Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Simon_Jester »

Lord Insanity wrote:Regarding the electoral college, the real problem here is Public Law 62-5 that went into effect in 1913. It fixes the maximum number of representatives in the House at 435.

In Article 1 Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution we find, "...The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative..."

Realistically speaking the House of Representatives should be at least an order of magnitude larger than it is with a proportional increase in electoral votes across the board. This more than anything else is what is "rigging the system."
That is actually a very interesting and appealing suggestion. The problem is, how would we manage a legislature that consisted of several thousand people? I don't think there are a lot of historical precedents for legislatures that size elsewhere in the world, at least not successful ones.

It would reduce the political significance of any given representative to near-zero, unless they happened to be one of the handful of specific individuals picked to run a committee or serve some other major function.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:How is going with the will of the people in an election a tyranny of the majority? Protections against that come from things like the Bill of Rights, and the court system. Why should we instead have a tyranny of a minority?
Simon_Jester wrote:May I simply ask, why should the opinions of people in three tiny states count for more than the opinions of people in two huge ones?

Similarly, why should a state where 60% of the population votes Yellow or whatever automatically result in the Yellow candidate getting all of that state's support?

Do you actually have answers for those specific questions?
All of this ties together really.
First off when I use the term state or states (lowercase) I am refering to the people in those States. (Capitalized)

For illustrative purposes lets use hypothetical states A, B, C, D, and E.

A and B have a population of 5 million. 2 Senate seats plus 5 House seats give each 7 electoral votes.

C, D, and E have a population of 3 million. 2 Senate seats plus 3 House seats gives each 5 electoral votes.

A = 5mpv (5 million popular vote) 7 ev (7 electoral votes)
C = 3mpv (3 million popular vote) 5 ev (5 electoral votes)


Of the 10 possible combinations of 2 vs 3 states only one leads to a lower popular vote total having a higher electoral vote total.

The reason for this is it forces candidates to actually care about the smaller states. If a candidate could win the election just on A + B they would never bother with C, D, and E. The ability to win despite losing the popular vote is what gives the smaller states a chance to not be dominated by the larger ones. It is still only a 10% chance in this perfect idealized hypothetical.
That's obviously not true.

If the presidential election were based on a direct popular vote, all voters would be equally valuable. One million rural farmer votes are just as valuable as one million city slicker votes. One million Texas Democrats are just as valuable as one million California Democrats. One million black people are just as valuable as one million white people. And half a million people in Wyoming are just as valuable as half a million people in Texas.

But not MORE valuable, in any of those cases. Right now, the opinion of 250,000 people in Wyoming (roughly the entire population of the state that bothers to vote) is worth three electoral votes.

The opinion of the same 250,000 people, if they all spontaneously moved to the neighboring state of Colorado, become far less meaningful... because nearly three million people voted in Colorado's election! The only way the former Wyoming residents could have an impact is if they voted nearly unanimously. They become worth zero electoral votes, with a relatively slim chance of being worth nine if they are lucky and vote more or less unanimously.

How is that being fair to "small states?" Especially since Colorado is not an especially large state- it's simply that Wyoming is a relatively small one.
In real life the nubers are messier but the concept is still the same. Ideally all states would be battleground states. That many states are considered a "lock" for one party and only a few states are actually "in the game" is entirely the fault of the parties themselves. Any state that is a "lock" for one party is because the other party is utterly failing at addressing the concerns of that state. Its not the systems fault that is happening. There is a suggested tweak that would significanly help this propblem.
The simplest way to fix this is with a national majority vote to pick the president. Suddenly, addressing the concerns of every state helps in a material way, and even small gains in any given state will be valuable because they can offset small losses

Suddenly, gaining the approval of 200,000 independent voters in Texas becomes worth losing the approval of a 100,000 independent voters in Ohio. Right now, that is a stupid decision for a presidential candidate to make- because of how perverse our system is.
Natapoff's suggested tweak: keep the state-based determination of electoral votes, but change the way they're apportioned. Give the winner in each state the total number of popular votes actually cast in the state that day, plus one-quarter of the number of votes cast in the average state, to replace the two senatorial electoral votes per state awarded under our present system.

