Ok, so it´s been mentioned a couple of times that shooting somebody in the leg can be fatal. The real question is, is it more likely to kill someone by shooting the leg or shooting the center of mass.Zixinus wrote:Because of reality. Hollywood heroes can hit a can of beer over 50 miles away, with half a leg up, being spun around and while blindfolded. Real people need to aim.I never understood this "when you shoot, then shoot to kill" mentality or why it´s supposed to be only possible for hollywood heroes to shoot the legs.
That and bullets do not have the energy to just hurt people but not kill them. They will go and not stop, and most guns have enough energy to cause serious harm by penetrating deeply or right trough. Even purpose built "non-lethal" rounds are renamed "less-lethal" because they can still cause enough damage (in certain circumstances) to accidentally kill a person or cause a wound that only immediate hospital care could heal. Even then, something that will knock out a 30-year old body-builder might do serious harm to a 80-year old grandmother.
Look above for loomer's analysis why "aiming at the legs and arms" is a bad idea. There are very important arteries in the legs (a lot of blood is in there you know) and guess what happens if you cut your wrist. I also recall something about the possibility of a penetrated bone and how bone fragments can travel up into your heart. To add further, aiming at legs or hands is difficult and likely to miss. That is a problem when you will likely not have enough time for a second shot. Fights in real life are not like those in Hollywood: they are short and brutal, and when its done the gloves are off and anything goes.
The only people that are encouraged to play "trick shots" are SWAT or equivalent forces, and even then, only by marksmen or snipers in a prepared positions. Even then, they try to be a bit creative and don't try to shoot arms or legs. I recall a very famous police sniper that shot the leg of a chair (those one-piece, white garden-type ones) that a guy with a gun was sitting on, threatening to do something violent (either open fire on the police or it might be shooting a child).
If you don't want to kill, use pepper sprays, tasers, rubber shotgun rounds or even the standard rubber batons. Police are trained to use them with a reason.
The idea of "shooting the legs or arms" is a Hollywood dream to show good guys are goody and don't kill even though they have a gun in their hands. Because guns are cool and you have to have your protagonist cool but killing people is a messy business that's immoral on many levels (including possibly violating things like the Hays Code). However, shooting the weapons out of people's hands is an impressive display of skill (one that also usually doesn't work in real life, as the effect can be very iffy) so therefore the question of moral crisis is averted. It's a compromise that works well in fiction if used right, but not in reality (except in certain circumstances but even then, its a desperate measure). In reality, a gun is a death-giving tool that must be treated as such. Imagine trying to use a bow or crossbow in a non-lethal manner in every possible situation and you'll quickly see the problem. It's like saying that you use a double-bladed battleaxe only to slap people around a bit.
Around here few shots fired by cops at people are lethal. The usually aim at the legs and disable the attackers.
Well, the statistics really make it look like they go for the legs. If this is a good or bad tactic i can´t judge from a medical standpoint because i lack the knowlege but the statistics make it look like good idea.
Then you either know it wrong or the police there know it wrong (or should know better). Any board member that was police or military will tell you this.
No, this is not about fatalaties on the cops side. This is about shots being fired from police guns at persons. Here´s a statistic. It´s in German. Maybe some other German on this forum can testify that what i say is right. It´s an official statistic of the Land Baden-Würtemberg ("Land" is a similar governmental entity as a state or a province). It says that in 2004 there were 63 shots from police guns aimed at persons with 9 fatalities and in 2003 there were 44 shots from police guns aimed at persons with 3 fatalites in Germany.Where? Where are these statistics? Are we talking fatalities only on the cop's side?Cops shoot at people around 30 to 50 times per year while the fatalities are in single digit numbers.
Here´s a link:
PDF to statistics
Really? Which one? Could you please point an example?Also, whenever you read an article about cops shooting someone it often mentions that they disabled the attacker by aiming for and shooting at the legs.
I´m afraid that i can only provide German sources but here are a couple of examples:
A farmer attacks four investigating cops with an axe and an iron rod. One cop manages so wrestle the axe out of the farmers hand but gets injured in the hand.
The guy runs away and the other cops run after him. The farmer hits two cops with the rod.
Somewhat later the farmer threatens a woman with the rod.
The cop is forced to draw his gun and shoot the guy in the leg.
Here´s another one:
Source 2
A rioting camper attacks cops with knives. Neither pepper spray nore warning shots can stop him. The cops aim and shoot at his legs.
Source 3
Guy attacks people with tools. Police shoot him in the legs.