ShadowDragon8685 wrote:
The thinking is that if the DPRK goes into the shitter and whomever gets his hand on the button that starts the war song is batshit insane enough to press it, Seoul is going to be pounded into flinders.
The idea behind the preemptive attack is that you have the South's troops rolling towards the DMZ to reinforce it and can sound the "everybody to the bunkers, this is not a drill, The Big One is happening" alarms in Seoul and Inchon before the North's artillery has a chance to open up.
Unless American spies have stolen invisible jet technology from Wonder Woman and the Amazons, or they've managed to waterboard Nightcrawler to make him give up his secrets of teleportation, it will take quite some time to mobilize the amount of forces needed to attack North Korea and destroy it - and unless American special forces are all hut-hut-hutting on the Flash's superspeed treadmill, the Norks will see this accumulation of forces and will make their own preparations as well, so you won't catch them pants down and unaware? Look at how long it took to mobilize the forces for Iraq.
Also, unless the North Koreans get blinded by the sight of so many fat ugly Americans suddenly appearing on their peninsula, they will see the sight of so many fat ugly Americans suddenly appearing on their peninsula. Then they might start lubricating the rigid hard metal shafts of their artillery shells while raising their cannons high and mightily, erect and engorged at trajectories bound to send their explosive ejaculations elsewhere?
And in what universe does sinking a warship and shelling an inhabiting island count as merely a dick-move? Do you think that anybody else would shrug it off if the U.S. just sailed in, sank a warship, shelled an island (well, cruise missile'd it,) and said "what're you gonna do about it?"
A dick move is the games of jet aircraft chicken the Russians took up playing again. Those are overt acts of war.
And yet, they didn't declare war after their ship sank?
And yes, I think quite a few countries would shrug off if the USA sailed in and blew up their battle boats.
I think the South can take the lion's share (and the bear's share and the tiger's share) of the occupation.
What if the South Koreans do not want and prefer to has a cheezburgers instead, desu?
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:And I'm of the opinion that it's possible that an overwhelming preemptive strike would result in less overall damage to the South Korean Peninsula and less chance of nukes than letting the war start on the North's terms should some psycho decide to start the war and announce it by "murderously trolling" all of Seoul with a massive distributed denial of life attack.
I wanted to talk about that possibility, not declare it to be fact and tub-thump for it to be immediately implemented.
Well, those of us here in Asia really don't give a fuck and would rather not have another shitty violent war happen, this time in our continent rather than some Bakalakadakastan nobody gives a fuck about, because wars generally ruin the shit out of economies and gives everyone a hard time, something you Murricans should already know by now. But then again, what do we of the mystical Orient know, we just live near the affected region and aren't, like, thousands of miles away blathering on about shit we don't know about with implications we don't comprehend in the midst of our Murrican hurf-hurf-hurfing, lol who knew am i rite *I'm a smarmy asshole*, am I right?