In Natapoff's proposed system, a voter also could choose to cast a blank ballot, which would not be counted for the winner. "This would let the supporters of the underdog punish a leading candidate who is hostile to them," he said.

A registered voter casting a blank ballot in an election is analagous to a poker player with weak cards folding in a game, according to Natapoff's scheme. He believes that just as a poker player may choose to fold rather than enrich the winner's pot, a voter should be able to cast a blank ballot rather than enrich (i.e., help elect) a candidate she dislikes.

Natapoff also insisted that determining a state's electoral votes by the number of votes actually cast would encourage eligible voters to come out on election day, because every vote cast would make a difference in the national count. Under the current system, states are assigned electoral votes based on population, not by the number of actual voters. And voters can't change that on election day.
I fully agree with this change and it address most of the concerns people have with the system in its current form.
It sounds delightful, but it's significantly more complicated than "just go with a national popular vote." Among other things, because you'd have to calculate the number of electors a state gets after the fact.

Also, it might require federal monitoring of state-level elections, to prevent fraudulent overreporting of the number of voters who showed up and cast blank ballots. But that's a side issue.

I'll admit I like the incentive structure it creates- because both parties have an incentive to raise voter turnout as long as they can get even slightly more than a 1:1 ratio in their favor, and voter suppression punishes both parties, on the local level as well as the national.

That said, it represents just about as drastic a change as anything the rest of us are suggesting, including the much simpler 'nationwide popular vote' approach.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Civil War Man »

Lord Insanity wrote:The reason for this is it forces candidates to actually care about the smaller states. If a candidate could win the election just on A + B they would never bother with C, D, and E. The ability to win despite losing the popular vote is what gives the smaller states a chance to not be dominated by the larger ones. It is still only a 10% chance in this perfect idealized hypothetical.
The chance in your hypothetical is only that small because it assumes that a candidate wins 100% of a state's popular vote if they win the electoral votes.

Let's look at your list again:
A + B = 10mpv 14ev vs C + D + E = 9mpv 15ev
A + C = 8mpv 12ev vs B + D + E = 11mpv 17ev
A + D = 8mpv 12ev vs B + C + E = 11mpv 17ev
A + E = 8mpv 12ev vs B + C + D = 11mpv 17ev
B + C = 8mpv 12ev vs A + D + E = 11mpv 17ev
B + D = 8mpv 12ev vs A + C + E = 11mpv 17ev
B + E = 8mpv 12ev vs A + C + D = 11mpv 17ev
C + D = 6mpv 10ev vs A + B + E = 13mpv 19ev
C + E = 6mpv 10ev vs A + B + D = 13mpv 19ev
D + E = 6mpv 10ev vs A + B + C = 13mpv 19ev

Let's take a look at the second instance there where we have the 8 million pop, 12 EV states versus the 11 million pop, 17 EV states as an example.

Candidate 1 is fairly popular in states A and C, but is a divisive figure in B, D, and E, where they are either loved or hated. When election day rolls around, they get 60% of the vote in A and C, but lose B, D, and E to Candidate 2 with only 49% of the vote. So they get 3 million votes in A, 1.8 million in C, 2.45 million in B, and 1.47 each in D and E. 10.19 million out of 19 million, which is 53.6% of the popular vote, but they lose the EC 17 to 12. So even in your idealized scenario, the failure rate is greater than 10%.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Flagg »

Thanas wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Thanas wrote:
If it was undemocratic he is not legally the president.
Now who doesn't understand the US system?

Actually, we both know that you understand it well enough to know how stupid you're being, and that you are being deliberately obtuse at best rather than conceding the point.
No, the US is a representative democracy. If it is undemocratic now then that is not the way a legitimate election should be concluded.
But it is not and never has been fully democratic, and it is entirely possible to do something undemocratic in the United States without violating a single law, the EC being perhaps the most obvious example of that.
So unless something is 100% democratic it will not be a democracy? So there are no democracies at all.
Thanas, knock it the fuck off. Like I said, it's beneath you.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Thanas »

Flagg wrote:Thanas, knock it the fuck off. Like I said, it's beneath you.

