sanders supporters got losses off that they didn't get their way. And frankly, the favoritism and arrogance from the party is probably the reason Sanders made such a splash. The clearing of the field happened early, as much as possibly eight years ago, and Howard Dean or Dennis Kucinich show what happens to progressive darlings in competitive primaries.

He was never going to win. The DNC miscalculation in favor of Clinton is what gave him a seat at the table.
Just because I think Gabbard is wrong on Muslims and refugees, and that she is betraying the party now by aligning herself more closely with Trump, does not mean I'm going to agree with that.
Gabbard is a disloyal loose cannon. Not to Clinton, to the party. Resign and endorse Sanders? Stupid, but not sinful. Resign, endorse Sanders, and shot all over the DNC on cable news? Not inner circle material. That's why I think even Sanders wouldn't back her in a leadership bid. Because even if it was out of principle, it is potentially damaging to future efforts to try and feed a dog whose already bit you out of hand.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by FireNexus »

jwl wrote:Erm, why are we talking about impeachment again? My understanding is impeachment is done in response to crimes committed whilst in office. Trump isn't in office yet, so he couldn't possibly have committed any crimes whilst in it.
Given the structure of his business and the constitutional restrictions on profiting from the office with foreign governments, he's going to have trouble not committing a crime.
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Well, we obviously have somewhat different views of the primary, but I don't disagree that Gabbard's current actions suggest disloyalty, and not merely to the party (which I could forgive, their are things that matter more than party loyalty), but to some of the most important progressive principles.

In retrospect, her Bernie or Bust tendencies (I believe she took until August to say that she would support Clinton) should have been a big red flag. I let it go because she ultimately endorsed Clinton, but Bernie or Bust is basically a position that amounts to "I'm okay with Trump winning if I don't get my way", and her dragging her feet on supporting Clinton was a clear sign that she was, as you say, a loose canon.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: 2016 US ELECTION: Official Results Thread

Post by Gandalf »

FireNexus wrote:I don't see his "popularity" lasting. This idea that's trump is somehow Republican Jesus is more branding than fact. This is a guy who was never particularly popular with most of the base. The bulk of the GOP doesn't like him. They fell in line behind him, but he got a plurality of sven their voters. And if his job approval goes below 20% or some really nasty scandal hits that sticks among his personal base, he goes.

He won the election by just barely appealing to a desperate and shrinking demographic in a few key states. People who considered him unqualified but gave him a go because they believed they had nothing to lose. To keep them, he'll need to deliver results that are physically impossible. Their lives might not get too much worse (hard to make coal country any worse at this point) but they are not going to get better, or even convincingly appear close to that.

Dumping Trump would be bad for them if he were to remain at "high" popularity, but that honeymoon won't last.
That's why I was thinking that Trump would resign (or be pressured to move aside by the party chairs) at one term. An impeachment would be hideously damaging to the party as a whole, so it'd be easier to move Trump along peacefully so someone more Trump shaped from the establishment can jump into the chair.

Presumably we'll know by midterms how the US feels about the "alt-Right" running the place. They'll probably be cool with it.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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