The "military analyst" scandal that was broken by the NYT a few weeks ago (i.e. - surprise surprise, all those "independent military analysts" paraded before audiences both before and during the Iraq War telling everyone how fantastic things were in cahoots with the Pentagon as part of a deliberate propaganda program - breaking numerous domestic propaganda laws) has been virtually ignored by the networks that paraded them before the public as "independent" experts.
Glenn Greenwald looks over the roughly 8,000 pages and audio tapes it was forced to provide to the NYT regarding its "military analyst" program.
Beyond the networks' keeping this scandal completely concealed from their viewers, The Politico story noted that only two network executives -- CNN's President Jim Walton and ABC's President David Westin (.pdf) -- even bothered to respond to the letters sent by Rep. Rosa DeLauro to all networks demanding answers with regard to their complicity in this program. When responding, the two executives -- exactly as Brian Williams was when he was finally forced by blog-inspired commenters to respond (on his blog, but not on NBC) -- were casually dismissive of the entire matter, insisting that they had done nothing wrong (other than CNN's acknowledgment that they failed to detect a conflict of interest with regard to a single military analyst they had used).
In a "trip report" he filed with his Pentagon handlers, CNN's Gen. Shepperd explicitly acknowledged both the blatantly propagandistic purpose of the trip, as well as the extremely limited and controlled scope of information to which he had access in a single-day trip (7434). Shepperd stated:
"Did we drink the 'Government Kool-Aid?' -- of course, and that was the purpose of the trip."
And so on.Shepperd's statement as to the purpose of the GITMO trip -- to have the pro-government analysts "drink the government Kool-Aid" -- was unquestionably accurate, as multiple Pentagon documents reflect. As but one example, a planning email from Pentagon official Dallas Lawrence, dated June 21, 2005, highlighted the importance of scheduling the Gitmo trip to ensure that The American Spectator's Jed Babbin could participate, noting (7486):
He is hosting a number of radio shows this summer. I would have to think he would have every member of Congress on to talk about their trip together -- a definite plus for us looking to expand the echo chamber.