Either answer the argument (that the election was conducted according to the rules and thus is legitimate and democratic) or stop the one liners.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Flagg »

Thanas wrote:
Flagg wrote:Thanas, knock it the fuck off. Like I said, it's beneath you.

Either answer the argument (that the election was conducted according to the rules and thus is legitimate and democratic) or stop the one liners.
Of course it was done "within the rules". But it wasn't Democratic. The same way gerrymandering is legal but not Democratic. Seriously, stop punching below your level, it's fucking embarrassing.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ziggy Stardust »

When did Thanas become a troll? By my count, there are at least 5 posts addressed to Thanas in this thread that has hasn't bothered to respond to in favor of smug one-liners, and that's not even counting several pages of discussion of the subject that he is blithely ignoring in order to make those one-liners. I mean, the entire discussion in this thread has been dedicated to the problems with the Electoral College, and even proposals to fix it, and he just keeps repeating "lol democratic" like a parrot. Thanas: I'm usually with you on political matters, but what has gotten up your ass in this thread? Literally the entire discussion here has been that people dislike the electoral college and the way it operates (and the criticisms are coming from people like Simon and TRR who made these same criticisms BEFORE the results of the election, in one of the various US election threads), so I don't know what you think you're accomplishing by continuing to repeat "legitimate and democratic". Unless you bother to respond to any of the posts in this thread detailing the problems with the electoral college, you're just being a troll for no good reason.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Thanas wrote:
Flagg wrote:Thanas, knock it the fuck off. Like I said, it's beneath you.

Either answer the argument (that the election was conducted according to the rules and thus is legitimate and democratic) or stop the one liners.
The argument has been answered, repeatedly.

Your inability (or unwillingness) to grasp that "legal" is not the same as "democratic" is not our problem.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by K. A. Pital »

Thanas wrote:
Flagg wrote:Thanas, knock it the fuck off. Like I said, it's beneath you.
Either answer the argument (that the election was conducted according to the rules and thus is legitimate and democratic) or stop the one liners.
Thanas, I agree with your opponents in this thread (for what it's worth). Legality (conducting an election according to rules) and its democratism are different. Conducting an election according to rules does not automatically make it democratic.

Property qualification may have been a perfectly legal way to limit voting power of some votes in the past, but it was not democratic. The electoral college also does look like such a limiting factor.

There are other rules in many nations that are inherently undemocratic (giving executive institutions ways to influence elections; giving certain votes more power than other votes), so conducting an election based on self-defined rules is not making it a democratic one.

It looks more and more like trolling to me. Nuanced arguments were laid out already, care to respond?
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Flagg »

Ziggy Stardust wrote:When did Thanas become a troll? By my count, there are at least 5 posts addressed to Thanas in this thread that has hasn't bothered to respond to in favor of smug one-liners, and that's not even counting several pages of discussion of the subject that he is blithely ignoring in order to make those one-liners. I mean, the entire discussion in this thread has been dedicated to the problems with the Electoral College, and even proposals to fix it, and he just keeps repeating "lol democratic" like a parrot. Thanas: I'm usually with you on political matters, but what has gotten up your ass in this thread? Literally the entire discussion here has been that people dislike the electoral college and the way it operates (and the criticisms are coming from people like Simon and TRR who made these same criticisms BEFORE the results of the election, in one of the various US election threads), so I don't know what you think you're accomplishing by continuing to repeat "legitimate and democratic". Unless you bother to respond to any of the posts in this thread detailing the problems with the electoral college, you're just being a troll for no good reason.
I'm really disappointed because I almost always agree with his criticisms of the US more or less and when I think he's gone a tad overboard I just crack a joke in good nature, but this is downright depressing. It really is just coming off as trolling. I just hope he's doing OK because I've never seen him act unreasonable, let alone like this.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Thanas »

K. A. Pital wrote:There are other rules in many nations that are inherently undemocratic (giving executive institutions ways to influence elections; giving certain votes more power than other votes), so conducting an election based on self-defined rules is not making it a democratic one.
There is no perfect democracy. No large, modern nation in this world has a fully, basic democratic election model. There are only imperfect models, some more imperfect than others. I fully agree that the American system has more imperfections than the one in Germany for example. Democracy is always messy. That said, I can pull of twenty examples of manipulations that are way worse than anything Russia has allegedly done for Trump. Heck, France just started criminal proceedings into Sarkozy's elections because of improper financing etc.

