Ralin wrote:Flagg wrote:
Yeah, they advise and consent. How is "We won't even hold hearings, waaa waaa fart" advising and consenting?
"We think this person is unacceptable because you like him and he's vaguely liberal. We advise that you go with (insert person hostile to Obama)"
Seems pretty implicit that if their consent is required to chose a justice they have the authority to withhold it at their discretion. It's almost like we shouldn't have elected so many Republicans.
Hey look, Ralin can't read. They aren't even holding hearings, thus they are failing to even pretend to do their jobs. Their jobs being to advise and consent on who Obama nominates, not "We won't even hold hearings on anyone you nominate, in fact don't even nominate anyone, fuck you n***er!", which is what they are doing now. The US Constitution is crystal clear on this point, the POTUS nominates someone, the Senate advises and consents unless there is a problem with the nominee that makes them unsuitable, like rampant sexual harassment including putting pubic hairs on cans of soda. Oh wait, he got in.
This Senate, and the ignorant thugs who run it, are doing the
exact fucking opposite of what the US Constitution requires. They do
not tell the President that he can or cannot (or even
should not) nominate anyone because they will block them for a reason that isn't even historically accurate, or for that matter, any fucking reason at all.
The President tells them who his nominee is, the Senate holds hearings questioning that nominee, and says yes or no. That is the part they play, the
only part they play, full fucking stop. The Constitution isn't the Bible, you can't pick and choose which parts you want to follow on each particular day, full fucking stop.