Broomstick wrote:Simon_Jester wrote:It's hard to imagine a man whose inner thoughts are this misogynistic*, and who is somehow managing to outwardly act like a normal, functional human when talking to real women. Certainly I can't imagine him keeping up the act for any real length of time when inwardly he's furious and bitter at women for not throwing themselves at him.
It's unlikely but it is possible. Let me introduce you to
Ted Bundy.
Ted Bundy could be this crazy on the inside and still somehow not set off people's creepometer. But... let's be honest, Ted Bundy wouldn't have been complaining about his inability to get laid. That wasn't his problem.
Bundy was a serial killer, but not
this serial killer. He killed people because he liked it, not because he was upset over their failure to provide him with sex.
What I really should have said it's that it's hard to imagine anyone who thinks like this guy
specifically failing to set off creepometers
Terralthra wrote:Simon, Zaune, I love your idea of MRAs/PUAs treating women like NPCs. If I develop and repeat this idea, how would you like me to attribute you both for its inception and initial development?
Don't bother attributing anything to me, I just developed Zaune's idea along obvious lines. Anyone worth a damn, if willing to put fifteen minutes' thought into the matter, could have done it. Assuming they had any video game experience, of course. I can't ask credit for that.
Zaune can decide what credit (if any) he wants for himself.
Lolpah wrote:How about something like "Social education" then? That would basically try to teach the kids on how to behave in the society and in social situations. Granted that might still annoy certain people politically (perhaps a different, even more vague name?), and I'm not sure how well would US schools teach that.
The problem is that not everyone needs it, and the people who need it the most need it
different than anyone else. It's like having special classes on how to cope with having ADHD; obviously there are people who need them, and I can name two or three twitchy, twitchy children off the top of my head who'd benefit. But if you make everyone sit through them a lot of them will feel like the class is a waste of time, and be
right... and if you publicly single out the kids who need it, you humiliate them by identifying them as the weirdos.
How would you do this at a typical school, have the guidance counselors round up all the weird or badly behaved kids and stuff them in a classroom together? What if there are several different subgroups in there who have different problems that need different treatment?
Zaune wrote:True, but in the worst case scenario you can always slug him with a roll of quarters or knee him in the balls. Though I admit this is a somewhat different problem if there's a non-trivial chance of him having a gun under his coat.
No, the worst case scenario is that he physically overpowers you because
he slugged you. You may not get to decide to initiate the violence.
Or (in Broomy's case) you might even decide to initiate the violence and
lose; how often do you consider that you might start a fight and lose? In a woman like Broomy's case this is very relevant, because you
really have to think twice about starting a fight with him, if he's a testosterone-fueled loony in his twenties and you are an ordinary-sized woman with no special combat training. Because if you lose, he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Then he drags you into the bushes and rapes you and hopefully doesn't beat or kill you if you're lucky.
Or assume there is no violent confrontation. Worst case scenario, he gets obsessed, finds out where you live, breaks into your home, rapes and beats you.
Or, he gets obsessed, starts stalking you. You have to totally rearrange your life to escape him for fear of triggering the "raped and beaten" scenario.
These things actually happen to real women. In my humble opinion, it is probable that at least one woman in America is beaten or killed because of something like this
every day. Actually, I'd bet dozens of women end up tragically suffering because of psychos obsessed with them every day in America, but I'm being conservative. Given that we have something like 100 to 200 thousand rapes a year in the US, I'm being
very conservative.
ray245 wrote:Aren't we still physiologically torturing him by the sheer virtue of locking such a person up, no matter how nice the prison is? In this case, a person like Elliot would fully understand that locking him up is the biggest confirmation he can get that he is worthless to society. While he might not be able to harm others, this would likely increase his desire to self-destruct and developed serious suicidal tendencies.
We as a society has just made his living hell a reality no matter how physically comfortable the cell is. That to me is serious torture.
The blunt fact is, he's not just useless to society, he's actively dangerous. If he won't seek appropriate help, and isn't willing to stretch his mind far enough for therapists to engage with him, and if he's a danger to other people...
This is a textbook example of why we have mental institutions in the first place, and why sometimes you can't just check yourself out of a mental hospital. Some people are sufficiently irrational and deranged that they are a threat to the lives and health of other people. No matter how much you sympathize with them, you can't just let them wander around as free-range predators.