The issue I take is with labelling this election "undemocratic". Not "less democratic", but undemocratic, the absolute. The implications of that are not something I am comfortable with when Trump won with a lesser degree of rule-breaking and undue influence than past presidents in history. Heck, his election probably is not even the worst within the past twenty years. It is an almost perfect excuse for people to go "he is not my president, didn't vote for him, therefore I am going to sit on my ass and do nothing". Especially because I very much doubt the same people would complain to this degree if their preferred candidate won.
It looks more and more like trolling to me. Nuanced arguments were laid out already, care to respond?
It is not trolling. I honestly cannot understand half the complaints about this election. It was worse than the three previous ones - sure I'll not argue against that. But you cannot tell me that it was worse than the first Bush election where the Republican-appointed supreme court handed Bush the country on the platter.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Romulan Republic »

A lot of people would contend that that one wasn't democratic either. Hell, even with Florida (a dubious "win" that, as you said, was given to him by the Supreme Court ending the recounts), he still lost the popular vote (if not by as much as Trump).
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Vortex Empire »

I'd say that any election in which you "win" despite another candidate getting more votes is inherently undemocratic. It's still legitimate, it's legal, but it's not democratic.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

Thanas wrote: It is not trolling. I honestly cannot understand half the complaints about this election. It was worse than the three previous ones - sure I'll not argue against that. But you cannot tell me that it was worse than the first Bush election where the Republican-appointed supreme court handed Bush the country on the platter.
I think you're butting up against a basic failure to grasp that voting is a collective activity and that voting as a social and political unit (i.e., states) is not inherently less valid or democratic than voting by pure numbers. Because this is America and everything has to be about the individual first and foremost.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ralin wrote:
Thanas wrote: It is not trolling. I honestly cannot understand half the complaints about this election. It was worse than the three previous ones - sure I'll not argue against that. But you cannot tell me that it was worse than the first Bush election where the Republican-appointed supreme court handed Bush the country on the platter.
I think you're butting up against a basic failure to grasp that voting is a collective activity and that voting as a social and political unit (i.e., states) is not inherently less valid or democratic than voting by pure numbers. Because this is America and everything has to be about the individual first and foremost.
Snideness about American culture aside, can you explain why you feel that the vote of a somewhat abstract political unit (i.e. a state) is equally or more valid than the votes of actual people, especially when the vote of that unit results in millions of those peoples' votes being rendered irrelevant?

Edit: I'm also not aware of the idea that individual people should matter more than an organization being a uniquely American concept. Indeed, if anything, the opposite is the case in the American electoral system, which is precisely the point.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

The Romulan Republic wrote: Snideness about American culture aside, can you explain why you feel that the vote of a somewhat abstract political unit (i.e. a state) is equally or more valid than the votes of actual people,
Because the states as a whole represent their constituents and forcing candidates to cater to those states as a collective bloc forces them pay at least some attention to each part of the country.
especially when the vote of that unit results in millions of those peoples' votes being rendered irrelevant?
They aren't rendered irrelevant, anymore than any other vote for a losing candidate is. They determine which way the state votes.
I'm also not aware of the idea that individual people should matter more than an organization being a uniquely American concept.
Yeah, missing the point. The electoral college protects those individuals by ensuring that their collective importance. Majority rule is not the be-all, end-all of democracy.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by K. A. Pital »

Thanas wrote:The issue I take is with labelling this election "undemocratic". Not "less democratic", but undemocratic, the absolute. The implications of that are not something I am comfortable with when Trump won with a lesser degree of rule-breaking and undue influence than past presidents in history.
Hmm. If you put it that way, I am inclined to agree. The election was not perfect, but calling it completely "undemocratic" would be going too far in the other direction.

