eyl wrote:Except that you're asking us to literally stake our lives on the gamble that your best-case scenario is what will happen in reality.
I'm sure it can be solved just like Israel solves its other problems... by a massive influx of American taxpayer money.
And that warm fuzzy feeling of doing the right thing has zero practical value as opposed to the risks. No thanks.
This just proves how little interest Israel actually has in peace that they refuse to make good on past misdeeds. You stole alot of that land from the people who lived there, many times at gunpoint, they deserve compensation.
No. Such a massive demographic shift - an overwhelming influx of people from what's basically a third-world culture - would mean the collapse of Israeli national culture, which is largely (though not exclusively) drawn from Jewish culture. You'd have a political entity which might have the same name (probably not) but in all other respects will only resemble modern Israel in its geographical location.
God, what racist drivel. That sounds like the same garbage spouted by our white supremacists who say the exact same thing about people who aren't white or Christian.
You've still got it linked in your head that Israel cannot exist if it isn't a Jewish state. That's simply not true. But, please, explain why people of the Jewish religion are the only ones qualified to run the state of Israel and no other people can do it or even share in it as equal members. Why MUST it be Jewish to be Israel? Why can't it be a secular state with the same rights for anyone? Unlike the opinion of your more conservative citizens, the Torah isn't a land deed to that patch of nowhere.
Shit, if I went around saying that the US must be run by white Christians, because the population is largely white and Christian (and some people do say this here and every single one of them is a shithead, believe me), I'd get my ass scorched off from all the people lining up to call me a bigot. Yet when someone goes "Israel must belong to the Jewish and be a Jewish state with Jewish laws!", somehow standards stop applying. But, hey, what do I know, right? I'm just one of the goyim.
True, but it wasn't what you actually posted:
(imagine a country where only the minority of the population is legally allowed to get marriage, since as it stands you can only formally get married in Israel if you meet the standards of Orthodox Judaism).
implying only Jews could get married in Israel.
And you can see that was I said was correct. People CAN only get formally married in Israeli law if they meet the standards of Orthodox Judaism with equivalent councils for Christian/Muslims/Druze. That doesn't imply anything and why alot of people go through such a song and dance as legally getting married in another country and have that marriage recognized by the Israeli government.
Well, actually the people who designed the system were the Turks - though that's in part the reason why the situation wasn't altered.
Yes, it wasn't altered. And why is that now?
The Golan Heights aren't defined as a desert, AFAIK. And the "some reason" is a pretty obvious strategic significance.
While I stand corrected on the Golan Heights not being a desert, bullshit on the rest. Israel exists on the strength of its American patronage and because Arab armies tend to be even more abysmally poor at fighting than the IDF, not because it holds any bit of land. If it came down to choosing between suckling on US tax dollars and keeping the Golan Heights, your country would drop the land in a