But then, if a person consistently considers all the other Electoral College-decided elections just as "undemocratic" as the Trump one, at least the position would be consistent.

P.S. I also think that this deviation about the Electoral College is like the nth time we discuss the mechanism here. Maybe should be split to a separate thread and/or then merged with one of the Electoral College threads.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Romulan Republic »

The Electoral College is inherently undemocratic- always has been, always will be (at least barring alterations so radical it would no longer remotely resemble its current form).

Not all elections were equally undemocratic in outcome, however, because in most cases, the winner was at least in accordance with the popular vote, if not by design.

Edit: I suppose we could compromise on "less democratic", if one prefers, but I wouldn't call this election remotely fair or reflective of the actual choices of the voters.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Ralin wrote:Because the states as a whole represent their constituents and forcing candidates to cater to those states as a collective bloc forces them pay at least some attention to each part of the country.
Except the states don't really represent all of their constituents in the EC, just the largest group of voters- see below.

Also, in a national popular vote, you'd still have to campaign across the country for votes. Arguably more so than under the current system. Because sure, their are more votes in the big cities and so on, but a candidate isn't going to win all the votes in the big population centres- they'll have to pick up some votes elsewhere. And under a national popular vote system, every one of those votes counts towards your total, regardless of where it comes from.

Whereas now, their is very little point to campaigning heavily outside of a swing state, other than for fundraising purposes.
They aren't rendered irrelevant, anymore than any other vote for a losing candidate is. They determine which way the state votes.
In a national popular vote, every person's vote would count equally towards the outcome (of, you know, the national election), regardless of where they lived. Under the EC system, however small and swing state voters count more, and only the largest group of voters in any state decides their entire state's vote.

Your argument is that the states represent their constituents. Except under the EC system, they don't. They represent the largest group of voters in their state only.
Yeah, missing the point. The electoral college protects those individuals by ensuring that their collective importance. Majority rule is not the be-all, end-all of democracy.
Oh good, are we going to get the "tyranny of the majority" straw man again?

No, the will of the majority isn't everything, but again, their are other safeguards against its abuse, perhaps most notably the Constitution and judiciary. A democratic election is supposed to be a place where the largest number of voters carries the day. If it doesn't do that, its not a democratic election. You can try arguing the relative merits of non-democratic systems if you please, but don't try to tell us they're democratic.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

"The greatest enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan."-General Von Clauswitz, describing my opinion of Bernie or Busters and third partiers in a nutshell.

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

The Romulan Republic wrote:The Electoral College is inherently undemocratic- always has been, always will be
Repeatedly saying this does not make it true.
Except the states don't really represent all of their constituents in the EC, just the largest group of voters- see below.
Nah, they represent all of them. Including the ones who lost. By that logic Trump would only be president of the specific Americans who voted for him.
Also, in a national popular vote, you'd still have to campaign across the country for votes. Arguably more so than under the current system. Because sure, their are more votes in the big cities and so on, but a candidate isn't going to win all the votes in the big population centres- they'll have to pick up some votes elsewhere.
But those votes would be fragmented by region and that would mean that parties could concentrate on specific demographics without concern for the area where any of them lived. This might mean that a liberal in Florida sees their candidate win when they wouldn't have otherwise, but it would also mean the president and by extension his party has markedly less reason to care if a given policy disproportionately hurts Florida and by extension said liberal.
Whereas now, their is very little point to campaigning heavily outside of a swing state, other than for fundraising purposes.
That’s what Clinton thought.
In a national popular vote, every person's vote would count equally towards the outcome (of, you know, the national election), regardless of where they lived. Under the EC system, however small and swing state voters count more, and only the largest group of voters in any state decides their entire state's vote.
And rightly so, because otherwise those states would risk being marginalized in national elections to their long-term detriment
Your argument is that the states represent their constituents. Except under the EC system, they don't. They represent the largest group of voters in their state only.
They absolutely do represent their constituents. Including the ones who wanted to vote for the other guy. That’s how representative democracy works.
No, the will of the majority isn't everything, but again, their are other safeguards against its abuse, perhaps most notably the Constitution and judiciary. A democratic election is supposed to be a place where the largest number of voters carries the day.
No, a democratic election is supposed to represent the will of the country. It is not a given that raw numbers is the only, best or correct way to go about doing that.
If it doesn't do that, its not a democratic election.
It is totally a democratic election when the states elect a president based on who the majority of their respective populations voted for. If you thought otherwise you shouldn’t have taken part in it.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Flagg »

Ralin, do you find it acceptable that conservative voters have no say in the presidential election if they live in California, New York, or any other "reliably blue" state? Because I don't. I happen to think that everyone's vote should be counted equally (a shocking notion, to be sure) rather than letting nimrods in Florida and Ohio pick our President.
We pissing our pants yet?

You got your shittin' pants on? Because you’re about to
Shit. Your. Pants!

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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

Flagg wrote:Ralin, do you find it acceptable that conservative voters have no say in the presidential election if they live in California, New York, or any other "reliably blue" state? Because I don't.
No, I don't.

Which is why it's a good thing that they do have a say in the presidential election, through their state.
I happen to think that everyone's vote should be counted equally (a shocking notion, to be sure) rather than letting nimrods in Florida and Ohio pick our President.
Then push to change how your state handles their electoral votes.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Simon_Jester »

Ralin wrote:
Flagg wrote:Ralin, do you find it acceptable that conservative voters have no say in the presidential election if they live in California, New York, or any other "reliably blue" state? Because I don't.
No, I don't.

Which is why it's a good thing that they do have a say in the presidential election, through their state.
How can I be said to "have a say" in an election where it makes literally zero difference whether I show up at the polls or just stay home, because of how predictably outnumbered members of my party are in the state?

How is this different from saying that American colonists in 1775 had a say in the British government through a Parliament whose MPs they didn't get to vote for?
I happen to think that everyone's vote should be counted equally (a shocking notion, to be sure) rather than letting nimrods in Florida and Ohio pick our President.
Then push to change how your state handles their electoral votes.
Why shouldn't the question of how American citizens' votes are handled in a national election be decided at the national level?

Seriously, what is so sacred about the state legislatures that they should individually get to decide how their citizens' votes count in a federal election?
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

Simon_Jester wrote:How can I be said to "have a say" in an election where it makes literally zero difference whether I show up at the polls or just stay home, because of how predictably outnumbered members of my party are in the state?
About the same way that a Socialist or Green Party member can be said to 'have a say' in an election where their candidate's chances of winning are nil.
How is this different from saying that American colonists in 1775 had a say in the British government through a Parliament whose MPs they didn't get to vote for?
Uh, gee, for one thing the American colonists were living in a British colony and they tacitly accepted that arrangement when they became colonists and accepted large-scale British monetary and military support to build up and defend that colony. Why on earth should they have been entitled to turn around and demand a vote on who was elected to Parliament?
Why shouldn't the question of how American citizens' votes are handled in a national election be decided at the national level?
Because that's one of the powers state governments were given when the rules of the system were written and they can't and shouldn't be taken away without massive popular support. Which would of course be expressed on a state by state basis.
Seriously, what is so sacred about the state legislatures that they should individually get to decide how their citizens' votes count in a federal election?
They're closer and more responsive to the specific needs and desires of their citizens, is the theory.

If we were writing a new constitution from scratch I might not go with that arrangement, but procedural reform is never neutral and I do not see this form of democracy as being any less valid than a pure popular vote.
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Simon_Jester »

My troll alarm just rang at your second reply, so I'm going to try and bow out of this one.
This space dedicated to Vasily Arkhipov
Sith Marauder
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Re: Trump voter in shock as family get deported from Trump's executive orders

Post by Ralin »

Simon_Jester wrote:My troll alarm just rang at your second reply, so I'm going to try and bow out of this one.
You, uh, do realize the American revolution was pretty much not justified...right?

Also fuck you. I don't troll. Ever.
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